Fighting a movie star: Hua vs Ichika

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Fighting a movie star: Hua vs Ichika

Unread post by xalex »

Match Type: Normal Match
Winning Contion: Standard rules

And again law did contact Hua asking her for a match. And they asked in such a nice way how could she turn them down. But sadly this was going to be a normal match again, somehow she missed the additional push she got from these special rule matches. They weren´t the safest but they were always exciting. But that might be the reason why she didn´t get them anymore because the studio and law wanted to keep her safe, or at least as safe as possible.
The mature woman would let her arms circle a little bit trying to ease up before leaving the looker room. The manager didn’t say much about who she is going to fight tonight, but she was sure that law would put a lot of trust into this young lady. IF law went out of their way to get her back into the ring they were expecting much from her from sure. They wanted to push This woman into the spotlight with a match with a celebrity for sure.
Hua would step out in front of the crowd and was welcomed by a lot of clapping and cheering. The mature woman would bow for the crowd in a martial arts fashion before she started to walk down towards the ring. She would wave the fans and from time to time hand out a hug to some huge law fans. It was helping if they were merch of her daughter. When hua reached the ring she would take the steps into the ring and then grabbed the top rope with both of her hands. She always wanted to try this. She would bounce forwards and spin over the top rope to flip over the rope and land back on her feet. She was a litte bit dizzy and shook her head to get it to stop spinning.

Hua would walk upto her corner waiting to see what her opponent would look like for tonight!

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Re: Fighting a movie star: Hua vs Ichika

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Ichika wasn't the way she used to when she first set foot in this promotion. She wasn't nervous. Nor scared. Her heart isn't thumping as hard as it used to. She knows what fits and what not. And what sells to the masses and what doesn't. But one thing hasn't changed. And that is her passion for the sport. The eagerness to be out there and prove herself. The excitement of throwing hands with a new face and maybe make some friends. For better or worse.

Those were the thoughts that danced in her mind as she fixed herself in her locker room. But thoughts weren't the only one dancing in that room. Ichika was in such a good mood that she played her favorite pop-rock songs and danced to them. All the while looking at the mirror and putting the final touches on her attire. Why was she in such a good mood? What else but her new outfit! Her company gifted it to her, saying that a sports bra and shorts just won't cut it anymore for such a big star like her! She needs something more professional. More grand! And radiates more of the success and status she has! Just thinking about it made her blush bright red!

And to top it all off. The first foe that would drink the sight of Ichika in this outfit is one movie star! Has she seen any of their films? How exactly would they fare against her?

Complete darkness veiled the arena! Silence fed the collective anticipation of the crowd. Ichika's music soon thumped! Lights flickered with its beat, offering fleeting reprieves from the dusk!

"Introducing to you next! Hailing from Kyoto, Japaaaann!!! The Blue Flamee!! Ichikaaaaa Reiiiii!!!"
Ichika Rei
Then, an explosion of lights and color! White and blue, in tandem with the bass drop. Come bursting out of the curtains, a blue firework of a woman! A goddess that had come to fight! And blue confetti heralded her arrival; it refracted the light like sparks of blue flame! And so did the cheer of the crowd! That, she'll never get used to. The love they have for her keeps growing exponentially the more she fights! Her immense fame was undeniable! And that ear-splitting cheer was all the proof one would need to know!

She threw her hands in the air, basking in the adoration of the crowd. Then, she spun around, presenting herself in her new outfit like fine wine! Skidding down the ramp, blowing kisses here and there before hopping to the apron. When her person graced the apron, she turned around. With her arms draped over the top rope, she'd show them her grin. Feet crossed, posture narrow, her gaze shifted on both sides, displaying her shapely figure once more! Then, she geared her legs to a backflip! Her busty assets jiggled as soon as her foot tagged the canvas.

Soon, she'd find herself in the ring in no time flat, looking across to meet the movie actress. She recognized her too well. The actress in the space show she and her mother used to watch every time! Oh, the memories.

"I hope you wrestle just as good as you act, Hua! I'm Ichika Rei!" She skipped on the balls of her toe, getting ready for the match. "Cause I won't show you mercy just because you're an actress! So better give me your best!" She'd wink.

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Re: Fighting a movie star: Hua vs Ichika

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Hua would smirk back to her opponent as she would enter the ring. “quite the impressive entrance you got there little show girl. No wonder management puts so much into you, seeing how the fans love you!” would hua say with a huge grin. She would shake her hands and jump up and down n her toes. “and I am happy that your not planning on holding back, because I am not holding back either! Also its nice to meet you little Ichika!”
Hua would stop jumping up and down and slowly moved one leg behind herself and put her open hands in front of her chest, she wasn´t starting out in a normal wrestling position but more of a martial arts position. As soon as the bell rung she would start to walk upto her opponent, always pulling in the leg behind her and then slowly shoving herself forwards, never changing which leg was in front.
When she was close enough she suddenly shoot forwards in a explosive movmenet closing in the remaining distance fast. One of her hands shoot forwards in a straight jab aimed at the face of Ichika. But in the last moment Hua would stop, she only wanted to triggere a reaction of Ichika and instead of punching her she tried to grab one of Ichika´s wrists and pull it back to her own body. She would spin around and pull the arm over her shoulder, slamming her butt into ichika´s hip to flip the woman over her body. She would go for a fast but effective judo throw.

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Re: Fighting a movie star: Hua vs Ichika

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Glee embellished her stance, arms untroubled to be up, skip and hopping from foot to foot, and a smug grin that couldn't be any braver. The thought of her showing off her prowess in an outfit like this consumed her like fire. And Ichika was more than eager to get things started!

"And yours isn't so bad either!" she winked. "And good, I'm all for putting up a show tonight, so you better keep up!

Soon, the bell sung and the match kindled in front of all eyes! Arms up, she was prepared to take the actress head-on! Craving an explosive start, her brow then crooked, head tilted when Hua decided to take it slow! Step after step, cautious, begrudgingly sluggish. And as energetic a bunny as she was, she couldn't be more impatient that it only took a step or two for her to take actions into her own hands!

"What, are you afraid? Let's get this thing started with a blast!" Her fists clenched and hopped as she shouted!

Then, she burst out of her stance into a sprint! Akin to a revved-up engine, gears turning, she switched from a carefree posture to full-on combat in split seconds! She knifed through the distance like a gust of wind, hoping to catch them off guard! Her arms whipped forward, looking to clash in a collar elbow tie-up! With the momentum desired to make up for her size disadvantage, she'd push, gritting her teeth to try and force their way back towards Hua's corner and sandwich them there!
Last edited by Violet on Tue Jun 08, 2021 5:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Fighting a movie star: Hua vs Ichika

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Hua would see how the small woman was suddenly shooting towards her and she was ready for her. She would bring her arm forwards as well. When her opponent was close enough they would clash in a collar elbow tie-up. Hua´s feet would dig into the mat as she was attempting to avoid to being pushed backwards. But the momentum of her opponent was just too much for her at first so her opponent was able to shove her backwards a little bit. But slowly Hua was able to slow the two down until they came to a stillstand. The mature woman looked into the face of her opponent with a huge grin before she would suddnely let go of the shoulder of her opponent and both of her hands went to the right arm of Ichika. With a fast spin hua would duck down below the arm of her opponent. She would not let go of her oppnent´s arm and would twist it onto her back. She would twist it as hard as she could and tried to trap ichika in a hammer lock getting earily control in that match.

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Re: Fighting a movie star: Hua vs Ichika

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Just like how she wanted it to be. Explosive, fiery and brimming with struggle whilst flexing their might to test who’d keel first. “See, isn’t this better?” a smirk crept up her face.

She knew the implication of her size in this kind of affair. And so the bet was placed in her momentum to push them onward. A huff accompanied each footfall forward hoping to gain the early lead! But Hua was far stronger than she would have wagered earlier on as their advance soon stalled!

“Wha~” Her eyes gaped, and her heart skipped twice a beat seeing the smirk on their face. Something was up.

But before she could do anything, Hua dragged her arm behind her back and wrenched! Ichika yelped, her eyes wound tight, and her teeth bared like an ivory dam. Her back arched, and she stood on her toes as the pain raged! Her free arm clawed at nothing but air before tending to the joint of her trapped arm.

But there’s no way Ichika’s going to let this pass! Her leg folded until the knee touched her abs, then brought down to their foot like a piston with a stomp! Gaining in on the distraction, Ichika would try to wrest her freedom! Her arms would then coil around their neck and jump, in hopes they’d crash face-first against her shoulder as she fell with a Stunner!

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Re: Fighting a movie star: Hua vs Ichika

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Before Hua could react in any way or even knew what was going on her opponent was warping her arm around the head of her. Hua would try to pull her head backwards and get away but she was trapped already with no where to go.
Suddenly Ichika jumped up into the air and brough herself up high, hua was forced to lean upwards following the shoulder of her opponent. Ichika was suddenly falling back down again and pulling Hua down along with her. Hua had no chance of stopping her opponent and so her head was hitting the shoulder of the blue haired woman. Hua´s head snapped backwards and she would fall backwards down onto her butt stunned and dizzy for a moment.

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Re: Fighting a movie star: Hua vs Ichika

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The thud of their head smacking against her shoulder invigorated Ichika’s heart. So did the crowd’s cheers at the sudden pop. It was first blood, urging her to seek for more! Her gaze turned over her shoulder, peering towards the stunned movie star for a moment as she then pushed herself up to her feet! She was eager to keep things going!

“Hey, I warned you alright! I won't go easy on ya!” Ichika smirked as her arms lashed out to their hair and arms, dragging them to their feet!

Ichika would then fling Hua around. Spinning her before attempting to toss Hua to the ropes with an Irish whip for added speed. Ichika would then take off towards it right after them, following like a shadow, fast and brisk, her footfalls ominous for what she’s about to do! And right when Hua would turn around for her back to lay across the ropes, her feet would leave the ground like featgers.

“Haiyahhh!!” Ichika would jump, legs folded, then shot forth like a cannonade towards Hua’s chest!

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Re: Fighting a movie star: Hua vs Ichika

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Hua was luckily able to see Ichika following her and so when the woman was thrown into the ropes she would reach out with both of her arms and grab on to the top rope. She would hold on as thighly as she could using this to stop all of her momentum. She would look inside the ring and see how Ichika was trying to drop kick her.
The mature woman would htrow herself to the side trying to spin around and get out of the way of these boots to avoid getting her chest kicked in by the small bluehaired girl, she was not planning on counter attacking right now but just on not getting totally run over.

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Re: Fighting a movie star: Hua vs Ichika

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Ichika’s early success bolstered her confidence! Hua was struggling to keep up. Having drawn first blood, the blue spitfire wanted to press onto the advantage! She ran! Just as she did throw Hua in the same direction. She followed her like a shadow and jumped for a dropkick right when they weren't expecting it!

Or so she thought! Ichika’s eyes widened, her mouth gaped, her heart froze and sank as she went airborne! Hua was gone! All was for naught as she kicked nothing but air and took a rough fall on her back!

The bluenette reeled! But she knew she had to get out there fast lest she wanted to get caught and so she’d roll! Trying to reach the corner to pull herself up!

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