Out in the Jungle

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Out in the Jungle

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Today was a strange day for Ryu Hiroshi. The Japanese male wrestler dubbed 'The Dragon' was considered a very formidable and respectable wrestle in the Japanese circuit. He is a skilled grappler and a competent technician with few wrestlers able to go toe to toe against the imposing male. However, despite all his acumen and reputation, he was slightly nervous. He received a letter from an unknown individual, inviting him to meet up with the sender of the letter for a spar on a Sunday afternoon in the LAW Gym. While the gym is usually closed on the Sunday, Ryu was not quite sure what this was all about.

He figured it may have been a prank, since the LAW gym doesn't even operate on Sunday. However, The Dragon's curiosity got the better of him and he did decide to visit the gym. The parking lot was empty, as expected, Ryu would get out of his car after grabbing his gym bag and would make his way into the gym. Surprisingly, the doors were unlocked but there was nobody at reception. "Hmmm" he hummed to himself before making his way into the hallway to the locker room area.

Ryu would slowly strip out of his clothes, getting naked to head to the showers. He would take a nice quick shower to freshen up before drying himself off and applying some deodorant under his armpit and chest. He still couldn't get the feeling that someone was watching him but he ignored it. The male wrestler would finally put on his blue wrestling briefs, a pair of blue fingerless gloves and matching boots. After he was all done, the male would head out of the locker room into the main gym hall where he was shocked to see.....that the whole gym was thrashed and made into a makeshift jungle.
Ryu Hiroshi

"Tch?! W-what the?" he exclaimed, shocked to see the main gym area replaced with a eerie jungle setting. There were make-shift vines hanging across, the gym equipment were covered in vines, leaves and branches. The floor was dirty with mud stains and dirt, there were tree stumps on the floor. Ryu was now under the impression that this probably a joke. He would walk a bit, confused as to what is going on until he saw the gym sparring ring being replaced by a mud wrestling pit!

"What is going on here? who did this!" he said looking around for answers.
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Re: Out in the Jungle

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It would indeed have been a strange sight to behold. Aside from mud wrestling pit, there was a small pool of water (with decorations to make it look like a small pond. It would have been considered impressive, if not for the fact that it left anyone wandering in quite perplexed. However, Ryu would get his answer very shortly.

"It would seem that the guest of honour has finally arrived." A female voice could heard as the door to the women's locker room opened. Out came something that Ryu was probably expecting even less. A jungle girl!? Well...in appearance only. This femme was more than that.

The woman that emerged out of the locker room to stand before Ryu stood at 5'10'' feet, with a rather ample body with tanned skin and cladded by clothing one would see from a jungle movie. The woman's top and briefs appeared to be from a combination of fabric, animal fur and teeth; with the primary colours being brown and yellow. The vambraces on her arms appeared to be of a similar make to her main clothes, yet keeping up with the design of a jungle girl attire it appeared to held together by string. It could also be said the same for her toeless stockings, as they too were held together by string.

Her long brown hair, which reached down her back, also added to concept of an untamed beauty that was associated with the jungle girl aesthetic. Finally, there were her gray, blue eyes that appeared at first glance to be cold and calculating.

"I have to say that I wasn't certain if you arrived." The woman said as she stood ten feet away from Ryu, as she placed both hands on her waist, letting Ryu get a good view of her. Meanwhile, she examined Ryu from head to toe, which resulted in her giving a playful smirk.

"Well, you indeed look much stronger than you do on television." The woman said with her playful smirk, as she containued, "And rather good looking if I may add."

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Re: Out in the Jungle

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The male wrestler's eyes wandered to a nearby pool of water, decorated to make it look like a pond of water in a jungle. Ryu 'The Dragon' Hiroshi was confused as to what this all was about, why was he called here and most importantly who called him here. The well build male wrestler would not have to wait too long until suddenly a woman came calling, stepping out of the women's locker room. Ryu's eyes didn't deceive him, it was a jungle girl?! Or so it seemed! She certainly had the look and attire to pass off as one, clad in a wrestling attire that looked like it was hand crafted from items in a jungle and scavenged out of a hunt. Her English was perfect so it was clear she wasn't just a wild woman in the jungle but Ryu was still cautious of this woman's appearance all of a sudden in the gym.

She was as tall as him, well build and good looking. She stood ten feet away from the male wrestler, placing her hands on her hips to strike a pose before casually conversing with him. Ryu's look was stoic, he looked at her with a blank expression to not give away that he was concerned, cocky or afraid of her. After she finished her speech, Ryu would take a deep breath before taking a couple of steps towards her until the two were face to face.

"Who are you? More importantly, why did you invite me here in this....this....I don't even know what to call this" Ryu said with his teeth gritted, clearly a bit frustrated at the mystery behind all of this. "Talk, I won't leave this place until I get answers" he demanded.

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Re: Out in the Jungle

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"Now, now" the woman said in a tone that told Ryu to chill, "No need to get all aggressive." She smirked again as she proceeded to explain who she was, "I do owe you a name at least. My name is Anna Conda, though my wrestling code name is Python." She then started to slowly circle around Ryu as she continued to speaking, "As for why I went through the trouble of setting up all this...well...let's just say I heard about you and seen your skill on t.v."

She was casual as she walked around Ryu, aiming to give him the impression that she had no negative intentions.

"So I wanted to have a wrestling match, but I wanted to make it more than just a standard match." Python continued, "Think of it like an experimental type of match, where the wrestling takes place in a particular setting. In this case, the gym appears more like a jungle."
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Re: Out in the Jungle

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It was no secret that The Dragon was a little bit confused and cautious to say the least. The eerie setting was probably enough to have any wrestler in LAW sweating but Ryu attempted to look as calm as collected as he could on the outside. On the inside, he was just a bit nervous until suddenly a strange woman would come out of nowhere dressed in jungle-esque attire fitting the sitting and claimed that she knew Ryu and had an interest in him. Immediately, he had his guard up and would walk over towards her to demand answers in a rather aggressive way to show that he was not scared of her even in this fake jungle setting that she had, no doubt, a part in.

The woman told him to calm down, her own voice was quite calm. She would smirk and start to circle the male while he stood still. Ryu would follow her movements by turning his head to the left and then to the right but didn't move from one spot. The woman began to explain her name, he thought her name befitted her persona and was quite a clever play on words. Still, he said nothing. She continued to explain why she went through the trouble of doing all this.

"Hmm seems like you went through a lot of trouble just to get me in a wrestling match, even if it is as bizarre as this one" he said, folding his arms under his chest. "Tell me the truth. What are your true intentions Python?" he said trying to push the matter. "Unless, you'd prefer to spill the beans only after I've made you submit in this little match you had planned for me?" he said before once again stepping forward.

"Jungle, ring or mats....it doesn't matter because I'm going to make you submit no matter where we wrestle." he whispered getting up close and personal. Ryu then looked around the place, the mud pit, the small pool of water and the general dirt floored and vined gym, thinking where is it that they would actually wrestle? His guess would be the small pool of water or the mud pit but waited for Anna to respond.

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Re: Out in the Jungle

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Python chuckled in response to Ryu saying that he was planning on making her submit.

"I do enjoy the confident ones." Python said in response to Ryu's words before she whispered into his ear with a flirty tone, "Very well. If you can make me submit, I'll answer your question and perhaps you'll get even more." As she did this, she traced a finger playfully along Ryu's chest. Soon, she moved away from Ryu.

"Rules will be simple." Python said, "The person who can claim more submissions over their opponent in an hour is the winner. Now, where shall we wrestle first?"
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Re: Out in the Jungle

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It seemed as if Ryu's imposing figure, his stern and cold attitude was not enough to phase the unknown woman. Instead, she would simply chuckle before telling him in a sultry tone that she enjoyed the confident ones. Not done yet, the Jungle Girl would slowly lean towards him and press her chest up against him to bring her lips close to his ear. She would make the match more enticing, admitting that if Ryu managed to win she would answer all his question plus more. Now he did not know what she meant by more but he had a good guess.

The male wrestler stood still, allowing her to play these games. "Fine, I accept those terms" he said in a low tone. He let out a low growl when she traced her finger down to his chest as if he was simply prey to her. Soon, she would walk away and further state down the rules which would certainly surprise the male.

"One hour huh? Are you sure you can last that long Anna?" he said before following her. "The mud pit looks like a good start." he said before making his way to the wrestling mud pit. He would place his feet on the muddy surface, balancing himself as he would watch what his opponent would do. "I'm ready...." he said to officially start the count.

Time left: 60:00

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Re: Out in the Jungle

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"Trust me honey," Python responded in a teasing tone, "I can go all day, but an hour avoids making things repetitive." She saw the mud pit, as Ryu was suggesting it. Smiling seductively as she retorted with a joke, "Want to get dirty right away, eh?"

Getting into the mud pit, the mud itself was up to her lower shins. As Ryu stated that he was ready, a timer on a wall started to count down from 60:00.

"Let the fun begin." Python said as she started to circle Ryu in the mud pit. She was planning on luring Ryu in by making it seem like she was hesitant. Let him use up more energy.

Time Left: 59:59:50
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Re: Out in the Jungle

Unread post by Teenwrestler »

The mysterious woman was quick to respond in her seductive tone. She would tell the male wrestler that she could go all day but chose an hour to keep things not repetitive. Ryu would raise his eyebrow in suspicion, wondering if she was just joking around or actually telling the truth? Regardless, The Dragon was about to find out. She continued to tease him, now questioning his choice to start in the mud pit. Ryu huffed out in frustration, clearly she was taking this a bit too nonchalantly.

When Ryu entered the mud wrestling pit, Python would do the same. The mud was soft and thick, rising to their lower shins. "Hmph,lets see what you can do" he said while glaring at her. The Dragon would bend down at his knees while had his arms out in front of him, the two circled each other but Python was content on keeping her distance, forcing Ryu to make the first move.

"Tch, what's wrong? I thought you were eager to start. Fine...." he growled, moving towards her from the thick mud to try and lock up with her in a classic collar and elbow grapple.

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Re: Out in the Jungle

Unread post by ZorzLeth »

Python smirked as Ryu growled. Clearly, he was frustrated that she wasn't making the first move. This was confirmed when Ryu moved in to lock up with a collar and elbow grapple with her. She gripped back in turn, holding Ryu back just a bit. Now, she didn't have the strength to directly overpower Ryu, but there are other ways to defeat a dragon.

"I do, but you can't just expect the lady to do all the work." Python said, holding Ryu back a bit. After a few seconds went by, she whispered, in a seductive tone, "Come on, impress me."

Time Left: 59:59:25
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