Rei Uji [D] Vs. Lily Harper : Debut Of Okuu

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Re: Rei Uji [D] Vs. Lily Harper : Debut Of Okuu

Unread post by Epicsnivy »

Rei launched her knees first into Lily's head, but the only thing her knees met again was canvas, as she held them again. "OH NO!" Rei yelled as her knees crashed into the mat.

And then she was met with a side kick to her head, causing Rei to fall face down to the mat, it seemed as though she was out.

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Re: Rei Uji [D] Vs. Lily Harper : Debut Of Okuu

Unread post by Void-Effect »

Saw Rei had probably been briefly knocked out, she would kneel down and proceed to lay down and roll Rei to her back before she would wrap her arms around her thighs, try to lift it up, attempt to go for a quick pin as the ref comes and start the countdown "ONE..."

Discord: Void Effect#1624

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Re: Rei Uji [D] Vs. Lily Harper : Debut Of Okuu

Unread post by Epicsnivy »

Rei was out from the kick, and didnt know that Lily was attempting to pin her. The referee got down and counted to pin.



And then Rei suddenly came back to consciousness, and kicked out of the pin at a 2 and 7/8 count, almost losing the match. The match has continued, with Rei still down.

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Re: Rei Uji [D] Vs. Lily Harper : Debut Of Okuu

Unread post by Void-Effect »

Lily would groan as she slowly pick herself back up, at the same time, she would grab Rei by the hair and slowly pulling her back up, force her to stand there before she would run toward the rope and bounce off, run back toward Rei before she would charge and jump, warp her thighs around as she use her weight to pull her into a Headscissor

Discord: Void Effect#1624

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