Viviana Accera/Alaina Sanders - First Day (Pt.1: Firing Up)

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The Ominous Future
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Viviana Accera/Alaina Sanders - First Day (Pt.1: Firing Up)

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Taking her first of many steps upon the floor of the LAW gym, Viviana Accera was pumped, to say the least. Not only was today to be her first in-ring encounter in LAW, but it was against a figure she had somewhat grown familiar with if purely by watching her matches. Mostly because of who Alaina was herself facing at the time, but it was by no means to lessen the weight Viviana's sparring partner carried with her this evening. For a first fight, this if anything, was perhaps unwise.
With towel round her neck and knuckles cracked in either hand, Viviana would pace curiously upon the gym canvas. Keeping an eye out for her sparring partner for the evening, Viviana opted to wait patiently as opposed to kill time upon the nearby equipment. She had little intention of being rude to a figure she somewhat admired after all. And whilst it was to be the first meeting between Viv and the aforementioned Alaina, the buxom Italian would by no means struggle to recognise when the Amazon appeared. Likewise could of been said of Alaina herself, given all she would have had to do was look out for Diana, given the fierce resemblance!

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Re: Viviana Accera/Alaina Sanders - First Day (Pt.1: Firing Up)

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Alaina made her exit from thicker room wearing an older wrestling attire, one she hadn't worn on years. She had a leopard print sports bra, briefs, kneepads and boots. She almost always went with the classic one piece swimsuit these days bit today she changed it up.

She was working with Diana's younger sister and knee how big and powerful Viviana was. Alaina had herself bulked up and leaned up, wanting to show that a 42 year old could still hang with the young crowd. "Hey there, you mist be Viviana! I'm Alaina!" She said cheerfully as she extended her hand. Viviana was a lot like Diana. Thicker, a bit younger, gorgeous raven black hair that had that commercial perfect shine that Alaina envied. Oh yeah, today was going to be a fun day.

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Re: Viviana Accera/Alaina Sanders - First Day (Pt.1: Firing Up)

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Shaking hands with a figure she had seen so many times on her internet browser, often enough feuding with her elder sister, Viviana couldn't help but feel a small case of fan-girling. Even if Alaina had aged even slightly since her encounters that the Italian had seen so many times, Viviana was confident she'd have a fight on her hand. The elder lion couldn't pounce as high, but her claws were all the more sharper.

"Heyyy!" Smile to her face that was so rarely seen on the Accera Alaina would have been accustomed to, Viviana's other hand came across to pat the hand offered to her, seemingly taking a shining to the amazon already. "I hope we can have a good one. I couldn't think of a better first practice partner!" Head tilting towards the nearest ring she had somewhat unofficially claimed, the Italian evidently couldn't wait to get things rolling.

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Re: Viviana Accera/Alaina Sanders - First Day (Pt.1: Firing Up)

Unread post by Highfly »

Alaina smiled and saw where Viv was looking. "I imagine there will be plenty of fun to be had all around." She said with a wink.

Alaina walked over to the ring, looking back at Diana as she climbed up onto the apron and through the ropes. "Not many of them come as big as you do, this will be a good chance to see how well I hang with the powerhouses of the heavyweight division." Alaina said honestly as she stood in the center of the ring smiling.

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Re: Viviana Accera/Alaina Sanders - First Day (Pt.1: Firing Up)

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Viviana couldn't help but blush somewhat, given the admired wrestler before her had evidently already decided the Italian would be a challenge. Whether it was because of Viviana's family, or her frame itself, remained up for questioning.

With both figures from one another separated only by a metre or so, with bodies in mirroring postures, Viviana couldn't wait anymore.

"So...what you wanna do, 'Laina?" She'd smirk, already trying to get on familiar terms with the amazon. "Your pick."

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Re: Viviana Accera/Alaina Sanders - First Day (Pt.1: Firing Up)

Unread post by Highfly »

That was a good question, and one Alaina had to think about before answering. "Hmmm..... we can go strike for strike, slam for slam, arm wrestle, treat a spar like a full fledged standard match.... I am game foe anything." Alaina said with a smile.

"Still, if it were up to me I'd ease in to things woth arm wrestling. I can show us a thing or two about power there before moving on to the next lesson." Alaina said with a wink and grin as she crossed her arms across her chest, making sure to flex and posture showing them off.

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Re: Viviana Accera/Alaina Sanders - First Day (Pt.1: Firing Up)

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Tensing her own figure in response, a part of Viviana wanted to take the woman she had seen so much in action up on the offer of arm wrestling. Simple, yet it would be interesting. She certainly didn't fancy anything based on strikes, given part of the reason she was now in wrestling was to leave the world of pure striking behind.

"Well...when you put it like bout a slam-off?" Viviana smirked, leaning to one side, aware that even if she lost such an encounter, she'd surely enjoy it.

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Re: Viviana Accera/Alaina Sanders - First Day (Pt.1: Firing Up)

Unread post by Highfly »

Alaina stroked her chin and smiled. "Sure. You can unleash whatever trio combo ya like and go for a pin. I kick out and do the same to you. Whoever stays down longer loses." Alaina said with a grin, pacing around Viv inside the ring.

It was an intriguing offer and one Alaina hoped Vic would take.... and a contest the amazon hoped to win!

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Re: Viviana Accera/Alaina Sanders - First Day (Pt.1: Firing Up)

Unread post by Devilish53 »

"Hmmm..." Viviana grinned, hand to her chin as she pondered a way to lengthen the contest beyond what Alaina suggested. She wanted to go the full distance with this particular calibre of foe, not just exert herself for great moments of a time. "How about this. Until we agree, we just keep trading slams. No pins. When we're both...warmed up...we'll do it in" Front pressed out, eager to begin nonetheless.

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Re: Viviana Accera/Alaina Sanders - First Day (Pt.1: Firing Up)

Unread post by Highfly »

Alaina smiled and nodded her head. "Deal. You can even go first." Alaina said, strutting up and heading her arms out, almost welcoming the challenge.

This was going to be fun but damn it was going hurt. Still, Alaina was eager to test herself out as much as she couldn't wait to see what Viv could do.

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