Wolf vs Liger: Sophia Wolfe vs Berserk Liger

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Wolf vs Liger: Sophia Wolfe vs Berserk Liger

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Standard Match
Win by Pinfall, Submission, or KO

Another match, another chance to show how much she grown and learned. Looking over herself in the mirror fixing the liger ear headband over her head just like she used to do, and checking the tail attachment also. Giving herself a small smile at keeping the last bit's of her old outfit at least some form of it before the rest away in anger.

Her music begins to play as her bodyguard makes his way out first, before holding his hand out and leads Liger to the stage helping to guide her down the steel ramp down to the ring. Being helped up by her bodyguard as she slides between the middle ropes and enters the ring, blowing a kiss to the crowd while her guard makes his way backstage.

"Come out little wolf I'm waiting to sink my fangs into you."

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Re: Wolf vs Liger: Sophia Wolfe vs Berserk Liger

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It was not long after Berserk Liger made her entrance that all would go quiet in the arena. That was until Sophia Wolfe's music began to play on the PA system at high volume, signalling the entrance of one of the LAW's fan favourites!
As the music began, a mist began to fill the entrance area along with flashing light effects, as the watching fans began to cheer loudly knowing Scar would soon make her appearance. When the mist cleared, Sophia Wolfe was present, kneeling in the centre of the entrance area with her eyes closed, prompting the fans to cheer louder. Soon enough Sophia Wolfe leapt up to her feet, performing a few solid air strikes as a few flashes and fireworks began to erupt in unison. She finished with a flying spinning kick in the air along with the biggest flash from a powerhouse firework, the notions only getting the crowd going more. When the opening antics were complete, Sophia began to make her way down the entrance ramp towards the ring, wearing a stoic expression as always, adjusting her elbow straps as she was clad in her more newer wrestling attire.
The young German beauty was not one to play to the crowd as usual despite their love for her, ignoring the outstretching hands for tags, though she did give the occasional nod to passionate fans who were almost falling over the banister to cheer and support her. She entered the ring as her music continued to hit on the PA system, soon taking the far corner as her starting area for the upcoming match. Again, she did little to play up to the crowd, but she was beginning to make efforts, giving a bow towards the ground before she turned to her opponent for tonight, noticing Liger.

She gave the fellow wrestler a formal bow, before offering her hand before the match would begin.
"It is a pleasure to meet you Liger." Sophia spoke, her unique accent of both German and British being heavy in her tone. It was an unusual thing for Sophia to speak to her opponents... she always showed respect to be certain, bowing... handshaking or fist bumping... but she rarely spoke. The effort was made mostly due to Liger's relation... a famous superstar wrestler who Sophia was a massive fan of since her childhood... long before she became the wrestler she is today.

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Re: Wolf vs Liger: Sophia Wolfe vs Berserk Liger

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Liger is watching her opponent make her way down to the ring. Eyeing the woman up and down before knowing that she going to be in for a rough fight tonight. But she has a little secret just she needs it that is in her shorts if needed be to help her win this match up.

The bell rings in the background as Liger comes out of her corner ready to fight before seeing Sophia bowing to the crowd first before giving her a bow as well much to her annoyance. But hearing her speak her native tongue does bring a small little grin to her face, knowing what she going to say back is gonna piss the woman off.

"Es ist kein Vergnügen, Sie Zutreffen Sophia" Liger says in perfect German from both her parents but with a small Japanese accent mixed in as well. Basically telling Sophia it is not a pleasure to meet you Sophia. Not even accepting the handshake but rears her hand back and slaps the other woman in the face to start the match off, before throwing a kick to Sophia face.

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Re: Wolf vs Liger: Sophia Wolfe vs Berserk Liger

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Sophia was naturally taken off guard when Liger decided to slap her in the face after making a bold statement against her. The slap was heard throughout the arena, making the watching crowds gasp. Sophia took a step back, favouring her cheek with one hand with a look of malice befalling her otherwise beautiful features... noticing quickly that Liger had gone on the attack with the ring of the bell. With quick reactions, Sophia was able to lower herself and shift, letting the powerful kick pass over her head. She looked to respond in kind, throwing her own sweep towards Liger's standing leg, hoping to take it with her own and bring the fellow German down to the mat.

Rather than follow up however, Sophia would back away whether her hit was successful or not. The wrestler nicknamed Scar did not look too pleased as she began to circle Liger, her brow furrowing into a constant frown as she would glare at Liger, adjusting one of her elbow pads.
"Fräulein, benimm dich!" Sophia would respond with venom in her tone. Sophia was greatly disappointed after such a response, feeling nothing but disrespect from Berserk Liger... a grave shame given Sophia had nothing but admiration for her Mother.

Sophia took a fighting stance, now knowing of Liger's intent, before she began to move forwards, looking to reach her a lesson as she tried to launch an assault of strikes against her, looking to kick and punch using her Martial Arts to try and drive her towards one of the nearby turnbuckles!

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Re: Wolf vs Liger: Sophia Wolfe vs Berserk Liger

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Liger slap landed flushed against Sophia cheek with a loud smack like sound. Wanting to send a message to the other woman that this is going to be a serious fight between them. But she missed her big boot move as the other woman was able to dodge her and duck at the last minute while still able to counter said move with a leg sweep to Liger planter foot.

Landing on her rear Liger is forced to look up seeing Sophia adjusting her elbow pads like a wolf stalking her prey, before hearing Miss, behave yourself in her native tongue which makes her get to her feet enraged. Glaring at the woman while she adjusts the sleeves on her arms wishing she would have wore her other outfit but she will make due with what she has on.

Liger backs away seeing the MMA skills that Sophia is using starting to back up until her back is against the turnbuckle, but being smart she sticks her body between the ring ropes forcing the ref to come over. A simple Heel move to slow their opponent down and to sneak a cheating blow if needed be to her advantage. "Make her back up ref come on and do your job..."

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Re: Wolf vs Liger: Sophia Wolfe vs Berserk Liger

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The crowd began to jeer at Liger's antics as she retreated to the corner, getting the referee between herself and Sophia as the woman was about to advance and launch a fresh assault upon the fellow German. Sophia's expression remained the same, but there was certainly a hint of agitation within her eyes as she began to back away. Sophia was beginning to realise exactly what she was up against... and it disappointed her significantly to discover this was how the daughter of Cyber Widow chose to wrestle.

The referee was naturally a little confused about Liger's antics, but no doubt that was the point. The ref made gestures for Sophia to keep back but the woman had already gifted Liger significant space, adjusting her gloves next as she began to glare at the woman. Liger was given a chance to reset the ring as it where, no longer on the ground and giving her another chance to come at Sophia with the leverage right back to the middle.

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Re: Wolf vs Liger: Sophia Wolfe vs Berserk Liger

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Liger smirks seeing that her plan went off without a issue at all. Seeing the ref forcing Sophia to back up and make space for her to plan her next move, even giving Sophia a knowing smirk on her face since she was able to get away with it. Eager to rush forward and with the ref in front of her as a shield so that her opponent wouldn't risk striking her.

You see her ref trying to attack me. That against the rules you know do something about it." Liger screams out using the ref shield to push against Sophia and go for a dirty move by poking her opponent in the eyes with her fingers.

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Re: Wolf vs Liger: Sophia Wolfe vs Berserk Liger

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Sophia Wolfe was a patient sort. Though irritated by Liger's antics, she did not let the underhanded tactics get the better of her mentality. Instead she simply circled towards Liger, shaking her head in disbelief as the daughter of Cyber Widow purposely kept the referee between herself and Sophia. The crowd began to boo loudly, seeing exactly what Berserk Liger was up to. What was worse, was that when she did close the distance using the ref as a shield to prevent attack... she threw out a quick poke towards Sophia, catching one of her eyes.

The ref did not see exactly what happened as Sophia backed away, favouring her eye, but she had clearly had enough of Liger hiding behind her, beginning to tell her to back away from her. However the damage was already done as Sophia favoured her eye... naturally it was the one in which her scar ran over. The distraction gave Liger a prime chance however to go in on the attack!

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Re: Wolf vs Liger: Sophia Wolfe vs Berserk Liger

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Liger seeing her sneak attack work like a charm again. But what even better is that it the same eye that has the scar over Sophia face which is even better for her since it might be a weakness the longer the match goes on. "Oh I'm sorry I thought I saw something close to your eye and wanted to get rid of it for you." mocking her opponent before lunging forward going on the attack now.

Rushing forward Liger goes for a big boot to her opponent face. Wanting to make sure she can get her opponent to the ground and make it much easier to control the match, planning on what she going to do next.

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Re: Wolf vs Liger: Sophia Wolfe vs Berserk Liger

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Sophia was known for being able to counter attack against strikes well enough as demonstrated earlier when the match had just began. She might have been able to repeat such a counter when Liger rushed her, looking to land a big boot... but her eye was still giving her some issues, and her vision was half blurred. As such, it was all Sophia could do to put up a form of guard, managing to block at least the worst of the impact against her head... but the momentum was still strong enough to bring her right down as the boot still clashed against the side of her head.

Sophia fell on her back, grunting out, as the crowd began to jeer loudly, not believing that the referee did not manage to see the eye poke, whilst also seemingly struggling to gain control of the match. Sophia tried to shake the effects of the poke, just about managing to get her sight back... but she realised she was open for Liger to attack her further!

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