Born to be wild- Claudia vs Amelia(D)!

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Born to be wild- Claudia vs Amelia(D)!

Unread post by SubtleRoar »

*Popping her eager knuckles, one after another, Claudia was casually preparing herself for the impending battle that awaited her. She had accepted a request to break in an up and coming rookie, Amelia Winter, who appeared to be her cosmetic counterpart- While Claudia prided herself on being the hunt master of the ring, Amelia seemed to take great delight in parading around in a garb that resembled a furious feline.* "Hmhm, well well, seems like her and I are going to fight like cats and dogs~" *She chortled at the obvious idiom, pulling her crimson boots, straightening the golden trim out as a means to make it instantaneously pop to the naked eye.*

*After tossing her jacket on, Claudia whipped her hair backwards and shot herself a confident smirk* "I'll give her a match she'll never forget, for all the right reasons~" *Before taking off for the evening, she snatched her tail and tucked it into the end of her shorts for good measure. Once having completed her transformation into the dreaded nightwolf of Law, Claudia made her grand exit and began barreling down the hallway, surging past anyone and everyone on her way to bursting through the curtain!*

*Unable to contain her excitement, she immediately arched her spine and howled towards the ceiling, goading the audience to join her in symphonic moment!* "Hoooowwwwl!" *Before bolting down the ramp and sliding underneath the bottom crevasse, instantaneously scaling a nearby pillar and planting her rump against the topmost portion.* "One more time! HOOOWWWWWL!" *She bayed aloud, her voice reinforced by the spectators in attendance before her music finally faded into oblivion.*

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Re: Born to be wild- Claudia vs Amelia(D)!

Unread post by Deskfan45 »

Amelia Winter grumbled to herself as she thought about who she would be facing for her LAW debut. A woman who dressed as a dog. Get it? Cause she dresses like a cat? The management must've thought they were so damn clever. Well Amelia was eager to see how clever they felt when they had to scrape this bitch's fucking carcass off the mat!
Entrance Theme
As her heavy metal theme blared over the speakers, Amelia made her entrance, sporting her cat fur attire as she stormed down the ramp, wearing a scowl. She was in a foul mood, yet one fan in the front row didn't seem to take a hint. A man in the front row climbs onto the ramp, and smacked Amelia's ass, much to the amusement of those around him. The Winter Wrath, however, was far from amused. Before the man could pull his arm away, Amelia's hand grabbed onto it, and twisted, her glare burning into into the man. "Ah-ahhhhhh..." The man groans, as his arm is twisted further. "I-I'm sorry!" She keeps twisting. "P-please, let go!" The man begged.


The mans arm was broken. As he screamed out in agony, Amelia tossed him back into the audience. In a worse mood now then she'd entered with, she walks over to the ring, and slips through the ropes. Going to her corner, she shoots her opponent a death glare. "You ready to die?"
Last edited by Deskfan45 on Fri Jul 30, 2021 6:11 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Born to be wild- Claudia vs Amelia(D)!

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*Being a secret game connoisseur herself, once Amelia's theme began to blast from the amplifiers the crimson werewolf silently applauded such an intense theme, hoping that the wrestler accompanying it was more than capable of doing it justice. However, her personal doubts were immediately laid to rest once she witnessed a bit of sexual harassment transpire on the walkway that lead towards the arena. Tempted to get involved herself, Claudia realized that her foe could fend for herself and then some, fracturing her aggressor's limb as if it were something she did on a daily basis.*

"Woah...that's fucking metal~" *She'd be lying if she said that didn't turn her on just a tad, but Claudia shook the notion from her mind as Amelia approached the arena, asking her something that she genuinely pondered for a brief moment before retorting.* "Given how naturally vicious you are, I suppose anyone would need to be when facing off against you~"

*Before the two could engage in a bit more verbal jousting, the bell immediately sounded with a* "Clang clang clang!" *signaling for both competitors to square off!* "I hope you treat me just as tenderly as you did that poor soul back there~" *The salacious canine snickered under her breath, Gesturing for a test of strength to start things off with!*

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Re: Born to be wild- Claudia vs Amelia(D)!

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Amelia grumbled, feeling like Claudia didn't take her seriously. The fucking nerve of this bitch. Amelia would show her what it really meant to be beaten. As the bell rang, she took the test of strength Claudia offered, having her fingers dig into Claudia's hands, squeezing tight as the two animal clad wrestlers attempted to overpower each other. Amelia growls, going for a kick to Claudia's shins. "Think you're tough, bitch?"
Last edited by Deskfan45 on Wed Jul 21, 2021 8:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Born to be wild- Claudia vs Amelia(D)!

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*It would soon become abundantly brazen just how intense Amelia was capable of being when her feet sank against Claudia's vulnerable knees, buckling her upon contact with an audible* "Ggrrrgh!" *As she nearly faceplanted against the ground!*

"Nnggh..not bad~" *She piped up, shaking off the damage she had sustained before fervently lunging into Amelia, looking to potentially blitz her into an adjacent corner of the arena!* "But that's not going to cut it against the likes of me!"

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Re: Born to be wild- Claudia vs Amelia(D)!

Unread post by Deskfan45 »

Amelia gives a smirk, watching Claudia stumble back from her kick. Before she could follow up however, she is SLAMMED into the turn buckle. The white haired woman groans, feeling her back ache as she tries to force Claudia off of her with a head butt!

If she succeeds in sending her opponent stumbling back, the winter wrath will rush in for a take down! If she manages to trap Claudia under her, Amelia begins to drag her nails hard against the woman's bare skin.

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Re: Born to be wild- Claudia vs Amelia(D)!

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*Having created a temporary space between herself and the merciless feline, Claudia was devising the perfect strategy regarding how to approach this intimidating creature- she was agile, intimidating and could obviously take a hit with the best of them, but the savage canine had a few tricks up her sleeve that she'd soon unveil to both her adversary and the audience surrounding them.*

*Deciding to observe rather than to act for the time being, she noticed that Amelia wasn't the type to hesitate when challenged, soon dashing towards Claudia with a rapidly increasing rate of speed!* "That's right...a little closer..." *Bouncing from foot to foot to keep her momentum up, the acrobatic hellhound suddenly sprang forward, attempting to drill the sprinting lynx directly against her maw with a dazzling shining wizard!*

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Re: Born to be wild- Claudia vs Amelia(D)!

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Amelia was pissed, as she always was, as she approached her opponent. She was gonna tear this dumb bitch apart, and have a fun time doing so. However, she wasn't giving a single thought to what Claudia might be planning, and it showed.

The Winter Wrath was a sitting duck as Claudia hit her in the face with a shining wizard! "Gyahhh!" The woman hisses, falling on her ass.

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Re: Born to be wild- Claudia vs Amelia(D)!

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*With a sickening* "WHUD!" *Sending tremors throughout the arena, Claudia was reassured that her knee had made full, uninhibited contact with Amelia's unprotected mug. Landing on the tips of her crimson boots, she was granted the luxury of witnessing the befuddled feline tumble backwards, disoriented and ripe for the plucking.*

"Sorry if I was too brutal; I was born that way~" *She cackled aloud while approaching her prey from behind, crossing her left arm overtop of Amelia's throat while yanking her backwards for a standing dragon sleeper attempt!*

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Re: Born to be wild- Claudia vs Amelia(D)!

Unread post by Deskfan45 »

Amelia gasped out in pain as Claudia applied the dragon sleeper, bending the Winter Wrath's s spine back painfully. She hated it. She was enraged that Claudia was dominating her, and she wouldn't let it happen any more.

There was one notable thing about Amelia's attire: the razor sharp claws at her finger tips. The points were metal blades, made to slice easily through human skin. Many wouldn't approve of it, but if anyone opened their mouth, Amelia would just kill them. The wrath reaches her arms up, and DIGS her claws into Claudia's arm!

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