Sandra vs. Tina: Hot Headed Battle

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Sandra vs. Tina: Hot Headed Battle

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Match Type: Standard

Tina was pacing as she was preparing in the locker room, decked out in her tiger print 2 piece wrestling gear. Nearby was Alaina in her own wrestling gear, a one piece tiger print swimsuit matching the style of Tina. Oddly enough it was Alaina who seemed more tense about this matchup than Tina.

"I know Sandra trains with Samuela. I know she is good and she has a mean streak a mile wide but I have handled big broads like that before Allie. I will be fine." Tina said as she made her way out in to the hallway with Alaina walking right next to her.

"Maybe that mean streak rubbed off on Samuela. She really messed up my head and neck when she didn't have to last time out. Yes she won, yes she had me beat but she went too far." Alaina said. "Sandra is a dirty wrestler too, so you need to be ready for anything. I can promise nothing will happen from ringside but between the ropes it is all on you." Alaina answered looking uncharacteristically angry.

Tina looked very characteristically confident, smiling as she walked along. "I know but listen Al, you are talking to the first and probably best middleweight champion this place has ever had." Tina said with a wink. "I will watch out for her but don't let your anger cloud your judgement. I feel like our roles have reversed today!" Tina said with a small laugh, causing Alaina to smile and pat her on the back.

"Yeah, maybe. Go out there and do what you do best." Alaina said before the two emerged out into the arena. Tina and Alaina struck a couple poses at the top of the ramp before strutting down the ramp, high fiving fans on each side all the way down before the amazon gave the tigress a hug. Alaina strut to her place on the far side of the ring, swaying her hips and waving her arms in the air to keep the crowd fired up. Tina slid in to the ring and held her arms out as she walked around, taking in the cheers of the crowd before settling in to her corner near Alaina waiting for Sandra to come down to the ring.

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Re: Sandra vs. Tina: Hot Headed Battle

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Soo the music would change and the lights from the overhead turned red and a bit darker. Soon after Sandra would step onto the stage and would look around with a more serious look on her face. The fans didn´t give her as a warm welcome as they did tina and Sandra was not paying them any mine. Instead she would just walk to the front of the platform and lean forwards a bit placing ne hand on her hip and looking down the ramp into the ring. She would see her prey there… the former Middleweight champion, the first middleweight champion Tina Armlong herself!

This match should put her onto the radar of the higher ups for sure..

Samus and Caro did warn her about tina that she was no ordinary wrestler, she should been under the top percent… but hey you kind of needed to to be a champion don´t you? Sandra didn’t care too much about what the other two had to say she just wanted to fight Tina! Sandra´s emotionless face would start to slowly turn into a twisted face. And what fight this was going to be… she was sure that Tina wasn´t going to go down easy…
The red hair would stand back up again and walk down to the ring and not let tina out of her sights. When she reached the ring she would slide into it on her belly and jump back to her feet. Without saying anything at first she would walk up to tina and look her up and down, not hiding that she was cheking her out. “you look even more buffed then on the screen miss Armlong!” would Sandra say as an honest compliment, before walking past Tina towards her own corner waiting for the match to open.

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Re: Sandra vs. Tina: Hot Headed Battle

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Tina looked at Sandra and smiled. So far nothing cheap, no crazy antics... Tina could handle this. She figured it may have all been to lul the tigress into a false sense of security.

"Right back at ya Sandra." Tina said as both women were in their corners waiting for the bell. As soon as the bell rang Tina would burst put and rush Sandra! Tina was a fair bit smaller and she knew she wasn't the equal of this lady in terms of raw strength.

However she was also very fast and the tigress leapt at Sandra trying to meet her in the middle of the ring with a running dropkick!

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Re: Sandra vs. Tina: Hot Headed Battle

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Sandra started to slowly leave her corner as soon as the bell rung. She brought her arms upwards into a boxing or fistfighting like stance to be ready for tina to go at her and counter… or at least she though she would be ready. She was kind of shocked to see this high level of aggression right off the bet from tina as the small girl smashed her boots into her chest and send her flying backwards into the corner. Sandra would be hitting the turnbuckles hardly and she would scream out loudly for a moment before stumbling forwards again.

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Re: Sandra vs. Tina: Hot Headed Battle

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Tina could see that Sandra was surprised at the tigress being the aggressor. Tina smiled as Sandra stepped back up and Tina didn't back down at all. In fact she stood her ground and swung her leg up trying to hammer the abdomen of Sandra with a fast trio of mid-section kicks to try to keep her stunned! Tina was hoping she could chip away at the toughness of Sandra early on opening up the possibility of bigger moves once she had Sandra properly stunned or aching. However Tina knew that this was not going to be easy!

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Re: Sandra vs. Tina: Hot Headed Battle

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Getting no time to recover Sandra would scream out ludly when a kick would get smashed into her side. She would bend to the side and gridn her teeth as she was unable to cover up how much this was hurting, only for tina to follow up with another brutal kick to her side focing another painful scream out of her. But for the final kick Sandra was seeing it coming and tried to block the kick and then get a good grip on the leg. She would hold on to the leg for a moment before pulling Tina towards herself with a powerful pull. She would then let go of the leg and throw one of her fist forwards for a heavy but very unskillful punch aimed right for the center of Tina´s face trying ot turn the momentum around.

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Re: Sandra vs. Tina: Hot Headed Battle

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Tina looked on in shock as Sandra grabbed her leg! Before she could react she was pulled in and smashed in the face with a hard hitting punch! "UGH!" Tina groaned as her head snapped back and her body fell down to the mat in a heap! Her hands covered her face as she kicked the mat in pain, flat on her back.

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Re: Sandra vs. Tina: Hot Headed Battle

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“oh look at that!” would Sandra say while she would rub over her side. “seems like you can´t take the feedback!” In the next moment Sandra would Turn around and grab the top rope with both of her hands. She would keep her head looking sideways to keep her eyes locked onto her opponent. In the next moment she jumped upwards and with both of her boots she would land on the bottom rope. Sandra would launch herself upwards into the air as high as she could before she would spina round mid air. When Sandra came down she would lift one foot upwards and would then bring it down to stomp down with her foot into the abs of her opponent as hard as she could.

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Re: Sandra vs. Tina: Hot Headed Battle

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Tina wanted to shut the mouth of Sandra after that comment but her woes continued as Sandra made her way to the ropes. she used them to get extra height for a painful stomping, absolutely crushing the abdomen of Tina! "ARGH!" The tigress howled as she thrashed about on the mat clearly in a lot of pain as the tides had fully turned with Sandra really cruising along early on leaving Tina on the mat in agony. This did not bode well and Tina was struggling to even get back up to her feet let alone work her way back in to the matchup.

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Re: Sandra vs. Tina: Hot Headed Battle

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Sandra would not give her opponent to much breathing time before she reached down to grab the head of Tina with both of her hands and slowly pull her back up to her feet. She would try to place the former middleweight champion right in front of her before she would thrust her head forwards trying to smash the top of her own head square into Tina´s face, going for a nasty headbutt. The red haired brawler would stumble backwards a little bit dizzy herself but would try to grab the wrist of her opponent and pull at it before she got out of reach.
Sandra tried to whipe her opponent into the ropes and when tina was coming back at her Sandra would welcome her with a running larian.  

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