Name: Amelia Winter
Age: 21
Hair color: White
Eye color: Yellow
Sexuality: Lesbian
Gender: Female
Height: 5'10
Weight: 167 Lbs
Nationality: USA
Alignment: Heel
Entrance Theme
Amelia Winter grew up in an orphanage. She was abandoned on their door by her parents, something Amelia has always resented. She had it very rough growing up, frequently picked on and bullied by the other children. She learned to fend for herself fairly quickly, developing a reputation to beat those who harassed her into a bloody pulp. She was never adopted, and was discharged from the orphanage as an adult. She became a street thug, frequently assaulting people simply to vent her aggressions.
After being arrested several times, Amelia soon searched for a legal way to satisfy her violent urges. She soon set her eyes on professional wrestling. It seemed perfect for her. A way to unload onto her opponents with no repercussions what's oh ever! Adopting the ring name of Winter Wrath, she started her career as a pro wrestler, soon finding her way to LAW.
Amelia is incredibly violent and hot headed. It'd be a miracle if you ever caught her not in the mood to attack someone. She's not too intelligent, often only knowing how to get her point across by screaming in someone's face. That being said, she does have a rare soft side to her, and if you're persistent and charismatic enough to befriend her, she'll show uncharacteristic kindness.
Fighting Style
Amelia has no training in any form of combat, relying purely on pure strength. Unfortunately for her opponent's, that enough for her to win. She often goes for attacks that maximize the amount of pain her opponent's go through, and takes pleasure in seriously injuring people.
General Stats
-Endurance: 4/5 -
-Strength: 5/5 -
-Speed: 2/5 -
-Defense: 2/5 -
-Technique: 1/5 -
Wrestling Stats
-Strikes: 5/5 -
-Power Moves: 2/5 -
-Submissions: 2/5 -
-Aerial Moves: 1/5 -
Winter Arch
As an opponent is lying on their stomach, Amelia grabs one arm, one leg, and pulls them into a U shape for a painful submission.
Winter Strangle
Amelia grabs her opponent's neck, strangling them until they pass out.
Dislikes: Cute things, Being Bored.
Hobbies: Attacking people on the street.
-Amelia was originally made by a friend of mine, though I took quite a few creative liberties with her.
Primary Attire
