Of Good and Evil: Deku vs Fall Romana

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Of Good and Evil: Deku vs Fall Romana

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Standard Match: Winner decided by pinfall, submission or ko

Deku gulped slgihtly as he stood at his spot in the guerilla position, nervously preparing for his next bout. Lately his nerves hadn’t been as much of an issue, but... when he got the word about who he’d be facing he couldn’t help it. Je had researched Fall and she was... brutal for lack of a better word. Like a comic villain having walked right out of a comic book ready to torment anyone she could. Breathing ojt shakily he adjusted his usual green outfit and ran a hand through his hair as he looked at the entrance ramp.
He honestly wasn’t sure about his chances in this bout at all, he was smaller and physically weaker than her, and younger so less experienced. Plus she had a serious mean streak gulping slightly he knew he couldn’t give in before the match even started, he had made a plan, he just needed to try and stick with it as best he possibly could. As his music kicked on he would put on the best smile he could as he ran out on the entrance ramp.

Running out he posed for the crowd as green and blue pyro went off around the ramp shooting straight into the air above his head. Breaking out into a run he would dash down the ramp, highfiving fans in the fromt row as he made his way to the ring. Leaping up he slid under the bottom ropes and popped to his feet posing once more for the crowd who cheered in response. Walking to his corner he leaned against it and tried to focus himself as he waited for Fall’s entrance.

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Re: Of Good and Evil: Deku vs Fall Romana

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Fall gave a bored sigh as she leaned back on the bench she was sitting it. On this particular night Fall was bored because she was paired against one Izuku Midoriya, going by Deku. Why she was matched up with him Fall had no idea. After All there was no way anyone believed she would lose to him. So what was the point of it. Not even bothering to further research her opponent. Though in that short time something that caught her eye, was Midoriya's hero mentality. Maybe that was something she could play with, hopefully Deku could provide some sort of match.

Not long after that Fall's music would start playing and she would come out. Fall walked down the ramp with a rather serious face. When in reality she was bored even before the match. It just so happened that her neutral face look intense. Nothing extra with this entrance, no lightshow, smoke or pyrotechnics. Many of the audience members not wanting to get Fall's attention and draw her ire.
Climbing the steps she would go in between the middle ropes and give Deku a death stare. Now Fall would look around at her surroundings. Taking a moment before she snapped and ignited fire from the ring posts. Surely scaring some in the audience considering how uneventful her entrance was. After the snap Fall's hand would transition into a fist with a flexed bicep. Likely showing her presence early on.

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Re: Of Good and Evil: Deku vs Fall Romana

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Deku watched in a analytical way as Fall came down to the ring, nerves building but he did his absolute to steel them as he watched the powerful woman descend. He knew well enough his odds of victory were slim, the people in the audience and online weren’t shy about sharing that as well. But at the same time he knew he couldn’t let himself get scared into fighting, otherwise he had already lost.

He just needed to keep his wits about him no matter how much she tried to intimidate him. ‘Speaking of intimidation...’ He thought to himself as the flames went off, despite the suddeness of it he retained his composure and met Fall’s evil gaze with a determined one of his own. Crouching slightly he said nothing, only preparing himself physically and mentally for the bell to ring to go on the attack. Determined to do his best.

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Re: Of Good and Evil: Deku vs Fall Romana

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As Fall entered the ring she noticed how Deku kept his composure. Putting a small smile on her face Oh how cute of you, standing all proud and strong Fall said crossing her arms. Analyzing Deku a bit further Fall realized that maybe this match wouldn't be that boring after all. The phrasing of this match was like the classic comic book story of good vs evil. Not that anyone would say that Fall was evil to her face, well most people. Taking a deep breath Well I sure hope you keep up that mental fortitude, that way it won't be all boring Fall said now turning her backs to Deku and using the ropes to stretch. All this and the bell would ring signaling the match.

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Re: Of Good and Evil: Deku vs Fall Romana

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As Fall entered the ring Deku gulped softly, then difference in size, mentality, and experience becoming all the more palpable now that the two were all but face to face. This went both ways as Fall was quick to point out this difference, telling him not to let things get too boring. Raising his fists higher Deku leveled a steely glare at her. ”I-I w-wont back down to you!” Deku said intensely as the bell rang, officially beginning the match. Immediately dashing forward across the mat he would jump up and twist his body midair, swinging his leg around to kick Fall square in the back while hopefully going past her to try and successfully do a hit and run attack on her!

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Re: Of Good and Evil: Deku vs Fall Romana

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Fall was quick to notice how nervous Deku was. If it wasn't evident in his body language it was surely noted when he was stammering on his words. How cute~ Fall said to Deku, hoping to get to him mentally. Whether it worked out or not was still to be seen but the bell had rang. Like a bullet Deku would run at Fall and aim to kick her in the back while getting behind her. Not for nothing Deku was much faster than Fall had anticipated. Urgh Fall grunted in pain from the kick, stumbling forward. Quickly turning around Fall would dash to Deku looking to close the gap quickly. If she could do this Fall would try to grab onto Deku's arm and throw him into the ropes. As Deku rebounded off of the ropes Fall would aim to get Deku with a superkick to the face!

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Re: Of Good and Evil: Deku vs Fall Romana

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Deku gulped slightly at Fall’s words but remained silent. He knew that someone like Fall only get more dangerous the more he spoke and gave her ammunition to use afainst him both verbally and mentally. So for now he had to stay quiet and just focus on dealing as much damage as possible. As such when he ran at her, he managed to land a solid kick to her back as he passed. Landing on his feet Deku turned only to be met with the sight of Fall upon him again! Eyes widening as his hand was grabbed and he was flung forward he turned instinctively and bounced off the ropes. Eyes locking once again on Fall he saw her positioning for a superkick and instinctively dropped down low into a baseball slide, attempting to take out Fall’s single standing leg to take her down to the mat!

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Re: Of Good and Evil: Deku vs Fall Romana

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Fall was looking to plant her foot into Deku's face. Seeing the size difference between the two, it was sure to do massive damage. But one thing Fall would learn was that Deku was much quicker than her. Imagine her surprise when Deku had dropped under the superkick. Leaving Fall wide open for whatever the small hero wanted. Shocked to say the least when Deku aimed to take Fall down, by aiming for her only standing leg. Wha- Fall let out as she was sweeped, landing on her back from the maneuver.

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Re: Of Good and Evil: Deku vs Fall Romana

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Deku released a shuddered breath of relief as he managed to deliver a solid kick right to his opponet’s knee, knocking her down to the mat. That was good, he managed to surprise the woman with speed and technical skill, all he had to do was keep up the pressure. Popping up to his feet after the sweep kick he turned and ran at the ropes, rebounding off them and back at Fall as be leapt up, attempting to come down with a double stomp on Fall’s chest!

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Re: Of Good and Evil: Deku vs Fall Romana

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Fall was taken aback by Deku's speed and technical skill, she surely didn't see any of his moves coming. Most likely coming from hubris, a mistake she would have to rectify soon enough. Otherwise Deku would be leaving with a big victory on his hands. Like anyone else in his position, Deku looked to keep the pressure going. So his next move was to do a double stomp on Fall's chest.

Not wanting to get stomped out at all, Fall would roll out of the way. Allowing Deku to stomp on nothing but the mat. Fall taking a page from Deku's book would aim to kick the back of his knee. If this work, Fall would spring herself upwards and hook her arm around Deku's head. Now looking to lean back and drop the young wrestler in a reverse ddt.

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