The Midas Touch, Episode 1b: A Room With A View

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The Midas Touch, Episode 1b: A Room With A View

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Kelsea Rose had once been a floundering college student. A kind-hearted athlete with no ambition outside of testing herself. A humble gaijin who'd been born on an American Military base. Whose life's work had amounted to a coffin apartment in Yanaka, an area outside of Tokyo with a terrible reputation. She was little and had little.

That was... Until Rose Gold appeared.
The Ritz-Carlton Tokyo was the highest rated hotel in the capital city of Japan. Set in the Midtown Tower, it is the peak of posh accommodations for those who won't settle for anything less then the best. The hotel's most luxurious room is without a doubt the penthouse suite. A large room with it's own jacuzzi, full service, and a simultaneous view of Tokyo Bay and Mt. Fuji.

This had become Rose Gold's home ever since winning the Lightweight Championship.

The contest with the rookie Natalia Dominique Lacroix had been harder fought than expected. But the spoils were worth the effort. She'd left the woman battered, bare, and humiliated. And now she was to have her way with her by right of conquest.

Natalia had been afforded some time to gather her belongings from the arena and had received explicit instructions:

She was to arrive at the Ritz-Carlton no later than 11pm. She was to knock upon the penthouse door thrice. No more. No less. And she was expected to bring the sexiest swimsuit she could conjure.
Last edited by SuckerPunch on Mon May 03, 2021 8:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Midas Touch, Episode 1b: A Room With A View

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It had been a long night for Natalia already and it was over yet. The night had been full of emotions...and pain. It had been Natalia's first taste at the championship scene in LAW and also her first POW match... and she had lost. It hadn't been a fair fight. Rose Gold was a mean cheater for sure, but that mattered little. Low tricks, cheating and just plain malice aside, Rose had made her tap out and with that she had won the match and kept her title. And also had 'won' having Natalia as her prisoner.

Natalia's legs still hurt when she walked down the reception area of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. Rose had promised she would destroy Natalia's lovely long model legs and she had certainly punished them to the point Natalia had to be helped out of the ring and arena. Luckily for Natalia the hotel staff didn't bothered as she walked towards the elevator. Rose had probably gave them instructions that she was expected, Natalia guessed. She pressed the PH button and sighed.

Natalia was certainly not happy about this and she was quite nervous about what someone as mean as Rose would be planning to do to her. Then again she wasn't going to breach her contract and, more importantly, Natalia's wrestler honor demanded that she paid the stakes. Anyway Natalia had waited to the last minute to do so. She stopped at the penthouse door and checked her phone. 10:59. Then she knocked on the door thrice and waited, arms crossed in front of her. She was wearing a cute hoodie, she had used to kind of hide her pretty face, and some plain training pants. Rose had said she had to bring the sexiest swimsuit she had, and Natalia had many of those to chose from, but she never said she had to wear it. So Natalia was indeed bringing one of her sexiest bikinis from her modeling days in her hoodie front pocked.
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Re: The Midas Touch, Episode 1b: A Room With A View

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She was confident after the way she'd tortured the poor Rookie's body that she wouldn't dare violate the terms of their match. She was new to the world of professional wrestling. She'd brought with her an undeniably delicious body and a skillset worthy of a professional athlete... But she lacked the experience and wiles that made it all work.

And yet, despite that... There was something that had drawn the Lightweight Champion to one of the divisions newest talents. Something that had called out to her. She had been chosen to be Rose Gold's first title defense. Her first Midas Touch segment. And most importantly, and perhaps surprisingly, her first POW.

The three knocks came just as she was instructed. It put a smirk on the Lewd Lightweight's face. What a perfect, obedient prize.

She didn't bother looking through the peephole to see who it was. She simply pulled the door open, a Cheshire grin already on her perfect pouty lips.

Rose Gold had discarded the trappings of a Pro Wrestler-cum-Sex Fighter. Relaxing at home, she wore a pair of denim jean shorts, a black tank-top, and a yellow jacket over it. A black ball cap sat upon her hair. She was dressed casually.
She stepped aside, beckoning Natalia inside.

"I'm glad you made it. I was worried you wouldn't show up." She lied.

She offered her a hand to assist her with her next words. Perhaps it was cruel and subconscious reminder of what happened to those that defied her. "How are your legs?" But it somehow sounded... Genuine.

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Re: The Midas Touch, Episode 1b: A Room With A View

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Natalia frowned as she looked at Rose. The champ looked so cute and almost friendly, in her 'civilian' clothes, but Natalia couldn't forget the hell Rose had put her through. Rose too seemed to be inclined to remind Natalia what had happened. "My legs are fine..." Natalia said even though her legs were still hurting a lot but she wasn't going to admit it. Natalia took a second look at Rose. The blonde looked almost like a completely different person. She even sounded like she actually cared.

Despite the fact that she was still mad at Rose, Natalia did not forgot her manners. "Sorry for the intrusion..." she said as she stepped into the champs home, doing her best to not show that it hurt a bit to walk.

Although Natalia did a good job hiding her pain she couldn't hide her awe at the luxury of Rose's penthouse suite. It was exactly the kind of place Natalia wanted to have as home. She nearly forgot Rose or why she was there for a second and walked towards the big windows in the back to take a look at the beautiful view of Tokyo's skyline. "Soooo pretty!" She said with a smile and a light in her eyes. So this was how champions lived. Now Natalia had another reason why she wanted to be the champ. After a bit she stopped looking outside and looked in at Rose's home. "You have a very nice home, Rose-senpai"
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Re: The Midas Touch, Episode 1b: A Room With A View

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"Good. I'm glad. You belong to me tonight, and I'll not spend my time with a broken woman." She stated plainly in response to Natalia's answer.

Their conversation was performative. Rose could see clearly from the way Natalia walked that she was still injured. But it was imperative that she look strong in front of a predator, lest she be consumed. So she lied. And Rose had a role as her Queen. And a Queen did not concern themselves with their conquered. So she was cruel. They both played their parts. For now.

She allowed Natalia to pass, stepping beyond the entryway. To the left was a hall leading to another room. But in front of her was a great sprawling bedroom.
Tokyo Tower stood out brightest in the horizon. A mammoth replica of the Eiffel Tower.

Rose stood behind her as she took in the neon lights of Tokyo. She bit her lip, admiring her body in private as it was outlined by the moonlight. By the time Natalia turned around she was all business once more. Cold.

"Thank you. It suits me." She confessed without a shred of modesty.

"It's time to begin." She said succinctly.

"Over there." She gestured to a paper screen. "Strip down to your underwear. Then you'll lay here." She pressed her palm to the bottom of her bed. "Face-down." She turned her back to Natalia to give her privacy. and then, as if a second thought. "Silently."

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Re: The Midas Touch, Episode 1b: A Room With A View

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Natalia blushed bright red when she heard Rose claiming that she belonged to her tonight. She avoided looking back at Rose. It was so embarrassing to be her prisoner but that was the situation and Natalia had no option but to comply with the champ's demands. Natalia stepped behind the paper screen and started to strip down and then put on her leopard print sexy underwear before stepping back into view.


She looked at Rose with a cute resentful frown and then moved to the bed, laying on it face down as Rose demanded. She looked back over her shoulder at the blonde champion, trying not to show her nervousness, but her heart was already racing. She wanted so much to complain and berate Rose, but the champ had been very clear that she was to be silent.
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Re: The Midas Touch, Episode 1b: A Room With A View

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Rose waited until Natalia was out of sight to bite her lip in anticipation. She was beautiful. Natalia's body was lewd and demanding of debauchery. The blonde watched the way her silhouette moved behind the paper screen and couldn't help but let out a soft, appreciative gasp.

She closed her eyes and stilled her heart. There was still much to do, she told herself. And a moment later Natalia emerged from behind the screen in a tiny, leopard print bikini. She was perfect. From head to toe. Her perfect, kissable inner thighs made her nipples harden painfully. The firm "V" lines that ran from her belly to beneath the scant triangle of her bikini put a blush on her face. And the cute expression of sexy submission all but ruined Rose's panties.

And the best part? ...She belonged to her.

"Mmmn. I see you're better at listening than wrestling. Good."
She quipped cruelly as she turned her back to Natalia and opened a drawer. "Close your eyes." She commanded as she shuffled amongst some items.

What followed was the tell-tale squirting of lubricant. An ominous sound when one was belly down. "Don't you dare move." She growled.

Her footsteps grew near the edge of the bed. Near Natalia's vulnerable, practically naked body. "Prepare yourself. It's going to be deep, Natalia-chan."

...Nothing... Nothing...

It seemed like forever since Rose walked over. But when her touch finally came it was with both hands!

And upon her calves. Roses fingers pressed into her exhausted skin. Her fingers were slick with oil. And expertly they began to work and knead the exhausted, sore muscles. As promised, her touch was deep. Firmly soothing her lovely legs of their agony.

First the left and then the right. Her fingers were powerful; The result of a lifetime of grappling. And her touch was sensual and intimate; The result of a lifetime of touching women just-the-right-way.

"You can talk now. And moan." She added cheekily as her hands bent Natalia's leg upwards so that her hands could begin to soothe her exhausted feet.

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Re: The Midas Touch, Episode 1b: A Room With A View

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'Deep?' Natalia thought, panicking a bit hearing Rose words. What exactly was Rose planning to do to her? Natalia closed her eyes and tightened her fists on the silky sheets of the bed, preparing herself, not sure what she could expect from the evil Rose. She braced herself, unsure to what, and waited... and waited....

Natalia contained a growl. She could sense Rose was, as usual, toying with her, but once again she didn't have much other option but to endure Rose's evil games. Then Rose touched her and Natalia's body trembled. She almost yelped when Rose put both hands on her calves. Rose began massaging her still aching calves and Natalia couldn't help but let out a soft moan of relief, blushing as Rose fingers began working her tired legs, covering them in soft oil. It felt so good, specially because her legs hurt so much. But Natalia didn't allowed herself to forget that Rose was the very reason why her legs hurt so much.

Natalia opened her eyes and raised her head a bit, looking back at Rose over her shoulder, pouting, still a bit angry. "You are so mean, Rose-senpai.... " Natalia said, taking a deep breath as she relaxed a bit. There was no way of knowing what Rose would be planning but for now the champ was giving her a very nice and much needed massage, soothing the pain she had inflicted hours before with the same expertise with which she had applied it.
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Re: The Midas Touch, Episode 1b: A Room With A View

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"Mean?" She asked with faux-outrage. "How impertinent. After all I've given you?"

Her fingers slid along Natalia's perfect, smooth skin. Her fingertips worked nimbly along her sensitive, damaged legs. They drew up her calves, cradling the top of her foot in one palm while the other hand worked the flat of it. Her thumbs worked the center of her foot in soothing circular motions before her fingers slid between her toes to gently, intimately soothe them.

She spoke again as she switched to the other foot. "I may have broken you in our match. But you belong to me for the night, and I'll not own some useless broken thing. So relax and enjoy." She added with a smile. It seemed that Rose was as skilled a masseuse as she was a submission artist. Her touch was divine and precise. A surge of relief followed in the wake of her touch.

"Don't pout so much. You should be thanking me. You are the first I've brought here, I'll have you know." For all the matches Rose Gold had participated in, her match with Natalia had been her first POW... She'd been carefully selected.

She gently straightened both of Natalia's legs, allowing her to rest on the bed as she moved to get more lotion. "And beyond that, I gave you a title shot -and- I've made you famous. Haven't you checked your social media?" She asked as her hands once again made contact with her skin, this time her thighs.

She gently urged them apart. And then her hands once again went to work. Her fingers oscillating between gentle caress and deep relief. Every sweeping touch drawing her attention ever higher. Ever closer to the underside of her bikini.

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Re: The Midas Touch, Episode 1b: A Room With A View

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Natalia tried not to tremble or make any sound as Rose massaged her but the champ's touch felt divine. Her legs, tenderized after the fight, were extra sensitive now and Rose was touching all the right spots, relaxing the muscles, making Natalia's ticklish feet shiver a bit. Natalia couldn't help but let out a soft purr when Rose played with her toes. Natalia could feel her nipples hardening against the bed as she laid there, she blushed realizing she was enjoying the massage Rose was giving her way too much.

Rose words on the other hand wasn't something Natalia was enjoying. "You beat me, Rose-senpai.... but I'm not broken..." she said with a soft but still slightly defiant tone. Natalia wasn't sure how to feel about Rose confession. Rose chose her for her first POW match ever and clearly had no intentions of losing. Could it be that Rose planned all this because she wanted her. The idea made Natalia blush even more. Natalia moaned louder than she would have liked when Rose spread her thighs. Part of Natalia, her competitive side wanted to battle Rose again, but the other side of her just wanted to see what Rose had planned to do... and besides that Rose had won, Natalia felt she was honor bound to be Rose's prisoner. And in a way it was kind of exciting and sexy...

Natalia wasn't the only one that seemed to think that the POW match had been sexy. Just like Rose knew, it was the only thing people seemed to be talking in the LAW social media. Natalia's followers seemed to have doubled since the match and that was already a ridiculous amount of followers. Natalia hated to think that Rose had made her famous, more famous, but the champ was right.

"Yes.... you are right, Rose-senpai..." Natalia admitted defeated. "Fans are going completely crazy about it... they are so mean..."
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