Karen S. Vs. Aesira R. - Size Mismanagement

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The Ominous Future
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Karen S. Vs. Aesira R. - Size Mismanagement

Unread post by Devilish53 »


Standard Match
Amazon Classic Match
Open Challenge - Karen's Opponent Is Initially Unknown To Her
Victory by pinfall, KO, Submission Or DQ

Standing dead centre of the ring, Karen Starring would have plenty of time to ponder the success of her amazon classic series thus far. And whilst it hadn't perhaps obtained mass numbers in terms of matches (yet) Karen was indeed satisfied with her progress thus far. For regardless of wins and losses, Karen was putting on a spectacle. Something she couldn't have imagined caring for this time last year!
With her arms crossed beneath her massive bosom and the crowd slowly turning silent, all eyes were to the ramp as the lights began to dim. As opposed to previous challenges where Karen was near enough joined by her opponent near instantly, tonight's foe had something of a long delay after Karen made her entrance. Whether it was to add tension to the drama or perhaps a mismanagement of time backstage remained to be seen. Regardless, anticipation was at an all time high, as Karen's would-be foe was cued for her entrance...
Last edited by Devilish53 on Wed Jul 14, 2021 8:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Karen S. Vs. ??? - Size Mismanagement

Unread post by Aeri »

And today she seemed to be getting a rather interesting mismatch. Someone who towered over her and someone who was a fair bit lighter than her too..!

Blue smoke burst out of the ramp, swamping the arena with a hushed murmur. Finally, it seemed like her opponent had made her entrance, as the crowd began to spectate on who it could be..? A horned figure could be made out in the shadows, as Aesira walked out of the cloud of smoke, her arms raised sky high as she’d wave to the crowd, cheering loudly!

The german wrestler leapt up into the ring, lifting up the ropes and clambering inside, her eyes setting on Karen. She’d tilt her head, she had heard about her.. mainly in a surprising number of Karen jokes, but she couldn’t be.. that bad.


Aesira stared up at her foe, before assessing her. Karen did seem to have muscle packed on her to back her up, as fitting of a heavyweight..!

“Hii, Kare-y..! You ready to be pounded into the ground..?”

Already establishing a nickname, and oh so informal of a tone. It could be appealing to some people, but it could also be deemed as rather rude.
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Re: Karen S. Vs. Aesira R. - Size Mismanagement

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Karen raised an eyebrow the moment her would-be opponent made her entrance. Admittedly, she was close to forming a smile. At last, a foe she hadn't met before!

Standing back with her rear side to the ropes as this taller figure made her entrance to the ring, Karen was already making note of her form. For all her height, the colourfully haired beauty was neither overbearing with muscle nor thickness. She had a hefty bosom, and from the looks of things a wide rear, but Karen didn't imagine it would exactly acquire a lot of strength to heave this taller gal around. And heave her she would, all in the efforts of adding another strong win to her Amazon Classic.

"Kare...what?" Karen snuffed back, unimpressed with this taller gals apparent efforts to get a reaction from her. Regardless of her intentions, a quick nod to the referee from Karen would see the match soon begin. And with it, Karen damn near stomped forward. With full intention on showing Aesira that the bigger they were the harder they fell - as her hands shot up to hers, in an attempt to start a clinch/test of strength she'd undoubtedly ragdoll her in!

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Re: Karen S. Vs. Aesira R. - Size Mismanagement

Unread post by Aeri »

“Little Kare-y, of course! Or Kare-bear, like the show!!”

Karen and Aesira, were both around the same weight, Karen being about ten or so pounds heavier, just sliding into heavyweight class, while Aesira being on the lower end of middle. She did tower over her foe however, at a imposing 6’3, Karen reaching up to just around her bust or slightly above. The white haired woman absolutely adored teasing her opponents, and Karen seemed to be a perfect target!

Aesira softly placed a hand to her waist. The bell ringing, the match beginning and Karen would take no hesitation, pouncing like a tiger upon its prey.. but only this time, she would find she could have bitten off a bit too much to chew..! Her palms clasped and began shoving against Karen’s strength! For a bit, they were at a stalemate! But as Aesira would find, Karen was no slouch, pushing Aesira back a couple of steps..!

Not if she could help it. Aesira played by her instinct in her matches, so suddenly she spread her arms, bringing Karen in close to ram her head into Karen’s for a devastating headbutt! If landed correctly, she’d tighten her grip on Karen’s hand, crushing her palm in a rather nasty hold, before Aesira would lift her leg up and SLAM it right into her stomach with a powerful blow intent on making her opponent kneel!
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Re: Karen S. Vs. Aesira R. - Size Mismanagement

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Powering into the taller gal, Karen would have taken things to the ground straight away if Aesira collapsed. Or rather when she collapsed - such was the amazons confidence.

But heaving into the crafty newcomer turned out to be the mistake of the day, as Aesira showed no desire to simply stand and be overpowered. Nay, she soon threw her head down and forward into the smaller amazons own, to ring her bell with a headbutt!

Grip loosening instantly as she roared out, Karen was only allowed to step back briefly before her taller foe opted to put those long legs to use. Struck in her solid core, Karen buckled if but slightly with her body outright teetering forward. Though to her foes chagrin, she wouldn't be kneeling just yet.

And perhaps worse, she wouldn't be simply taking those blows!

With adrenaline from the impact fuelling her, Karen didn't waste any time in taking advantage of her position. Shooting forward she'd wrap her arms tight around the thick thighs of her taller foe, before heaving her up and over!

With full intent of making Aesira near enough roll down her back, before Karen fell to her rear alongside her. To damn near try and strangle this giant the moment she could get her hands to her!

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Re: Karen S. Vs. Aesira R. - Size Mismanagement

Unread post by Aeri »

“Wow.. you’re loud, Kare-bear..!”

Hearing Karen roar, Aesira giggled just a bit. She’d not peg her for a squealer.. or in this case, a screamer, but she was pleasantly surprised of the results she was getting from her boot and fist! Narrowing her eyes..

.. she’d suddenly feel Karen lunge. Her foes muscular arms wrapped around her own thighs, a slight gasp escaping her as she realised.. Karen wasn’t one to be underestimated. She’d be lifted up and flipped onto her back with a THUD, her eyes widening with a slight cough escaping her delicate lips! Karen wasn’t done yet, as she came after Aesira with the fury of a woman wronged, lunging for her throat!

But.. Aesira lifted up her thigh, digging her knee into Karen when she attempted to straddle her, reaching out her own arms! While Aesira WAS disoriented, she’d quickly grasp her foes own head and pull her down, aiming to smash her face right into the canvas with the full force of her own bulging muscles!

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Re: Karen S. Vs. Aesira R. - Size Mismanagement

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Neither woman seemed to back down, with the audience roaring at what was the apparent expected outcome of Karen's Amazon Classic Challenges being accepted. Where as many open challenges would be spent with the opening moments involving both women taking their time, to figure one another out, neither Karen nor Aesira seemed intent on taking the slow roar. Aesira seemingly wanted to knock the amazon off quickly, and Karen had no issue showing her what an impossible task such would be, in a fast manner too of course!

Hands to the throat of Aesira, Karen could but snarl as that thick thigh came across her waistline. Straddled by the taller gal with her head soon grabbed, nothing was stopping Aesira from damn near forcing a hole into the canvas with Karen's head. Needless to say, Karen's hands slipped from that next instantly, as she let loose a guttural cry with her teeth all on show!

But with zero desire to slow down and let the match fall into her foes favour, Karen was quick to bite through the pain. And raise her hands once more, this time to her foes thick waistline, if only to grip it prior to a strong attempt at heaving her sideways.

In an effort to get atop of her instead of vice-versa!

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Re: Karen S. Vs. Aesira R. - Size Mismanagement

Unread post by Aeri »

Clasping her dangerous foes head, Aesira slammed her down into the canvas, the impact sure to dizzy Karen! But to the horned woman’s surprise.. she didn’t seem that hurt! Sure she was loud, but.. Karen powered through and grasped her waist! A slight cry of pain erupted from her lips as she’d grunt, staggering in her attack for a bit! Unwilling to let Karen top her, she’d struggle against her whims for a while..

Both strong willed women were fighting like animals in the canvas, the only difference being that Karen’s face was locked in a grimace and Aesira.. was still smiling, almost maniacally. She’d wrap her arms around Karen’s frame.. but suddenly, with a rough thrust from her foe, she was slammed down onto her back with Karen on top of her!

“D-damn..! Get.. off, Kare-y!!”

Still with the nickname, she’d be quick to react.. before driving her clenched fist right into Karen’s well muscled torso, hoping to deter her from straddling this particularly beast of a woman!
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Re: Karen S. Vs. Aesira R. - Size Mismanagement

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Aesira was damn strong, and her punch rocked Karen hard right in her tough core. But more would be needed for a woman of that calibre, not to mention the fact that Aesira wouldn't be throwing any match-ending hooks from the bottom posture. She needed the top spot, which was what Karen had!

"SHUT...YOUR...HOLE!" Roars released in tandem with strikes, as Karen looked to not only power through the desire to wince from Aesira's shot, but hit back with her own! Three hard hooks, right at the top half of the taller gal - with her last shot being aimed square at Aesira's cheek! Karen was eager to see how confident she'd be when Karen had ruined her good looks!

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Re: Karen S. Vs. Aesira R. - Size Mismanagement

Unread post by Aeri »

While Aesira’s blow has rung true, it wasn’t enough to get Karen out of striking zone. And Karen.. for once, had managed to do what many couldn’t do without plugging her mouth literally.. make Aesira shut up for once.

Three strikingly powerful blows slammed into her maw, causing her to wince in pain, her whole body tensing up from the blow smashing down to her face. The first caused her to shudder a bit, her head slamming against the canvas. The second blow caused her body to jolt up, a small groan escaping her lips. The third.. caused her head to roll to the side, a bit out of focus. She’d softly cough, her face definitely going to bruise from that. She’d lift up a hand weakly, gritting her teeth..

“.. stop.. that.. please..?”
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