Karbon Vs. Rise! A squash of an intergender match?

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Karbon Vs. Rise! A squash of an intergender match?

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A new day has dawned in L.A.W. and Karbon had another match tonight. Getting to the arena, he would look at the piece of paper tacked up against the wall and scanned it for his name, "Karbon... Karbon...Ah! Here I am." He said before looking over to the right to see who his opponent will be, "Rise Kujikawa, never heard of her before." Karbon muttered to himself. He then started to scan through the win loss records and found his opponent's name and her record, "0 and 7!?" Karbon almost shouted out with glee after reading this, "This is going to be an easy win for sure!!!" A huge smile appeared on his face and started rushing for the men's locker room to change and get ready.

After he got his ring gear on and prepped himself accordingly, Karbon waited backstage behind the curtain for his music to hit. The lights all turned off and the arena was plunged into darkness. The small sounds of bells then started to ring out and the crowd instantly knew who was coming out. Sure, they loved his theme song and theatrics, but they still hated him with a mixture of cheers and boos raining down. Once the guitars kicked in and the drums, Karbon ran out onto the ramp as the lights strobed in time with the beat. He rushed down to the middle of the ring and got into his famous position of one knee down on the ground looking up at the ceiling when a dark red spotlight shown upon him screaming, "NNNNNNIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHTTTTTTTMMMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEE!!!"
Avenged Sevenfold - Nightmare
The lights then came back on and Karbon got back up and started to shuffle around a bit, waiting for his opponent to make her entrance.
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Re: Karbon Vs. Rise! A squash of an intergender match?

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After Karbon's dramatic entrance Rise would be stood backstage getting ready for her own entrance. She was fairly nervous at the prospect of her third intergender match in LAW, as the first two hadn't exactly been successful ventures for her. But that was the old Rise, and this was the idol's chance to get off to a fresh start and prove her worth! So even though the prospect of fighting a man slightly intimidated her she was still optimistic about her chances! Besides, she'd taken the liberty of checking out her opponent for the night and from what she could tell this Karbon Mannering didn't have much in the way of in-ring success either. As far as Rise was concerned she was fighting someone at the same level as her, which meant that if she was smart and lucky enough she could overcome the man and come out on top.

She wouldn't have long to speculate though as her entrance music would soon play, indicating it was time for her to make her entrance. With a beaming smile on her face Rise would rush out of the gorilla position and would be met with a chorus of cheers from her adoring fans. Although she had lost some fans with her decision to quit as an idol she still had a solid fan-base in LAW who came to cheer for her, though it probably didn't hurt that she was the far more well liked competitor tonight given how much they seemed to hate Karbon. Whatever the reason Rise would meet her cheers with enthusiastic waving and blowing kisses as she made her way down to the ring.

Eventually she would enter the ring and finally come face to face with Karbon, the first thing she noticed was that up close the man was quite handsome, which never hurt. Even so she wasn't here to flirt, and unlike her old self Rise didn't have to pretend she was, although she saw no harm in a little light conversation before the match started "Hey there, Karbon, right? You ready to go give these folks a show?" she would ask with a playfully competitive tone to her voice, wanting to gauge his personality from his response to the question.
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Re: Karbon Vs. Rise! A squash of an intergender match?

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Not having to wait long, Karbon would hear Rise's music hit and watched as she burst through the curtain to a roaring applause by the crowd. A scowl would appear on his face for this, but he would quickly brush it off so not to tip off to the audience on how much he let their cheers or boos affect him. If there was such a thing as a ball of energy in a human form, Rise would fit that bill to a tee. Bouncing around from side to side, waving her arms and blowing kisses to the crowd was making Karbon tired just looking at her.

With all of her crowd pleasing antics done, she finally made her way into the ring and got face to face with him. She was definitely cute and pretty, no doubt, but he couldn't let that affect his wrestling performance against her. If he got caught up in her beauty, she might use it against him like the other ladies have around here. A sly smile would appear on his lips when she spoke to him and he would say back to her in return, "Oh trust me, the crowd will get a show all right. A one sided show where you will be face down and ass up on the mat!" People in the front row were able to hear his comment towards her and began to boo louder.

"Don't worry though, if you just surrender now, I promise it will save you from a lot of embarrassment." His piercing red eyes would stare right into hers and then Karbon would crack his knuckles for a more intimidating effect. "But who knows, maybe being humiliated by a man is what you're actually into, judging by your record here and all." His head would tilt back a bit and then laugh at his own joke towards her.

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Re: Karbon Vs. Rise! A squash of an intergender match?

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When Rise struck up a pre-match conversation with Karbon to get an idea of his attitude she would quickly be given a good idea of his attitude as the man replied with a hostile tone, declaring that the match would end with his one-sided victory before glaring at her and cracking his knuckles. Despite her best efforts she couldn't help but shudder at the sight, no matter how many times it happened the idol still wasn't terribly comfortable being stuck in a ring with someone who wanted to hurt her, especially given that her opponent was a man "Y-yeah!?! Well I'm turning my record around, so the only one who's gonna be humiliated is you!" Rise declared, though her attempts at acting tough were somewhat stumped by her very obvious nervousness.

However this interaction ended the bell would soon ring to signal the start of the match. Rise would start approaching Karbon with his arms raised, though given how cautious her advance was Karbon would likely be the one to get the first move in.
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Re: Karbon Vs. Rise! A squash of an intergender match?

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It was cute to see her try to act tough, but this pipsqueak of a girl really wasn't being too convincing about it, "Oh is that right? You got about a snowball's chance in Hell on beating me." Karbon would say with confidence. The knight's body language didn't shift at all, in fact, he rolled his shoulders forward a bit more just to see how much of a shadow he could cast onto her body. As things were getting heated, the bell finally rung to signal the match to begin. Karbon would watch to see if she was going to make the first move or not.

Karbon saw her raise her hands upwards and began to move forward towards him, "Well, you have guts I can give you that much." He said, but for the guts that she had, she was clearly lacking in experience. With her arms raised like that, she left the middle of her body wide open and Karbon decided to attack that first. Lowering his body, the knight would then spring up from his feet and ram his shoulder right into her stomach. Lifting her skywards, Karbon would wrap his arms around her back, spin her around 180 degrees, and then slam her down on the mat with a huge spinebuster!

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Re: Karbon Vs. Rise! A squash of an intergender match?

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Normally when the bell rung Rise would dash out of the corner to start things off with some kind of flashy running strike, an opening gambit that almost never worked out for the Idol, so this time she would cautiously creep out of the corner with her arms raised. For once the Idol was proving she could learn from her mistakes! Sadly caution was not the solution here and her inaction would only spur her male opponent on, slipping under Rise's guard and smashing her in the stomach with his shoulder "Ooough!"

Rise felt the air forced from her lungs as Karbon flattened her abs with his shoulder, but even so the knight was not finished with her as he lifted her up and secured a grip around her back. At this moment Rise realised with widened eyes that the man likely intended to bring her down for a harsh slam "W-wait a sec!" Despite her plea Karbon would send her crashing down on the mat for a spinebuster "Guaaaaaaaaah!!!!" Pain shot up the girl's spine as she arched her back in pain, mouth gaping open in a silent scream as she suffered the after effects of Karbon's devastating move, and with how slow she was to recover it was likely she would not stop the second.
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Re: Karbon Vs. Rise! A squash of an intergender match?

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Boom! The mat would shake from the impact of Karbon slamming Rise down hard on top of it. The roar of the crowd would come alive as the match started on a quick note, but some of Rise's fans were quick to boo the man for hurting their sweet girl. The cry of Rise would echo in Karbon's ear as he relished in the fact of her cute voice ringing out as such, "Oh this is going to be too much fun!" Karbon said to his down opponent. Noticing though that she wasn't moving much, Karbon had no problem to follow up with another move.

Now don't move now, I promise to try and make this as quick as possible... But not as painless." A wicked smile crept on his lips as he took one of her legs and lifted it up into the air. The knight would then start to turn her over and bend her leg backwards while lowering himself onto the small of her back and sit down, "Nice and comfy now" he would said as he wrenched back her leg to complete the One Legged Boston Crab!

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Re: Karbon Vs. Rise! A squash of an intergender match?

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As Rise writhed on the mat following Karbon's impactful slam she was starting to see why it was called a "spinebuster" as pain flared in her back, leaving her crying out in pain as the the crowd both cheered for the action they were seeing and booed Karbon for hurting Rise, though Karbon seemed not to care at all for how they felt. Because if it truly bothered him he would not have rolled her onto her front and sat on her to lock in an agonizing One-legged Boston Crab "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! That huuuuuurtsss!!!" Rise cried out as her already hurt spine was wrenched on in the hold, made especially worse given that the wrenching was focused on one leg in particular.

If Rise was to be honest a small part of her wanted to tap already as that was the quickest and easiest way to make the pain stop, but she knew that if she gave in to the desire to take the easy way out that she'd never change her ways and become a real wrestler! That was why she would instead look to make use of the one weapon that Karbon had left her with; her other leg that wasn't being bent in the Boston Crab. While this was a rather awkward position for most to throw an attack from Rise was a trained dancer, which made her quite flexible and gave her the ability to throw out a kick at Karbon's chest even while locked in this hold!

Her goal was to either throw him off of her with the kick or force him to leave of his own volition to avoid further punishment, and if one wasn't enough then she would throw the kick multiple times; it wasn't as if he could really avoid it while keeping the hold locked in after all "Get offffffff!!!!"
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Re: Karbon Vs. Rise! A squash of an intergender match?

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With Rise's body being as small as it was, Karbon found it easy to bend her leg backwards. Not only that, but she seemed to be incredibly flexible too. "I have to give you some credit! It's not every day I get to bend someone into a pretzel and with you being so limber, it just makes my job that much easier." Karbon would say with a bit of a snicker. Although, while he was basking in his glory of executing his move, he wasn't paying attention to Rise's other leg. Out of nowhere, a sense of pain and a sudden thudding sound would appear before Karbon's senses. Rise's foot would make contact hard and was enough for him to break his hold.

"Gah! You little..." The knight would curse at her for striking him like this. Rolling away from her body though, Karbon would use the ropes to get back to his feet as easily as possible. "You're going to pay for that!" Karbon barked at her from across the ring. The referee though would make sure to check on Rise to see if she was still able to go. After he checked her though, it was clear that Rise wasn't going to be giving up. The knight couldn't wait for her to get back up as he wanted to continue this battle.

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Re: Karbon Vs. Rise! A squash of an intergender match?

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If a more skilled wrestler had been watching this bout they likely would have raised an eyebrow at Rise's rather simplistic method of trying to escape Karbon's hold, choosing to just club him in the chest with her foot rather than crawling for the ropes or reversing the hold. On the other hand it worked, likely just because Karbon was surprised but Rise would take it. Even so Rise wouldn't get back to her feet straight away, the damage from Karbon's opening onslaught hadn't exactly gone away after all, leaving Rise to clutch at the leg that had been wrenched on in the hold as the referee asked if she was good to keep going "I am, I am!" she would snap back stubbornly.

After taking a moment to rest Rise would clamber up to her feet and face Karbon once again. Her leg was still throbbing painfully but she had to fight through it if she wanted to stand any chance of defeating the man. That was why she would suddenly spring forward at Karbon, having learned the hard way that caution would work against her so she would instead opt to take the initiative with a swift dash! Once she was almost within arms reach of the man Rise would leap up while swivelling her hips around so that she could take Karbon off guard with a sudden Hip Attack to the face "Ha-chaaa!"
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