#CowboySupremacy! (Amano vs. Eirina)

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Re: #CowboySupremacy! (Amano vs. Eirina)

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"Aah!" Ushioni's toes curled at the next spanking, her body jolting from the impact. Eirina still had no intention of giving mercy. At least, not without submission. All the cow demon had to do was reject her previous statements and she might leave the ring with her dignity intact. "Ooooh..." And the light strokes on her butt soothing all the stinging smacks was making it a tempting offer. In the end, her vendetta with cowboys was more a minor opinion of aesthetic. She didn't completely hate the idea...


"Never!" She narrowed her teary eyes Eirina's way, baring her teeth. "Do your worst, you stupid cowgirl! I'll never take it back because I'm right!" She refused to give Eirina the satisfaction of seeing her weak. If Ushioni was going out, she'd go out like the raging bull she was and not the whimpering cow this damn rancher was trying to turn her into!

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Re: #CowboySupremacy! (Amano vs. Eirina)

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Hearing Ushioni's retort, Eirina grinned. Not at the defiance, but at the prospect of teaching her opponent a lesson that she wouldn't forget due to her own defiance. Shaking her head as if in disapproval, Eirina would force Ushioni up, not finishing the hogtie but still having her feet all bound up. "I see... so you're not gonna change your mind, then?"

Eirina's blue eyes glinted dangerously as she would hold onto Ushioni's body. "Fine by me! I could use your body as a training dummy, then!" She would lift Ushioni's much lighter body up, having her face upwards. Then, she would prop up her knee, looking to bring her opponent's body down onto it again, but instead of a gutbuster, she would hit her with a backbreaker, targeting her spine!

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Re: #CowboySupremacy! (Amano vs. Eirina)

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There was little Ushioni could do now save for meeting Eirina's gleeful gaze as she lifted the demon up. But despite her tough front... she felt shivers of fear when looking at the sadistic gleam of Eirina's eyes. It wasn't just the excitement of sinking in a victory Ushioni saw. No, it was a utter glee of a predator about to play with her food before sinking her teeth into the meal. And as the Doctor rose Amano higher, propping her out again the cow little out a small whimper, unable to hold back her flinching. She expected another gutbuster, something to absolutely turn her stomach to dust as if Kyoko Akan herself had done the deed-

"Gyaaaaaah!" Only to be hit with a backbreaker instead, Ushioni's spine folding over as the pain exploded through her body. There was no bracing for the move, she couldn't move her legs and barely move her arms to recoil, forced to take the full brunt of Eirina's vicious slam. "A-Aaah..." It hurt... so much. It was hard to fight back further tears. "Noooo..."

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Re: #CowboySupremacy! (Amano vs. Eirina)

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Hitting Ushioni with the backbreaker, Eirina would have her opponent's body draped over her knee for a while before she pushed her off her knee, letting her drop onto the mat. She could see how painful it was, as evidenced by the expression Ushioni was showing, and the Frau Doktor felt a little bad. She honestly didn't have much beef with her other than their disagreement regarding cowboys. When she thought about it, the whole argument felt a little silly, though she still had to stand her ground and make the girl learn of her own folly.

"How about now, Ushioni-chan? Maybe it's about time you change your mind now." Eirina told Ushioni, sounding more earnest this time. "I really like you, you know? And I hate doing this to you." Well, not that she actually hated doing this, but she was telling the truth when she said that she really liked Ushioni, or rather Amano. "Just say it, and I'll go gentle with you." She waited for Ushioni's response. If she remained stubborn, then she would need to be taught more lessons.

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Re: #CowboySupremacy! (Amano vs. Eirina)

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Ushioni flopped to the canvas with little grace, left a gasping mess after the backbreaker. "A-Aah..." She could barely speak, barely even move with her legs tied together. The most she could make out was white noise as the pain still racked her body and spine. All Ushioni could focus on was breathing as her body and mind slowly came out of their pain-ladled state. It hurts... It was the first thing her mind could focus on as the white noise faded. Freaking... hurts... Ushioni had been in some hard-hitting matches, but this was a whole different level. Power moves were a completely different world of pain compare to the slams and punches of her fellow lightweights. It never came... this hard. Not all at once.

And just as the world finally started to fade back in she saw Eirina... Who... seemed genuine in her request this time around.

"... ... ..." Ushioni's breathing slowed down, the gasping turning to normal breaths. She couldn't take another one of those moves without blacking out, she knew that much. Her body was at its limits and in her current state she could only keep taking hits until she really did blackout. And... she knew damn well Eirina was only offering mercy out of obligation at this point. It was clear the cowgirl could keep tenderizing the cow until Ushioni was completely grounded. "... ... ..."

"O... kay..." She croaked it out more than anything. All the hits taken and all the screaming she had done had her voice raspy and cracking. "C-Cowboys.. aren't... bad..."

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Re: #CowboySupremacy! (Amano vs. Eirina)

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Hearing those words from Ushioni, Eirina smiled brightly as she nodded. "There we go. That wasn't so hard, right?" She gave Ushioni a small kiss right on the side of her head. "Okay, now it's time to finish this. Don't move, 'kay?" She winked at Ushioni before she moved to finish what she had started. She would make sure that Ushioni was on her belly as she would secure her arms. Then, she would begin tying her limbs in a hogtie.

Eirina was pretty skilled with tying up someone in a hogtie, with her having quite an intimate knowledge in BDSM. Soon enough, Ushioni would find herself tied up in the hogtie, with all her limbs bent backwards. The position would be pretty uncomfortable for her, but at least it was miles better than whatever she had taken earlier.

Seeing that Eirina had completed the hogtie, the referee would come over and check on Ushioni to see if the hogtie was properly secured. After a brief check, the referee nodded before she called for the bell, ending the match with Frau Doktor Eirina Makishima's win. Straightening herself up, Eirina would let the referee raise her arm as she was declared the victor of this match.

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Re: #CowboySupremacy! (Amano vs. Eirina)

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"Hnnm..." Ushioni soured at the kiss, her face blushing as she looked away. It felt like a weak consolation for all the pain she endured, but she couldn't fight against. She was both physically and mentally drained, the most she could manage was an annoyed and disgruntled groan at both the kiss and the future tying Eirina took. But true to Eirina's words, she was no longer aggressive in her methods.

It was... almost an art to how fast and easily Eirina worked. True to a hentai expert, tying up an opponent was quick work. It was a bit of a rough position. Her legs and arms propped up and forced together in a tight know, her body exposed and completely helpless. She could do little to escape, little to even squirm and struggle after the knots were all in place. And the referee made sure to check, waiting until the cow had finally stopped the wriggling before letting out a long, pained groan as she was forced to accept her fate.


And with the wild cow tamed, the bell rang out, announcing the cowgirl's victory.

Eirina Wins via Hogtie

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