No DQ: Erina Lorriun vs Vanille "Cream" Cadieux

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No DQ: Erina Lorriun vs Vanille "Cream" Cadieux

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No Disqualification Match
Victory by Pinfall, Submission, or Knockout
Hentai Allowed
Erina vs Cream
This was just typical. Erina Lorriun felt like she was being mocked by someone in charge at LAW, who was pitting her against someone that was yet again outside her weight class. Another small wrestler! Hissing through clenched teeth as she gets ready in the locker room, she was at least going to do her best to take her anger out on her opponent. Whoever she was. Normally you'd want to figure out who you were facing, but Erina didn't give a damn in the slightest. She'd just heard that there was a noticable size difference.

So now she just had to get ready as her match was about to begin. She would check her boots, gloves, elbow and knee pads, along with her top and bottoms. Once satisfied that she was ready, she would grin and punch her right fist into her left palm. "Time to grind this shrimp into the dirt."


Making her way out from the back, she would wait for her music to kick in before she would come out onto the top of the ramp. She was still in a foul mood, so she would be raising both middle fingers up high to the crowd to a resounding 'boo' from everyone here. She still wasn't here to play nice with them, too focused on just being her usual vulgar self. She would do a bit of air guitar as she howls at the crowd before stomping her way down to the ring, slipping in under the ropes before she would march over to the ropes to once more flip off the crowd. "Kiss my ass! I hope I'm crushing someone you jackasses really like cheering for today!"

It made her feel a bit better to vent her anger. But now she was moving to her opponent's corner, slamming her fists down in anger against the top turnbuckle pad. "Lets get this started already! I hope this loser won't break too easily!" Shoving herself from the corner, she would stomp to the center of the ring before glaring up towards the ramp. She was waiting impatiently for her opponent to arrive, looking like she could start tearing the ring itself apart any moment if she had to wait too long.

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Re: No DQ: Erina Lorriun vs Vanille "Cream" Cadieux

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"Cream is back baby and ready to kick someone ass baby." She says giving herself a look over in the mirror, it's been a week since she was crushed and destroyed by Anelu and had to get her broken nose fixed. Her eyes focus on the bandage that covers her nose as she was just cleared to wrestle again, and the doctor gave her the okay to go out there and put on a good show.

Giving the stage hand a wink before sneaking away to surprise attack her opponent. Her music plays over the loud speakers but nobody appears on stage, since she done this many times and so far no other wrestlers have been either dumb to keep falling for it or just are stupid compared to someone like her. "Mmm another giant nice and tall... Oh I can't wait to torture her before putting her down and making her kiss my boot's.

Sliding through the crowd Cream is able to make her way behind her opponent and slides underneath the ring ropes ready to strike when her opponent least expect it. 'Surprise Erina-Chan she yells out throwing an uppercut right in between the other woman leg's for a Low Blow since the match hasn't even started yet. Allowing Cream to get another dirty shot in without the risk of getting DQ.

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Re: No DQ: Erina Lorriun vs Vanille "Cream" Cadieux

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To most it was obvious what was going on as the music played and no one came out. The crowd certainly didn't do much to shout at Erina to warn her. She hadn't exactly endeared herself to them with her actions. As for Erina herself, she was getting more and more frustrated. She wanted and opponent to pummel, and yet she was a no show! To her it wasn't a sign of a sneak attack. Her opponent had just chickened out. "Oh come on! Just send someone out to fight me I don't care who!" She was snapping at the ref as she crosses her arms to stare at the empty rampway. Either she was stupid, or didn't think anyone would have the courage to try a sneak attack.

Of course she would be snapped out of it by the sudden shout from behind her. But before she could do much more than uncross her arms from in front of her chest, that uppercut lands square between her legs. Pain would shoot up through her body as she is taken to the tips of her feet from the low blow. Doubling over, she would clutch at her crotch in pain, head spinning before she slumps down onto her knees with a groan. " bitch..." She was hissing through clenched teeth, trying to push through the pain and not having an easy time of it. That low blow had not been expected at all!

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Re: No DQ: Erina Lorriun vs Vanille "Cream" Cadieux

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Cream is standing behind her opponent looking down at the woman with that smug look on her face again. The last match Cream knew she was going to get her butt kicked badly but going into this match... Things just seemed different to her and she going to prove by dominating this woman before breaking her in front of everyone. "It's not my fault your to stupid to not think that I will would attack you from behind. Clearly your nothing more then all brawn no brain..." she answers back enjoying that feeling again as shivers travel up and down her spine.

Her fingers gripping Erina by her locks of hair. Giving the woman another cruel smirk before slamming her knee right into the other woman nose, but keeps a tight hold on her hair so that she doesn't escape. 'Clearly from what I'm seeing Erina they wanted to see a big dumb giant like you get dominated by a smaller woman like me..." really laying it on thick by even sticking her tongue out and licking her lips slowly for the crowd to see. 'And your my prey baby... I'm going to enjoy this so much.." Cream say's before tossing the woman aside like trash to the canvas.

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Re: No DQ: Erina Lorriun vs Vanille "Cream" Cadieux

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Erina was glaring at Cream as she was taunted. By an opponent that was smaller than her, and she felt could probably be beaten with a single solid hit. That only infuriated her even more as she heard the taunting from Cream. She was about to open her mouth and shout obscenities at her, but was cut off as her hair was grabbed.

The knee strike hits home right against her nose, her head lurching back a bit from the impact. But not much as her hair was held tight, keeping her from collapsing back from the blow. Everything felt like it was spinning as pain shot through her skull. She was hard headed, but even this left her rattled. Erina couldn't help the small groan that passes her lips as she's tossed onto her side. The pain from the low blow was fading, but she was quite dazed from the knee strike. No that she wanted to stay down. She was already pushing herself to climb to her feet, hissing and pushing through the pain as best as she could. The match had started, and there was no way she was going to just lay there!

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Re: No DQ: Erina Lorriun vs Vanille "Cream" Cadieux

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Cream is starting to get wet from dominating her opponent like this. In her past she was the one always getting dominated by bigger opponents like Erina. But now the shoes on the other foot and seeing this strong power woman like Erina on her knees before her, she licks her lips at the thought of all the lewd and naughty things she going to do to her.

Seeing her opponent raising to her feet. Cream lunges forward sliding her arm around her opponent head tightly, not fully letting her get to her feet at all. 'Sorry baby but I'm not letting you get up just yet..." she mocks before falling backwards planning on spiking Erina head to the canvas with a DDT move. If it connects Cream is going to gloat some more by sitting on top of her opponent chest mostly sitting on top of the woman breasts.

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Re: No DQ: Erina Lorriun vs Vanille "Cream" Cadieux

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While her opponent was clearly enjoying herself, Erina felt herself becoming even more angry and frustrated. Trying to climb to her feet, she was halted as that arm locks around her head, leaving her to try to push against Cream and struggle. Erina had barely gotten her hands on her opponent's arm before she was dropped down head first to the mat with the DDT. With her head already throbbing in pain, it only intensified as stars flashed in front of her eyes. "AAUUUGGHH!" Crying out in pain, she was kicking her feet as she tries to hold her head from the painful move.

This was not going how she had intended! She wanted more than anything to get a swing in at Cream, but she was already being pushed onto her back with her smaller opponent sitting down on top of her. Her chest was being used as a seat, leaving her to kick and squirm while shoving herself forward as best she could. She didn't want to give Cream the satisfaction of starting a pinfall so soon! But her head was throbbing and it wasn't easy to just push through the pain like she normally does.

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Re: No DQ: Erina Lorriun vs Vanille "Cream" Cadieux

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Seeing her opponent kicking and squirming underneath her. Cream smirks and waves the ref away, not going for the pinfall just yet. "Oh you thought I was going for the pin didn't you baby." sliding her hands through Erina soft blue locks of hair, before sliding up and placing her crotch right in her opponent face.

"There that is right where you belong," using her now free hands to grab her opponent arms and pins to the canvas so that she can't escape the hold to quickly. Cream sadistic side is starting to show more as she starts to grind and hump Erina nose and mouth with her crotch enjoying the power of dominating a woman like Erina this early in the match. "You see this... this is where you and the rest of those giant freaks belong at."

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Re: No DQ: Erina Lorriun vs Vanille "Cream" Cadieux

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The taunting was only making Erina more furious with every word. She wanted desperately to thrash her opponent and make her regret those words. But instead she found herself being humiliated as Cream presses her crotch into her face!

"MMMFFFF!" She couldn't help but give a muffled shout of anger. Her arms were pinned to the mat as her opponent grinds and humps against her face. She was already kicking her feet, trying to buck and arch her back as she hopes to unseat Cream from on top of her. Her face was already turning red in embarrassment. The taunting was almost as bad as being stuck here like this!

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Re: No DQ: Erina Lorriun vs Vanille "Cream" Cadieux

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Stroking Erina soft hair like a mother does a child. Cream smiles that sadistic looking smile, starting to get turned on from dominating her opponent like this. Even feeling her lips start to slowly leak from being turned on so much.

Before she gets to ahead of herself and wanting to show how much of a better wrestler she is compared to Erina, she get's off her opponent face and smirks. "There Erina to much woman for you... At least you can make a attempt to try and beat me or is this what you really want hmm you submissive and broken in front of little ole me." she mocks placing her foot on top of the woman chest with a smug look on her face wanting everyone to see.

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