Gemma Faraday vs. "Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Haines

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Re: Gemma Faraday vs. "Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Haines

Unread post by Highfly »

Alaina looked up in total shock shaking her head as she saw Gemma celebrating. "H-how... ugh...." A worn out, hurting and agonized amazon groaned kicking the mat one last time before laying motionless. She had begun to stir again before Gemma approached offering a hand up.

"Congrats... you got me. You earned this win and kept taking everything I threw at you." Alaina said with a nod and as much of a smile as she could muster. While proud of Gemma the amazon always hated losing. She wanted to win every match she ever set foot in the ring for. "Sometime maybe we can spar and I can get an unofficial shot at ya again or we can just work out together?" Alaina asked as she tried to hide the pain she was in, still unable to fully stand up as the slams destroyed her back while the finisher hammered the front of her torso mercilessly leaving the amazon looking hobbled.

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Re: Gemma Faraday vs. "Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Haines

Unread post by Luncha_Libre »

Gemma grinned widely at Alaina’s words, her face looking both ecstatic and exhausted. Gemma tried to say something polite, and maybe just a little bit cocky, but a few gasps were all she could muster. Gemma smiled appreciatively, taking the compliment, but that was about all her body was prepared to take at the moment. Gemma just agreed wordlessly to Alaina’s offer, nodding, smiling, and pulling her fierce rival close for an embrace.

Gemma would leave the Amazon where she was, standing back up to her full height to take in the cheers of the fans. Tears formed in the punky Brit’s eyes as she listened to the roar of the fans, waving and backing up to the ropes for support. This moment, a long time coming, had meant more to the Air Raid Siren than any title win could have. She had just pinned Alaina Saunders, clean as a whistle, in the middle of the ring. Titles came and went, but this was something they couldn’t take away from her.

Finally, Gemma raised a fist to the fans, and stepped through the ropes to stagger to the locker room. For now, it was time for ice, and a shower for her battered, spent body. Then, days of rest to recover from what the Amazon had just put her through. Then, it was time to figure out what’s next. This win was hard fought, and Gemma knew that after a milestone like that, it was time to think seriously about what would come next ...

WINNER: Gemma Faraday, via pinfall
So tough, I won't even hit submit on my posts! Wait ...

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