Kiku Jennings
Real Name: Kiku JenningsAlias: 'The Killer Chrysanthemum'
Age: 21
Eyes: Amber
Hair: Pink
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 129 lbs
Nationality: Japanese-American
Alignment: Heel (Neutral Evil)
Type: All-rounder
Entrance Music: AZM Stardom Theme
Kiku grew up the only daughter of a wealthy American businessman and a prominent Japanese socialite. She was pampered ever since the day she was born, flowered with expensive toys, clothes, and other luxuries far beyond what was customary for a toddler. She was named after the Japanese word for a chrysanthemum, yet grew up to behave in no way like the gentle and graceful flower.
She was a highly energetic and rambunctious child. She was highly critical of anyone she saw as lethargic and lazy, and often barked orders to kids who she saw as apathetic and meaningless. Her commanding presence and intimidating nature often meant that she more or less got what she wanted, but in the rare cases that she didn't, she certainly didn't hesitate to fight for it.
After one too many after school brawls, her family decided that a change of scenery would be best for her. They had been spending most of their time in teh Untied States at that point, but decided to move full time to their luxury penthouse in Tokyo Japan. It wasn't long until Kiku adjusted to her new way of life, and pretty soon she was right back to where she started, picking and belittling the other teens fearful of the elitist egomaniac.
Desperate to calm her demanding needs and increasingly violent tendencies, they encouraged her to try an afterschool sport. Kiku was rather receptive of the idea, and after some time pondering, settled on wrestling seeing as she had grown to become a fan of the sport ever since her move to Japan. Her parents, and her mother in particular were appalled at the notion, not seeing the sport as a sport at all and not very ladylike at the least.
As was a common theme in Kiku's life, she eventually got her way, and was enrolled into one of Tokyo's top wrestling academies. She learned traditional Greco-Roman variants at first before gradually progressesing into pro-style formats, and for a time, the activity actually managed to quell her violent antics within school. But it wasn't long until Kiku grew hungry for power and recognition once again, and soon she began looking for venues to compete and display her newly learned skills.
After a few years training, Kiku finally enrolled in amateur promotions the day she turned 18. Just like in her old schoolyard rumbling days, she never held back, and quickly built a name for herself as unorthodox but highly capable heel wrestler. She had an almost cult-like following of a few but dedicated fans, each one of them dying to see her provide a ruthless beating on yet another foe. With each match her dominance only increased, and pretty soon she reached a level where mere amateur promotions couldn't quite quench her thirst for combat. While not quite ready to join the big girls in the large-scale promotions, Kiku began exploring underground circuits, in particular ones that would allow her to explore new and even more audacious forms of fighting.
She got her first taste of hentai wrestling in one of the underground promotions, and instantly fell in love with the variant. It allowed her to destroy and humiliate opponents in all sorts of ways, and thus satisfy her need to beat and bring others down. reigning undefeated throughout her entire amateur career, Kiku finally set out in pursuit of a full-time career with the big promotions, and a couple of well placed bribes later, landed herself a sweet debut slot in the world famous LAW promotion. With her future career and reputation and stake, Kiku set out to be especially brutal, eager to introduce the world to wrestling's newest pervert.
She was a highly energetic and rambunctious child. She was highly critical of anyone she saw as lethargic and lazy, and often barked orders to kids who she saw as apathetic and meaningless. Her commanding presence and intimidating nature often meant that she more or less got what she wanted, but in the rare cases that she didn't, she certainly didn't hesitate to fight for it.
After one too many after school brawls, her family decided that a change of scenery would be best for her. They had been spending most of their time in teh Untied States at that point, but decided to move full time to their luxury penthouse in Tokyo Japan. It wasn't long until Kiku adjusted to her new way of life, and pretty soon she was right back to where she started, picking and belittling the other teens fearful of the elitist egomaniac.
Desperate to calm her demanding needs and increasingly violent tendencies, they encouraged her to try an afterschool sport. Kiku was rather receptive of the idea, and after some time pondering, settled on wrestling seeing as she had grown to become a fan of the sport ever since her move to Japan. Her parents, and her mother in particular were appalled at the notion, not seeing the sport as a sport at all and not very ladylike at the least.
As was a common theme in Kiku's life, she eventually got her way, and was enrolled into one of Tokyo's top wrestling academies. She learned traditional Greco-Roman variants at first before gradually progressesing into pro-style formats, and for a time, the activity actually managed to quell her violent antics within school. But it wasn't long until Kiku grew hungry for power and recognition once again, and soon she began looking for venues to compete and display her newly learned skills.
After a few years training, Kiku finally enrolled in amateur promotions the day she turned 18. Just like in her old schoolyard rumbling days, she never held back, and quickly built a name for herself as unorthodox but highly capable heel wrestler. She had an almost cult-like following of a few but dedicated fans, each one of them dying to see her provide a ruthless beating on yet another foe. With each match her dominance only increased, and pretty soon she reached a level where mere amateur promotions couldn't quite quench her thirst for combat. While not quite ready to join the big girls in the large-scale promotions, Kiku began exploring underground circuits, in particular ones that would allow her to explore new and even more audacious forms of fighting.
She got her first taste of hentai wrestling in one of the underground promotions, and instantly fell in love with the variant. It allowed her to destroy and humiliate opponents in all sorts of ways, and thus satisfy her need to beat and bring others down. reigning undefeated throughout her entire amateur career, Kiku finally set out in pursuit of a full-time career with the big promotions, and a couple of well placed bribes later, landed herself a sweet debut slot in the world famous LAW promotion. With her future career and reputation and stake, Kiku set out to be especially brutal, eager to introduce the world to wrestling's newest pervert.
Kiku had been an adept liar and cheat for as long as she could remember. Everything she has ever gotten in life has either been served to her on a silver platter or viscously taken from someone else - in some cases, both. As a result, Kiku can be just as distasteful outside of the ring as she is in it. While she prefers to keep all her violent and perverted antics within the realm of wrestling, her posh and pretentious attitude very much exist outside of it. She is purely out only for herself, and has no qualms about everyone knowing it too.
She constantly puts others downs and belittles those around her, whether it be opponents, acquaintances, or even 'friends', although she doesn't have many of those. She views herself as on a pedestal, with everyone else living bland and meaningless lives beneath her. In her mind, she is superior in every way, weather it be physically, socially, or sexually, and LAW is her avenue to both express and display her supposed superiority to the world.
There is no doubt that Kiku is a vile and egregious woman, and in some ways it better that she has restricted most of her undesirable qualities to within the ring. On the other hand, going against Kiku is no easy task, and while she still has a lot to learn as a new pro wrestler, her ruthless drive for recognition and naturally sadistic personality make her an intimidating opponent nonetheless.
She constantly puts others downs and belittles those around her, whether it be opponents, acquaintances, or even 'friends', although she doesn't have many of those. She views herself as on a pedestal, with everyone else living bland and meaningless lives beneath her. In her mind, she is superior in every way, weather it be physically, socially, or sexually, and LAW is her avenue to both express and display her supposed superiority to the world.
There is no doubt that Kiku is a vile and egregious woman, and in some ways it better that she has restricted most of her undesirable qualities to within the ring. On the other hand, going against Kiku is no easy task, and while she still has a lot to learn as a new pro wrestler, her ruthless drive for recognition and naturally sadistic personality make her an intimidating opponent nonetheless.
Ring Attire
Ring Attire 1

Ring Attire 2

Ring Attire 3

Ring Attire 4

Ring Attire 5

Ring Attire 6

Entrance Attire

Hentai 1

Hentai 2

Hentai 3

Swim 1

Swim 2

Swim 3

Swim 4

Swim 5

Swim 6

Swim 7

Casual 1

Casual 2

Casual 3

In Action (NSFW)
Victory achieved and POW secured!

Preparing to enjoy her Victim...

Perhaps a little too much...

Wrestling Information
Wrestling Style
Kiku prides herself in being a skilled all-rounder. While she hasn't mastered any one technique or form of fighting, her versatility makes her a very dynamic foe, allowing her to exploit weaknesses against more specialized opponents. She'll readily adapt her strategy to the situation, and since she's more than adept at playing the long game, she'll try to execute maneuvers that she thinks will compromise her opponent's strengths and endurance. Moves that allow her to get especially up close and personal tend to be a favorite of hers, so she'll never miss an opportunity to perform an intimate submission hold, or lean in extra close during a grappling battle.
Kiku doesn't take well to rules, and will often try to work her way around them. She often enters the ring with an insatiable and lascivious thirst, and tends to pursue it even in the few non-hentai matches she finds herself in. She tries not to push it to the point of disqualification, but at the same time won't hesitate to probe an opponent who may have caught her eye. That being said, she'll never squander a chance at victory for her own personal lust, and knows when to reign it back when the time calls for it. He rule breaking often extends outside of just sexual antics, and she might resort to hair pulling, clawing, and even weapon usage if a match looks like it's going to end in disaster. She is highly sensitive of her status and ego, and in extreme cases is willing to take a disqualification if it means she gets to be particular nasty to opponent who may have rubbed her the wrong way.
Hentai matches, and especially ones with barely any rules, are where Kiku is really free to shine. Even before stepping into the ring, Kiku had mastered and honed the art of pleasing another woman. Her egotistical and pretentious nature means she has a particular fondness for matches where she is free to humiliate an opponent without too much interference. She holds no reservations when throwing out degrading words while entangling opponents in compromising holds before taking their dignity and pride away from them for all the world to see. In fact, she even enjoys it, and gets a sick kick out of seeing other girls completely breakdown at her touch.
Preferred Match Type
- Standard, Hentai, Humiliation, Hardcore
Kiku dislikes matches that restrict her ability to freely toy with her opponents, but understands participating in them is necessary to advancing her career. For that reason, she doesn't mind participating in standard matches and other regular bouts, but if given the option, much rather enter the ring with more interesting stipulation at play. These include anything from hentai, humiliation, NHB, hardcore, or even any combination thereof. Matches with special stipulation and unique gimmicks also pique her curiosity, and she doesn't mind participating in 'far-out-there' matches if they align with her interests
Signature Moves
Attitude Adjusment

Bow Down

Slam Dump

Royal Takedown

Kiku Kick

Finishing Moves
Chrysanthemum's Curse

Chrysanthemum's Plea

Physical Statistics
Endurance ★★★★ - She enjoys stalking and waiting out her prey, and aims to outlast her opponent when she can
Strength ★★★ - Admirable power given her light frame, but certainly no powerhouse
Speed ★★★ - Quick and light on her feet.
Defense ★★★ - Can block and counter most mid-tier moves, but struggles to block combinations.
Technique ★★★★ - Is well trained in most forms of pro wrestling.
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes ★★★★ - Knows how to use some powerful punches and fancy kicks.
Submissions ★★★★ - The stuff she loves the most, and the stuff she'll most often resort too.
Powerhouse ★★ - Can overpower women smaller or maybe equal in size to her, but that's about it.
Aerials ★★★ - Is surprisingly effective in the air, but likes to reserves it for glamour and flashiness as opposed to practicality.
Counters ★★★ - Can block and counter most mid-tier moves, but struggles to block combinations.
Fun Facts
- Carries around a BDSM crop as part of her attire, but will gladly use it if allowed by the rules... or not
- Lives in a luxury penthouse near the center of Tokyo, courtesy of her rich parents. More than willing to have matches in there.
Law History