Let the Arena be sapped of its light. The rows in attendance shall wallow within the darkness and be greeted by the onset of thumps. Louder and louder, the noise soared before its inevitable techno drop. Spotlights click to life and dance, circling the spitfire in onyx black leather. The echos of her heels carried in every strut, stretching the leather that glistened underneath the light. Her hips sashayed, which made her ghost-white coat dance as the long sleeves soaked up most of her arms, except from two dainty gloved hands. Which one bore a microphone.
“Allow me. My entrance is special after all, so it requires a Reinhardt's touch.”
They culled her music. A salvo of boos racked her ears, then overcame as she licked her cherry lipsticked lips and spoke.
“Ahem... This mismatch is scheduled for one! Yes, only one fall, you ungrateful lessers…”
She licked her lips once more, her heels clacking against the steel steps, an arm stretched across the top rope. One leg lifted, then lowered. The devil’s ire didn’t compare to the glare she shot towards the referee, whose cheeks flushed pale.
Loud pops poked the ears as Karla's fingers snapped over the microphone until the referee obeyed and sat upon the middle rope, which allowed the Reinhardt to slip betwixt and occupy the ring’s heart.
“Ahem… Introducing first, from Hamburg Germany, standing at five feet and two inches, and weighing in at one-hundred-none-of-your-business! The one and only... Karla!... Raaaaaaay!… Reeeeeeinhardt!!”
With her chin tipped skyward and arms stretched in both directions, the crowd let loose a roar. Whether it was disapproval, adoration or admiration for her looks, the recognition fuelled a sneer and glance through the red lens of her shades. Let’s see her opponent best that.