Gil 'Arma-Gil-O' vs Aella Midori ‘The Queen of the Sky'; Smother Match

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Gil 'Arma-Gil-O' vs Aella Midori ‘The Queen of the Sky'; Smother Match

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The many, many faces (And heels) of L.A.W was a huge part of what made it so entertaining, seeing the clash of personalities, styles, and even the different outfits the wrestlers wore! At least, this was a huge part of Gil's interest in L.A.W, and tonight's battle would be one between rookie vs veteran! Aella undoubtedly had a lifetime more of experience than Gil, literally! She had been wrestling since before Gil was even born!

Gil never let something like that get in the way of her confidence, nothing could get in the way of her confidence, she practically beamed with it, and even more so because a smother match, like this one, was her specialty, if there was any match she was destined to win, it was this one!

"Tonight's match is a battle between rookie and veteran, young and experienced, daughter and mot- Well maybe not that, a-anyway! First on her way to the ring, from the United States, standing at 5'7 and weighing in at 131 pounds...! ARM-A-GIL-OOOOO!"
A boom of multi-colored confetti and blaring music welcomed Gil to the ring, she skipped out, reaching her hand out to high-five ever person in the crowd she passed!

Gil came up to the ring, slipping under the bottom rope, waving to all in the crowd, blowing kisses, really indulging in the theatrics! She finally settled, at least the most she could, into the corner, dancing from foot to foot, waiting for her opponent to make her own entrance!

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Re: Gil 'Arma-Gil-O' vs Aella Midori ‘The Queen of the Sky'; Smother Match

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Aella smiled softly as she stretched her limbs out backstage, preparing herself physically and mentally for her next bout tonight against a young rookie. “Arma gillo huh? How cute!” She said to herself while scrolling through some of the match highlights from Gil’d previous bouts. Clad in her black gold ring gear, sat on a bench with her legs crossed seductively, she struck quite a look that left many wither staring or ducking their heads.
“Hmm with this being a smother match gillie will no doubt feel comfortable.” Aella said to herself softly before a catlike smirk came upon her face. “Unfortuantely so do I.” She said standing up upon hearing Gil’s entrnace end. Rolling her neck she approached the entrance ramp and stepped out as soon as her own music began.
Coming out onto the ramp Aella smiled and threw her arm up in the air much to the charged reaction of the crowd. Turning to the side and putting a knee out a bit she threw her head back as the crowd cheered again for the pose. Turning she began strutting down to the ring sticking to one aide to high five fans and blow occassional kisses.

Reaching the ring she hopped up on the apron and turned towards the crowd winking to them with a smile on her face. Then she would leap up, sitting on the top rope before leaning out, balancing her body precariously o the top rope as she made a sexy pose, even raising a leg up just for emphasis before swinging herself over and into the ring with a smirk as she approached the center, eyes locked on Gil’s the whole time.

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Re: Gil 'Arma-Gil-O' vs Aella Midori ‘The Queen of the Sky'; Smother Match

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Gil was a fan of everyone she met, but another smother specialist!? She was practically glowing with joy! She skipped over the the older woman. They stood at similar heights, although Aella was a bit bulkier than she was. Gil admired her outfit, clasping her hands together! "I love your outfit, it's so, so cute! Oh, I'm Gil by the way, let's have fun, okay?" Gil smiled, sticking her hand out to Aella.

Gil would almost always be counted out of a match because of her lack of versatility, but who said smothers can't be versatile? The end result may be the same, or at least similar, but the execution had plenty of room to be played with, something Gil was growing more and more eager to try, as risky as it would be, especially without proper training.

The crowd were in for a treat, smother matches always brought a certain crowd, fans who craved humiliation, fans who were maybe a little sadistic, or fans who just really wanted to see two people smother each other over and over again...!

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Re: Gil 'Arma-Gil-O' vs Aella Midori ‘The Queen of the Sky'; Smother Match

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Aella smiled over at Gil now that she had a good and proper up close view of the girl. She was adorable, absolutely so, her toned legs and but practically glowing along withbthe girl’s beaming smile. The energy was certainly infectious as Aella found herself smilint as well and stepping forward as she saw Gil practically skip over to her.

Hearint the girl’s compliment Aella felt her heart practically swell from how genuine it sounded and how impressed she was. Oh she’d definitely like her. ”Awww thank you sweetie thats so kind to say!” Aella said happily reciprocating the appreciation and joy Gil exuded. “you’re own outfit is adorable as well! I especially love the skirt!” Aella said in return exchanging compliments with Gil before smirking a bit more competively than she did before.

Reaching out she’d clasp hands with Gil with a firm but honest handshake with the girl. “It’s lovely to make you’re aquantice Gil, I’m Aella, and I really look forward to seeing what you can do.” She said with a bit of a flirtacious smirk on her face as she gave Gil a wink before suddenly pulling Gil’s hand up and turning it over. Rather than anything nefarious however Aella simply leaned forward laying a soft kiss on the back of Gil’s hand before releasing it. With another wink Aella would take a few steps back from the girl while putting up her hands and bouncing foot to foot with an excited smile on her face as she waited for the bell to ring.

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Re: Gil 'Arma-Gil-O' vs Aella Midori ‘The Queen of the Sky'; Smother Match

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The two happily bounced compliments off each other for a good while, this was adding up to be a match born out of friendship rather than hatred, too many of Gil's past opponents were ready to break her in half and just as many had succeeded in doing just that! So a match where she got along well with her opponent was greatly appreciated, of course, it was still a match, and Gil had the full intent of winning it!

"Thank you...!" Gil looked down at her skirt, brushing it down, but it just bounce right back up, it's frills gave it a natural bounciness. Gil smiled, ready to turn and walk to her corner and ready herself for the bell to ring, but instead, Aella would grab ahold of her, and kiss her hand, like she was a princess! "O-oh! Thank you...!" Gil blushed slightly, only now backing herself into her corner. One the both of them had some distnace, the match would begin!


Gil took the same ole tactic she usually would, staying put, but light on her feet so she could swiftly shift side to side if she needed to, watching Aella, and allowing her to make the opening move, hoping she would be able to evade, and maybe flip her efforts on their head, giving her the advantage, but only time would tell, Aella had to make a move before she could even assess something like that!

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Re: Gil 'Arma-Gil-O' vs Aella Midori ‘The Queen of the Sky'; Smother Match

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Aella couldn’t help but giggle when she saw the young Gil’s reaction to her flirtacious hand kiss, obviously flustering the girl to an extent. ‘Ah to be young again.’ She thought to herself with a giggle, always enjoying and feeling good about herself when she was able to charm young guns like Gil. Even so however it was soon time for the match to start proper, signaled by the bell ringing prompting Aella to put up her fists with a smirk.

Stepping out from her corner she noticed Gil remained next to stationary. ‘Hmm.’ Aella thought to herself in curiosity, eyebrow quirked up in interest as she pondered the reason behind Gil’s actions. Shrugging to herself Aella would shoot forward towards the girl, arms snapping up to try and wrap around Gil’s head. If successful she would attempt to turn on her heel while trying to pull the girl’s head down against her chest for a side headlock!

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Re: Gil 'Arma-Gil-O' vs Aella Midori ‘The Queen of the Sky'; Smother Match

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Aella was fairly quick, but not quick enough to catch Gil! Gil slipped down and through the legs of her older opponent, shooting herself up back to her feet behind her. "To slow...!" Gil backed herself up a bit, then charged herself forward, looking to body check Aella into the corner, much like a hockey player would do to another against the boards.

"Hup...!" Gil would say upon collision, if her check was successful, her next move was to use the ropes to her advantage, and use them to carefully, but as quickly as she can, get up onto Aella's shoulder, sitting so her crotch was pressed into her face, and her legs were wrapped around her neck and head!

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Re: Gil 'Arma-Gil-O' vs Aella Midori ‘The Queen of the Sky'; Smother Match

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Aella smirked in eagerness as she neared ever closer to Gil, ready to impact with the small girl and bring her right down to the mat. However much to her surprise the previous still girl had suddenly disappeared from her sight! ”Wha?” She exclaimed in shock beofre grunting in pain as a sudden and explosive force smashed into her back sending her stumbling into the corner.

Wincing softly in pain Aella turned and blinked in sudden shock as she saw Gil upon her, coimbing over her with the held of the corner. Immediatey she grunted feeling the girl’s legs wrap around her head! “Mhmf!” She grunted out in response immediately gripping at Gils’s thighs tightly.

‘Clever.’ Aella thought to herself, before suddenly smiling into Gil’s crotch as her gripping turned into more of a gentle rubbing of her thighs. ‘But risky.’ She finished her thought process as her tongue pushed up, probing against the cloth covering Gil’s private area. While doing so Aella would attempt to walk forward, trying to pull Gil off from the safety of the ropes while throwing herself down to turn Gil’s position against her with a powerbomb!

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Re: Gil 'Arma-Gil-O' vs Aella Midori ‘The Queen of the Sky'; Smother Match

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A perfect landing stuck! Gil sat high and mighty from her lofty height atop Aella's shoulders. She was confident this smother wasn't expected, or prepared for, and partially, she was right, but Aella could adapt just like anyone could!

The feeling quickly went from beaming with pride from sticking such a move early on, to one of embarrassment from Aella's first counter! "H-hey! Stop that...!" Gil tried to push herself away from Aella's face, but that wouldn't be an option.

Gil would get away soon enough though, however, not in the fashion she wanted, Aella would prep her up and the slam her down with a devastating power-bomb! Gil groaned upon impact, nothing good came from a slam like that, and Gil knew it.

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Re: Gil 'Arma-Gil-O' vs Aella Midori ‘The Queen of the Sky'; Smother Match

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Taking a deep breath following that power bomb Aella took a look below her to drink in the vision of Gil writhin on the mat in pain from the powerbomb. That hadn’t neccessarily been the way she wanted to start their bout, but it was effective none the less. Especially after Gil’s impressive start in catching Aella off guard.

But now that Gil was flat on the mat Aella was the one in control. Smirking softly Aella would stand over the girl before dropping down right on the fledgling middleweights chest! Smirking down at her from this top position Aella would reach down, grabbing the back of her head and lifting her up, right into her crotch!

Smirking softly if she was succesful Aella would begin to thrust her hips forward into Gil’s face, twisting and grinding her hips against the girl’s face to dry hump her! Aella was smart, and worked up already. This was a great way to both wear Gil down with a crotch smother, and let out some lustful energy all at once! Now all that was left was to see if Gil would manage to break free or not!

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