Training Daze (For Winner3)

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Training Daze (For Winner3)

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Alizeh smiled happily as she entered the LAW gym filled to the brim with various wrestlers and trainers, working out and building a sweat. ‘Mhmmmm.’ Alizeh thought to herself as she surveyed the various levels of fitness among thosenworking out. After all, Alizeh was a girl that lived in the moment, and one that could appreciate very nice signts in said moment.

But she didn’t want to be THAT kinda oerson at the gym, nor did she wanna be a creep so after a brief moment she began to head over towards a open area. Wearing a pair of tight grey and green trimmed sport shorts that went to her mid thighs, along with a matching gray and green sports bra with a pair of orange and white sneakers and black fingerless glvoes, Alizeh certainly one not worried about putting her own body on display. After all in her mind, if you had a toned and sculpted body, why not show it off a bit?

In any case she found a nice area with some dumb bells. Bending down she grabbed two and stood up, starting to do some light reps with them to start her work out nice and easy. While doing so she scanned around the room. This time rather than.. appreciating the sights she was keeping an eye out in case she saw anyone having trouble or in need of a gym buddy.

Despite being a ‘regular’ wrestler, Alizeh certainly knew her stuff in the ring and training for it. So at times like this she tried to keep an eye out for anyone less experienced that seemed to be having trouble so she could help them out. Granted that was technically a job for trainers, but their was nothing saying Alizeh couldn’t help out if it came up. But she also kept herself open in case anyone approached her, cause efen if she was more than capable of working out by herself she also loved to do so with someone else, regardless of their skill level!

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Re: Training Daze (For Winner3)

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Keeping an eye out for the less experienced and providing the seldom tip or practice spar here and there was certainly very common among the more outgoing and seasoned wrestlers in the company. Of course, there were also dedicated employees for this: coaches and trainers. And working her usual shift today during Alizeh"d workout session was one of LAW's first coaches: Ursula Burns.
Ursula Burns

Ursula had been working since early morning. Her tall, defined, brawny frame glistened as the gym lights bounced off the beads of sweat dripping down her face and neck. Burns had made it a habit to stay in tip-top shape while making sure her trainees did the same. She had developed something of a reputation for being a gentle personality, but a demanding trainer. One look at her would clue even laymen into the fact that she was one of, if not the strongest women physically in LAW. So much so that in her few excursions in matches, management offered her a contract as a trainer rather than a regular performer. The woman remained undefeated in the ring, wrestling part-time whilst dedicating her time to coaching LAW wrestlers, mainly to help them get stronger.

Ursula emerged from the locker room after toweling off from a workout. She wore a rather thin crop top and short shorts. Her impressive frame was practically visible for all to see. With a combination of beauty and brawn, she turned heads as she walked throughout the area, helping some women at the front desk before making her way towards the weights and treadmills.

"Good form! Keep it up." She said whilst giving a thumbs up to a wrestler doing dumbbell presses on the bench.

"Two minutes left? Don't forget to cool down." Burns noted as she passed another girl that was crushing it on the treadmill. She noted that the girl had two minutes left in her cardio routine.

"And you...." Ursula said, coming up behind a green-haired busybody. Her form towered over Alizeh's. She'd place both hands on the middleweight girl's shoulders. Her grip was no doubt at least somewhat imposing.

"Sorry to interrupt your set. I caught a glimpse of you checking out some of these hardworking girls ladies. On the machines, the free weights, the practice ring. Whaddya say we put in that same energy into killing these sets and these spars so you can check yourself out in the mirror as hard as you're checking them out." Burns would smile.

"Ursula Burns. LAW Trainer." She'd say, introducing herself while extending her hand for a handshake.
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Re: Training Daze (For Winner3)

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Alizeh continued lofting weights, working up a sweat as her muscles bulged and flexed with each rep. All while she... ‘inspected’ the various other guys and girls around in a similar state as herself. Trying to see if anyone needed help or a training partner. Especially a training partner. Alizeh always itched for a good fight when she got her blood heated up, so she was no stranger to making friends in the gym just to have a spar.

”Oof.” She let out involuntarily as a heavy pair of hands fell upon her shoulders bearing down surprsing weight on her frame. Looking over her shoulder Alizeh’s vision was met with the impressive drink of water behind her. Tall, shining white hair, crystal blue eyes, all wrapped up in a revealing gym outfit that showed off the impressively crafted muscular build of the woman.

Alizhe had no idea who this woman was but she knew she HAD to face her. Grinning at the woman as she talked, Alizhe couldn’t help but like the attitude and energy conveyed by her, in spite of being called out by the woman. But she could tell the woman didn’t mean anything by it. Upon jer introducing herself though Alizeh’s eyes lit up as she set the weights down.

Reaching up she clasped hands with the now named Ursula Burns. “Alizeh Midori nice to meet ya!” Alizeh said with a smile as she shook the woman’s hand in a firm handshake before grinning. ”Hehe sounds perfect I was just getting my workout started.” She said gesturing down to the weights she had been using before looking up into the eyes of the woman before her. “Some help in bulking up would certainly be appreciated. I’m trying to get more capable ar power moves so all the help I can get is appreciated.” She explained with a smile while pulling her hand back and resting it on her hips with a smile as she waited for a response.

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Re: Training Daze (For Winner3)

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"Alizeh Midori! I've heard of you." Ursula said as she brought her thumb and index finger up to her chin. Her free hand rested on her own defined hip. Her demeanor and attitude boisterous and friendly. Her form towering over Alizeh's own.

"Yeah, you're one of those up and comers tearing it up! I gotta give you kudos for knowing what to improve upon. As a trainer, I spend a good amount of time watching the tapes. Helping people prep for big matches, analyzing wrestlers, and the like. You know your way around a submission hold or three. I've watched you tap a few ladies out. You seem to really enjoy doing that. But I can't remember the last time I saw you out-muscle a girl." Burns would take a moment to spread her stance and lift both her arms. She flexed her wicked biceps and put on a gun show right then and there in front of Midori!

"And if you were looking to get jacked, to throw girls around, to get your power move game to the next level, I don't like to toot my own horn, but I don't think you could do better than Ursula Burns if we're talking the power department!" The tall, dark, buff babe paused for a moment to let Alizeh react before she continued. Ursula would squat down to pick up the weights that Alizeh had put down. She moved them and racked them back in a quick, fluid motion, making it seem completely effortless to move them. Ursula would then make eye contact with Alizeh once again.

"I've got you. I can't promise you that it'll be easy. But if you stick with me, I can promise you that you'll be rocking enough bulk to outshine any wholesale store, if you know what I mean. I'll even give you a trial run if you'd like! We can work out together or spar and I'll critique you all the while if you're up to it. Nothing makes me happier than drawing out the potential in diamonds in the rough like you."
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Re: Training Daze (For Winner3)

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Alizeh turned and kept her gaze focused on Ursula as she talked. Her eyes, keen as always whether they be in the ring or not analyzing the woman in fromt of her with intrigue and competive glee. ”Well I’m glad to know my reputation precedes me.” She said with a response filled with a certain playfulness that showed she was both serious but joking at once.

As Ursula talked however, Alizeh’s eyes darted between Ursula’s own and her biceps. Watching with a mix of fascination and appreciation of the buldging biceps before her, the muscles nearly making her lick her lips as she unconciously tensed her own arms up. ”Hehe yeah you’re right. I don’t normally out muscle girls unless their smaller than me, never thought it was neccessary before.”

She said while watching with interest as the woman pick up the weights had been using and lift them up almost effortless, a near hungry look taking over Alizeh’s face as she saw while getting ready to respond. ”But recent experiences have shown me thats not good enough. I need to be better, stronger.” As she said this and as the weights were dropped Alizeh would make eye contact with Ursula again. A steadfast smirk on her face.

“Hehe..” She chuckled as she stretched her arms out for a moment while maintaining eye contact with the titan of a woman before her. “No training I’ve ever had has ever been easy.” She admitted with a self assured aura about her.

“Assuming you can make me even half as good as you look than you’re hired, and all the sweet and grit will definitely be worth it I can already tell.” Alizeh said, effectively already telling Ursula she was hired. “So no worries about a free trial... but.” Alizeh admitted while grinning up at Ursula. “I’ll definitely take that spar against you. Just for... learning purposes.” Alizeh said confidently with a wink while bringing her own arm up and flexing it, showing her own muscles. Which while not as defined as Ursula’s, were still nothing to scoff at.

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Re: Training Daze (For Winner3)

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Alizeh's capacity to "appreciate" other women and other wrestlers while still focusing on her own improvement certainly impressed bodacious bodybuilding babe. Even without looking at her eyes directly to catch her in the act, Burns could feel Midori's gaze as she perpetually checked out her every muscle and feat of strength.

Ursula would lay hands on the green-haired girl when she flexed. She massaged Alizeh's arms and shoulders, seemingly to get a read on how defined and strong impish wrestler's upper body was in its current iteration.

"Not bad, not bad! I shudder to think how much stronger than me you'd be if you spend half as much time training as you do checking other women out. Heheh~" Burns would joke as she slapped Alizeh's bare back.

"I kid, I kid. You certainly do train. I'm glad you're no slacker, even if you ogle me like one." Ursula laughed.

"I'll tell you what. I'll take you up on that spar offer. And if you win, I'll even give you your first month for free! So don't hold back, okay? You might not like these pythons as much when they're throwing and squeezing you up and down that ring." Ursula would say with a determined look in her eyes as she pointed behind Alizeh to a practice ring just past the free weights section they were in. She would begin to stretch as Alizeh mustered up a response, rolling her shoulders and bringing her elbow to her forearm on the opposite arm to loosen herself up!
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Re: Training Daze (For Winner3)

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Alizeh smirked at Ursula all throughout woman’s response to her, and not so subtly enjoying the feeling of Ursula’s arms sweeping over muscles. But that being said she wouldn’t let the woman get away so easily with calling her out like that. ”Hehe man you’ve been ragging me anojt that. But then again how would you know I’ve been checking girls out unless you were doing the same?” She asked back teasingly with a playful smile on her face before her eyes lit up at Ursula accepting her challenge!

Pulling her arms back Alizeh began stretching them out, similar to what Ursula herself was doing as she locked eyes with the woman. ”Trust me it won’t be my first time. But with a month of free sessions on tbe line you can bet that sweet ass of yours I’ll be gunning to make ya tap.” She said with a smirk while ouffing out her chest a bit to size up to the woman. After a moment of doing so she would wink and turn to walk towards the ring witb a sway to her hips.

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Re: Training Daze (For Winner3)

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"Honey, I work here! It gets pretty easy to notice who's ogling and who isn't. Especially when have of them are ogling the tall, dark, amazon trainer." Burns responded to Alizeh's quip, finishing up with a wink. As Ursula loosened herself up, she smiled upon hearing Midori's words. There was a genuine fire in her. She wasn't afraid in the slightest. It was fighting spirit like this that caught Burns' attention and drove her to train up and comers!

"Ohhh confident in your submission came, huh? Then let's see it! Show the top LAW trainer watcha got!" Ursula would say as she followed a sashaying Alizeh towards the practice ring. Ursula would slide into the ring and push herself all the way up to her feet from a push-up position. Her strength was put on full display as she proved she was quite adept with both weights and calisthenics!

"You can get the first move, Alizeh! I'm right here! Give me your best!" Ursula would say as she stepped close to the center of the ring. She stood with her feet shoulder's width apart. The powerhouse heavyweight towered over her sparring partner. Passerbys and gym-goers who took noticed began to fear for Alizeh for this size difference alone!
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Re: Training Daze (For Winner3)

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”Oh I wouldn’t blame anyone for ogling you. I’m just saying I think you do you’re own fair bit of it.” Alizeh said teasingly as she watched the tall, beaitful woman enter the ring looking rather ready and confident as ever making another little quip as she did so. “You have no idea. I’ll be sure to show ya right now.” Alizeh said in response to the woman’s words as she did some quick leg stretches, idly noticing the crowd that was starting to gather around them. But that only made Alizeh more excited for this impromptu spar.

However when Ursula offered Alizeh the first move she would blink in surprise before grinning wildly. “Oh I think you’re gonna regret that decision.” Alizeh said, not questioning it further however before dashing forward towards the woman. When she got close Alizeh would aim low, trying to grab one of Ursula’s mighty thighs and lift it up. If she was successful than quick as a dime Alizeh twist the leg while dropping her weight to try and drop Ursula right off the bat with a dragon screw!

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Re: Training Daze (For Winner3)

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Alizeh's claims about ogling, while unfounded, weren't completely untrue. Ursula simply winked at her to acknowledge them as she made her way to the ring.

When the two bronzed, bodacious babes were finally in the ring together, their presence alien attracted an audience! It wasn't often that Ursula got a potential client to throw down with her. The woman's stature and muscle tone alone put most folks off if the idea of sparring with her. But every now and then, a very bold of brazen trainee would give it a shot! And Ursula did with Alizeh the same as she did with them! She lifted both hands and beckoned the young upstart with a gesture to come get a move in for free! And much to the surprise of the crowd, Midori moved in posthaste!

"Show me that your guts in the ring match the attitude in your tone of voice, Alizeh dear! Let's go!" Burns would say as she kept eyes on her sparring partner as Alizeh dashed her way across the ring, closed the gap, and went for her leg! Midori put some oomph into it as she began to lift Might Ursula's meaty thigh! But no sooner than a second after Alizeh began lifting did Ursula simply tense up! The muscles in her quads and hamstrings bulged as the bodybuilding babe asserted herself, bringing her leg back down with authority, and stomping down loud enough for the sound to echo throughout the area, much to the crowd's interest!

"So far the only thing I regret is you not taking me up on my training offer sooner" Burns would say as she looked down at Alizeh and stuck out her tongue!

"Would you like to try again? Maybe put more spirit into it this time?" Ursula would brag after stopping the attempt at a Dragon Screw before it even really began!
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