The Midas Touch, Episode 5: Audience Participation

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The Midas Touch, Episode 5: Audience Participation

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(Start at 1:21 for replays)
The lights flared in time with the beat of the electronica that had become synonymous with the League's Leading Lightweight Heel. Every pump of bass brought on another flicker of gold stage lighting. And with it another brief vision of the Venomous Vixen herself!

And when the beat dropped, the gold-toned lights flared fully to life! Gold confetti rained ceremoniously down from the ceiling. It refracted the light in a dazzling display of gaudy gold. And at the top of the stage stood the Lightweight Champion!

Golden hair framed a classically beautiful face. A bright red hairband was nestled within it to ensure the audience could drink in her equally bright eyes. They were radiant honeyed amber, shining amidst the center of her perfect alabaster face.

She wore something new tonight. A black gi jacket whose trim was the same color as her namesake, rose gold. She wore no bottoms over her wrestling attire, and so her black belt secured the jacket to her bare hips. The belt itself had been embroidered to have her name upon it.

She turned once at the top of the ramp and threw a thumb over her back, gesturing to the spade embroidered upon it's back. It was indicative of her position as the Ace of LAW. This posture also allowed the hungry crowd a brief look at her backside. Unlike her top which was hidden behind the tied jacket, her firm and round backside hung out from the bottom of the jacket, barely covered at all.

And over her other shoulder was her most important accessory. Her title. The shimmering gold belt that was proof of her superiority!
Rose Gold
She turned dramatically and greeted the eager audience as she made her way to the ring. Her free hand whipped out, snatching a microphone from one of the stage hands as she stalked her way down the ramp, a girl gilded in golden light with a mic. She mounted the apron and slipped into the ring. She turned to face the ramp and her expression then curled into a dark smile as she put her lithe, sensual body on display for the audience.

She brought the microphone to her lips. "LAW!" She demanded attention! "Welcome your ACE!" She threw the hand that held the title skyward and allowed the lights to shine upon it!

As always, the reaction was -deafening-. There was no denying that Rose Gold was among the most popular members of the LAW roster. And as far as she was concerned, there was no difference between fame and infamy. She put her hand to her ear and grinned, soaking in the adoration.

"Over the course of the last few months I have given countless women an opportunity of immeasurable value!" She looked towards the Big Screen at the top of the ramp, a brief montage of the humiliating defeats that had resulted from her Midas Touch segments played out.

"And yet... Still there are those who would call me selfish." The crowd reacted to the call for a pop. Some booing or attempting to start a chant. Others cheering. Few were quiet.

"To that I say, perhaps none of you thankless losers in the back deserve a shot. Maybe I have been going about this all wrong." She placed her thumb and forefinger upon her chin, as if thinking.

"So, Ladies and gentlemen. I have come to -you- with an opportunity! If the women of LAW are no match for me... Well then perhaps one of -you- are, hm?" The hand that held her chin swept out as her grin widened.

"Tonight! I have brought the Midas Touch to you, the fans of LAW! And all you need to do, is sign the waiver, and receive my touch! Are there none amongst the thousands of you in attendance tonight who is bold enough to take their shot at the belt?!" She lofted her belt above her head as she stared into the sea of faces.

The answer would be no, obviously.
Last edited by SuckerPunch on Fri Aug 27, 2021 3:28 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: The Midas Touch, Episode 5: Audience Participation

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Fiona was a big wrestling fan. Ever since she was a little kid, when she was training for MMA, she watched wrestling. She aspired to be in a wrestling ring one day, perhaps if her MMA career didn't work out, or if she got a lucrative offer from one of the big companies. WWE, TNA, Stardom... and now, in this day and age, LAW. LAW was the one she wanted to be in the most, because of how developed their roster was, the showcases they gave to all sorts of female wrestlers, it sounded like a dream job.

But, they hadn't reached out to her, and thus Fiona continued to work on her MMA career, racking up wins while keeping a close eye on the events of LAW. There were quite a few divisions in LAW, and there was one in specific she kept an eye on. The lightweight division. Seeing the women, smaller than most, be able to put on a show was quite entertaining, especially the accolades of former champion, Aoi Fukiwara.

Then came along Rose Gold. A stuck-up, obnoxious brat who was, admittedly, good in the ring. But to call herself an 'Ace'? Please. She made the division almost unwatchable at times, because she was the face of it, and she made sure you never forgot it, especially with segments like the Midas Touch, where she held open challenges for her belt and humiliated her opponents in the ring.

And Fiona just so happened to be in attendance when Rose held one. She had just won her 20th fight, and wanted to celebrate by going to a LAW event live, and now had to deal with Rose's annoying voice serenading her with nonsense. She was practically ready to fall asleep... until that open challenge came. Not to someone backstage, but someone in the crowd?

She instantly dug into her bag, pulling out her gloves, kneepads, boots, and top, and rushed putting them down, making sure not to give anyone any peeks at her with her bra and underwear staying on, before marching down the aisle and jumping the barricade.
Snatching a microphone from one of the ring workers, she held it up and pointed at Rose. "Ooh, I've been wanting to do this for so long." The Four Foot Fury shouted, hopping up onto the apron and stepping into the ring, stepping up to face Rose. "Give me that waiver and I'll knock you out right here!"

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Re: The Midas Touch, Episode 5: Audience Participation

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Rose let out a long, disappointed sigh directly into the microphone. The whole arrangement had been a ruse. There was no way some civilian would be stupid enough to climb the barricade, grab a mic, and accept her open challenge. This segment was meant to be little more than an act of self-worship. An opportunity for Rose to make her way out to the ring, bask in the cheers and adoration of her fans, and then have a nice hot shower.

"Well. I guess this was to be expected."
She pursed her lips and turned her back to the big screen as she looked out towards the crowd on the other side.

"If the paid and trained professionals of LAW are no match for me, then how could I have expected any of you slobs to measure up either?"
Her expression turned over into an amused smile.

But then that smile melted away into something akin to the face one makes when they step in dog shit. The source of her displeasure was a booming voice blaring over the same sound system she was using. With a disdainful growl she turned around to try to find the origin of the boastful words.

What she found was a girl shorter than even her. She looked right over and through her, making a point to search the horizon as if she hadn't seen her. It wasn't until the girl stepped towards her and demanded the waiver that she slowly looked down to meet the girl's eyes.

"Oh-ho! I didn't see you down there. My gosh. Aren't you just the -cutest-." Her expression once more returned to one of impish amusement as she wiggled the waiver in her hand.

"Sorry short stuff. I'm going to need to get permission from your mom and dad. Security! Who let this kid get all the way to the ring?!" She wiggled the waiver in front of Fiona once again. Almost as if daring her to snatch it.

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Re: The Midas Touch, Episode 5: Audience Participation

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Oh, she knew she'd make fun of her height. The cunt. Yet it just infuriated her as she pretended to look over her head as though scoping out landscape, to baby talk her...

She could take that though. She's dealt with it all her career, being under five foot, and then she went into the octagon and knocked out the teeth out of everyone who ever made fun of her, mocked her, spoke down to her. And what was so different about this situation? All she had to do was sign the waiver and she could wail on Rose all she wanted, until she was a sobbing mess. Everyone in the crowd would like that, everyone backstage would like that, everyone at home would like that...

So, when that waiver was wiggled in front of her, as though she were a dog, Fiona responded earnestly. Dropping the microphone, one hand went out to snatch the waiver and pen, and the other? Balled up in a fist and aimed right for Rose's jaw, to give her just a preview of what was going to happen to her in the ring. And if it hit or not, she felt the message was sent, as she furiously scribbled down her name and information on the waiver, before tossing it out of the ring.

"Let's go then, bitch." Fiona snarled, before backing up into a corner, knowing the rules enough that the two needed to be separated before the bell could ring.

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Re: The Midas Touch, Episode 5: Audience Participation

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Rose could sense the audience member's frustration. It wasn't difficult, her head was practically smoking from the anger. The little girl wore her heart on her sleeve.

She smirked, full of self-satisfaction as she dangled the waiver in front of the girl. When she attempted to grab it however, Rose pulled her hand up, moving it just out of reach. Her smirk transformed into a grin as she cruelly teased the short girl. "Oops!"

But a moment later- *CRACK* that same girl's fist caused her head to snap backwards. The hand that held the waiver slackened and the paper and writing implement would fall right into Fiona's hand. Rose, for her part, would fall right onto her rump, stunned.

She blinked once, twice. It was the scribbling on the waiver that realigned her senses. That little brat! She dared to hit her!?

By the time Rose was back up to her hands and knees the waiver had been thrown out of the ring. "You insolent child!" She growled as she used the ropes to get back to her feet. She hit her before the bell!? That was -her- thing! How dare she!?

"I'm going to enjoy ripping you apart!"
She said with a gnashing of teeth as she finally pushed herself a step out of the corner.

*Ding Ding Ding*

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Re: The Midas Touch, Episode 5: Audience Participation

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Oh, was it satisfying as hell to punch the obnoxious little bitch right in the goddamn jaw. The sound of her knuckles cracking against her face echoed throughout the arena and earned quite the pop from the crowd, with seemingly everyone there wanting to see Rose get her ass kicked, even if it was from a short unknown in the pro-wrestling world.

And once the waiver was signed, the match was official. Rose Gold vs. Feisty Fiona for the Lightweight Championship. It was Fiona's dream to get into LAW, and now, she finally was in it, at least for one match, with a chance to capture one of the most prestigious belts in the company from the most annoying champion.

And once the bell rung, Fiona didn't hold back.

Charging forward like a dart, she wasn't going for any traditional collar-and-elbow tie-up. No no, she was a MMA fighter, she was going to use her skills to her advantage, and give Rose a challenge that she may not be used to. A skilled striker.

Which was why she threw out quite a few jabs to Rose. Two aimed for the face, and two aimed for the stomach, before attempting to finish off her combo with a thrust kick right towards Rose's solar plexus. "Let's go then!"

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Re: The Midas Touch, Episode 5: Audience Participation

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The eager amateur charged her. She was a spit-fire who was just as happy to be in the ring as any of the previous victims of the Midas Touch. Something was amiss? Was she a plant? Positioned in the crowd by one of her enemies? Or perhaps she was simply too dumb to know the sort of mess she'd gotten herself into?

Fiona didn't approach like a traditional professional wrestler. She wasn't a plant it would seem. Fiona lashed out like a boxer rather than engaging in a clinch or tie-up. She lashed out with a pair of one two's. Both of which surprised the defending champion with their speed.

Her head snapped left and then right sending her upper torso lurching backwards. The vulnerable position bared her belly for the follow up strikes. Her pale tummy distorted about Fiona's fists and forced her arms to wrap about herself. One eye closed in a wince as the muscles in her abdomen were tested. She'd been struck by Kyoko Akan... This was nothing. Yet she found herself briefly stunned.

The final stroke of Fiona's opening gambit found her heel buried between the blonde's breasts! The blow struck just above her folded arms and sent her tumbling backwards onto the canvas rasping and choking! Her eyes went wide as she gagged and choked on the pain.

The kick had left her curled up into a fetal position, clutching her torso. Saliva ran down her cheek as the series of body blows had savaged her nervous system. It was all she could do to keep from retching.

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Re: The Midas Touch, Episode 5: Audience Participation

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Oh yeah, Fiona was good. Always undersized in the octagon, she made up for her lack of size with what some announcers called 'absurd power' to her strikes. Like gunshots, they were quick and brutal, rattling jaws and stomachs and even breaking bones, Rose would have to be careful just how many times she let Fiona get some strikes in her because...

... well, she wasn't looking too hot right now, taking that opening barrage from the MMA fighter and getting sent to the mat in the goddamn fetal position. After all that smack that Rose was talking, and everything that Rose had done in previous weeks since winning the gold? Safe to say that both FIona and the crowd were enjoying this, and there was also a tingle of excitement in the air. Was this newcomer going to win the Lightweight Championship in her first match?

The spitfire didn't stop there though, She wanted the obnoxious bitch to get her comeuppance for being such a bully and such a coward at the same time, hooking her legs around the blonde's waist and latching herself to her back. "Come on, talk that shit." She huffed, throwing a few erratic hammer blows to Rose's head, as a gauge for her defenses, before an arm attempted to hook underneath her jaw and lock in a sleeper. If she could make Rose tap this early into the match, well...

.. that'd be Gold.
Last edited by TickTock on Mon Jul 05, 2021 12:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Midas Touch, Episode 5: Audience Participation

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*Coff Coff Coff* Rose was left choking and hacking from the blow to her belly. The kick had rattled the nerves in her belly and had caused her muscles to tense up in defense. The result had been a dull ache that resonated throughout her hips and caused her eyes to water.

She hadn't expected an opponent of any level of skill to answer her challenge. It had been meant to be a stunt. But that stunt had resulted in Fiona's appearance. A woman who showed some measure of professional training. Rose could see that she had technique, even through her blurry eyes and pain-seared consciousness.

Fiona was upon her just as quickly as she had put her down.

Striking wasn't the Lightweight Champion's forte. Any of her limb based offense often came below the belt or off of the top rope. It was no surprise that the professionally trained brawler had gotten the edge on her. However, as Fiona began to entangle herself in Rose's nubile body, she would find herself in Rose Gold's domain.


She felt Fiona's hips press against her back and her thighs rest against her sides. A series of blows struck against her pretty blonde crown, rattling her, but not disabling her.


Fiona's arm moved to ensnare her throat. She was going to try to finish her with the most common submission in the world of MMA. A rear naked choke... So that's where she was from.

Rose grit her teeth and exploded! She dug her heels into the canvas and turned her hips! She spun within Fiona's body scissor, turning her neck away from the bicep that sought to compress it. It would offer Fiona nothing but the back of her neck.

If the sudden transition was successful, it would put the beleaguered Lightweight Champion atop Fiona in her full guard. Their hips were pressed together in a suggestive, missionary like position. But Rose wasn't interested in seduction. Her eyes were knit tight with fury as she postured up on her knees.

Fiona's offense had given some indication of her background. So too had Rose's defense. She had wasted no movement and she had stayed calm despite being battered. She was a grappler with formal training, not unlike her opponent. Her silky smooth movements weren't a fluke. Fiona could surely tell that she was of the highest level.

"How... Dare you!" She growled as she loomed over Fiona. Her fists balled tight enough for her knuckles to go white.

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Re: The Midas Touch, Episode 5: Audience Participation

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Once Fiona had her legs locked around the waist of Rose's, she honestly thought it was over. Some whiny 'Ace' couldn't break out now, a woman who constantly cheated and only wrestled against those she knew were below her level. But now, she had a real competitor on her hands, someone who dominated in the octagon, and now, in her wrestling debut, someone who was going to make Rose Gold tap the fuck out.

Except, well, she didn't. Her arm never locked in around Rose's throat.

Instead, Fiona was laid on her back, with her opponent kneeling above her in full guard. There was a level of slitherness that the small fighter didn't expect, and told her that... maybe this little brat had some training in her. And now, Fiona was at a disadvantage in their almost sensual position, staring up at a very pissed off champion.

"What? Punch your obnoxious face in?" Fiona retaliated verbally, throwing her body upward in an attempt to try and ground Rose once more. Even if the champion was a wuss, any fighter knows not to let anyone pummel on them, and those arms wrapped around Rose's head, trying to pull her downward.

And if successful, she'd then try to transition into a guillotine by wrapping her arm around the back of the larger woman's head and squeeze. If one submission didn't work, maybe this one would?

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