PPV Posters:

Discuss/pitch ideas related to LAW
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PPV Posters:

Unread post by xalex »

So me again with something for the PPV again. But this time it is something I offere something for everyone. I would like to make Posters for the PPV matches using Daz studio. Simular to normal wrestling posters for PPVs I would make the modles in daz and render the pictures and add a tagline/ and background.
My basic idea for these posters would be the two girls(if a single match) in the front, a photoshopped background of a arena or beach in the background and a sign down at the bottom saying who vs who and what kind of match maybe….
I talked to winner and he is totally fine with that idea 😊
SO if any of you have a match on the PPV and want a poster like that for your match, talk to your partner about it and when the partner is okay with that come to me here or on discord and we can set everything up. (maybe when you come to me already know what kind of outfit your girl should have in the poster and what pose)

Some past pictures of posters I did : I never did match posters with Daz before but I did with Paint.net for the old PPVs so that might be something new

So yeah would be really happy to get a lot of feedback from that and get the chance to do a few posters 😊 (I won´t charge anyone anything for this but if you want to support me and the art I am making follow my devianart^^)

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Re: PPV Posters:

Unread post by xalex »

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Re: PPV Posters:

Unread post by SimplePride »

Well, I do have a character in the fight, though I don't have an opponent as of yet...

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SimplePride #4919

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