Danielle Degardin vs. Claudia Augustina

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Danielle Degardin vs. Claudia Augustina

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Match Type: Standard Match
Rules: Victory by pinfall, submission, or knockout.
It was about time to get back in the ring, Danielle thought to herself. It had been some time since her last match, but she was as ready as ever to do what she did best - to go out there and prove that she was the rightful queen of LAW, and that everyone else would grovel beneath her! The fans might not have always reacted so warmly to her, but Danielle knew that they were a bunch of hooligans anyway. This match, she thought, would serve as a reminder that she wasn't one to be mocked.

"Coming first to the ring, from Cannes, France! At 5'7, weighing 125 pounds, DANIELLE DEGARDIN!"
With the lights shining around her to light her way, Danielle proceeded down the ramp, one hand on her swaying hips while the other flipped her red tresses back over her shoulder to catch the flashes of the cameras. The former model felt right in her element, and as always she loved the attention. She did, of course, have a fair few hecklers, shouting boos and chanting that she couldn't wrestle, but Dani scowled back at them anyway. She would prove them wrong soon enough.

Coming to the ring apron, Danielle slipped off her high heels, stashing them underneath the ring before she lifted herself onto the apron and extended her long, slender legs over the top rope. Slipping over the ropes, she came to stand in her corner, dusting herself off, before she accepted a microphone from the ring announcer.

"Oh, yes, I hear it all, this...this 'you-can't-wrestle' malarkey!" Danielle said, turning around and glaring back into the stands. "Do you know what you can't do, O humble wrestling fan? Grace the cover of any respectable periodical, unless there's now a magazine out there honoring the sort of lowly, ugly slime you number yourself amongst!" Her comments only drew her more ire, but she crossed her arms with a huff. "I'll show you once and for all how well I can wrestle!" Danielle pointed at the ground in front of her. "Bring out my opponent for this match! Whoever she is, she can't possibly hope to match me in any regard!"
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Re: Danielle Degardin vs. Claudia Augustina

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Claudia was getting ready in the back, today was not a day that she was going to show off how sexy she could get, but rather to show off her other skill set that was hidden underneath the many layers of how sexual combat she had so eagerly shown off. But as much as Claudia loved the womanly body, she was just as focused in a well earnest competition of skill and technique in form of an actual wrestling match. She smiled to herself, still excited with the thought of tangling with another lady.

While she was getting ready, she couldn't help but over hear a voice on the speakers, shouting out to the crowd before directly addressing Claudia herself. "Can't match me she says? Well, let's just see about that." the Symbol of Love smiled as her theme began to play as she exited the back and entered the stage!

"Next, her opponent, from Italy standing at 5'6 and weighting at 135lbs, the Symbol of Love, CLAUDIA AUGUSTINA!"
Wrestling Attire Main
Dressed in her red and orange one piece, her blonde hair tied into a bun, Claudia made her way towards the ring. She got plenty of cheers if only because of the numerous amounts of skinship matches she's had that captivated the more base desires of the fans as she made her way towards the ring. She got a good look of her opponent, who had called her out almost unprovoked, at least from Claudia's stance. The girl was cute red head, she definitely had high marks in the looks department.

Making her way up the stairs, she walked on the apron before stepping through the middle and top rope, bending forward so that her long legs and a peeking view of her rear was right on camera, she took a quick second to stop and shake her rear for everyone watching, looking over her shoulder and blowing a kiss before finally stepping into the ring. Standing across of her opponent, Danielle, she gave a smile and couldn't help but wonder what her opponent had packed away in the cute body.

"My my, you're quite the looker. Although...I don't think that you don't have me beat in the..."
she trailed over, leaning forward and planting her hand on her thigh before sliding it up her body. "...looks department. But you do come close!"

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Re: Danielle Degardin vs. Claudia Augustina

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At last it was time for Claudia to make her arrival on the scene, and Danielle turned her head up to look at her. At first she was struck by the blonde's looks, her figure looking straight out of the sort of magazines she posed for in her previous career. Of course, Dani was sure that no matter how radiant Claudia was, she could never hope of measuring up to her - which made things sting even more when she heard the fans cheer her with just as much enthusiasm as they had booed the Frenchwoman. Her teeth clenched, her fist balling at her side. "What a bunch of petty philistines..." she grumbled to herself under her breath. What did Claudia have that she didn't, she wondered?

That question would soon be answered with Claudia's little show for the fans. As she shook her hips, the redhead rolled her eyes with a groan. At least she had some measure of dignity, but this woman was shameless enough to play to a crowd of slavering dogs who would eat up everything she did. It was the oldest trick in the book, which only made it more infuriating that it was working so well.

Placing her hands on her hips, Danielle huffed, straightening her back as she sauntered closer to Claudia. She turned up her chin and looked away, but she held herself as tall as she could, keen to lord that single inch of height she had over her opponent. "I appreciate the compliment, dear," she replied, "but I can't possibly agree with your judgment. Then again...from the looks of things, I sincerely doubt you had much in the way of good judgment to begin with. Do you really think that any of these fools truly cares about you? Or merely your posterior?"
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Re: Danielle Degardin vs. Claudia Augustina

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Claudia stood with a smile, a hand on her hip as she continued to size up her opponent. She could see the frustration in her eyes and displeasure in her voice, the Symbol of Love only smiled back at her comments about her shameless showing to the crowd watching around them. "Oh that? My dear, I am the Symbol of Love, I show the people what they want and they go home happy, it's not a matter how they feel about me. It's about how I feel about myself." she cooed out as she took a step closer towards Danielle, her hand reaching up to grab Danielle's chin with her thumb and index finger.

"And I feel pretty good about myself right about now. How about you? Think you can take on the Symbol of Love tonight?' she smiled, her eyes narrowing as she pulled Danielle's face closer to hers. It was a shame that Claudia wasn't going to be able to experience all that Danielle had to offer, but Claudia was fine in enjoying what was offered!

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Re: Danielle Degardin vs. Claudia Augustina

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Just listening to Claudia's introduction of herself was enough to make Danielle roll her eyes in disgust. Symbol of Love, really? How insufferable could one be? Danielle, of course, was a very prideful woman, one who prized her good looks and wasn't afraid to flaunt them in magazines and photoshoots the world over, but she at least had some modicum of class. And yet, it was Claudia who everyone was cheering for, all because she had that little shame! It made Dani feel sick to her stomach. These people would cheer anyone so long as they flashed their tits to them.

But what offended her even more than listening to Claudia was having her touch her. Suddenly, the blonde reached out and grabbed Dani by the chin, and in that moment she went tense, a chill going through her body. Claudia steered Danielle's face downward to lock eyes with her, but she would only see a hateful glare aimed back her way before the Frenchwoman gave a rough shove to her shoulders.

"Number one, don't you dare touch me. I don't know where your hands have been, and I don't care to know," Danielle hissed. Then, she stepped back, arching her back and folding her arms to adopt a haughty posture. "Number two...of course I think I can handle you. No, I know I can handle you. You obviously have been kept here only because you appease the rabble, so I can't possibly imagine you can pose any threat!" Danielle herself was hardly known for her wrestling talent. It was an open secret among the LAW community that she had only been hired for her looks, and barely trained. But if Danielle had one conviction, it was that she could only prove herself superior to Claudia!
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Re: Danielle Degardin vs. Claudia Augustina

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The fire in Danielle's eyes was intoxicating, the Symbol of Love knew how to appreciate all forms of beauty even if they were hostile and aggressive towards her. Her lips curled as she saw the tensing of the features for her opponent before she was shoved back, forced to take a few steps back from the sudden shove. "Oh! How rude!" she let out as she managed to sink her feet back as she quickly got her balance back, standing tall with her proud chest puffed out.

The Symbol of Love stood there and listened to Danielle, she couldn't help but let out a snicker at how assured she was of herself. But that didn't mean Claudia discounted Danielle's wrestling ability, her pride had to have come from somewhere with how bold she was speaking. "Well then, how about you put that to the test? With all that big boasting, you're sure to be a Champion here some day right?" she smiled as she got into a wrestling stance, lifting her hand to try and invite Danielle into a test of strength lock up!

"How about I see just how good you are?"

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Re: Danielle Degardin vs. Claudia Augustina

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In that moment, Danielle hesitated. She looked back at the blonde, the corner of her lip twitching anxiously. Claudia's taunts had struck a nerve, giving even someone as confident and self-assured as Danielle a brief moment of pause as she thought over what she had said. In truth, Danielle hadn't thought that she was due to be Champion any time soon. Even she could acknowledge she had her limits. She was sure she'd get there in time, of course, but for now her goals were in establishing herself and making her name one that would be known to LAW fans everywhere - as well as settling a few petty disputes that had arose between her and her fellow wrestlers, of course. The title of Champion seemed unachievably lofty, far too distant to be within her reach.

But now that Claudia had so much as put that thought across, everything changed. Now, Danielle could see the title for what it was. The thought of herself as Middleweight Champion - perhaps even Openweight Champion - was too attractive to ignore, and the very thought of her with that magnificent belt around her waist was an intoxicating one. It seemed so foreign, and yet so natural - it was something she was owed; something that deserved to happen. It was then, Danielle realized, that she knew what she had to strive for. And, at the very least, she couldn't let Claudia think even for a minute she would ever settle for anything less!

Puffing out her chest, Dani turned her chin up haughtily. "Why, of course!" she said. "Would you ever suspect anyone as magnificent as I to pass up the chance? Heavens, no! I'll show you just how worthy I am of such honors!"


With the sight of Claudia assuming a stance, Dani was quick to follow suit. Her brow narrowed in focus as she leaned in closer, reaching to take her opponent's wrists. From there, she would shove back against them, trying to steer her foe away with all the force she could muster!
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Re: Danielle Degardin vs. Claudia Augustina

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The two beautiful girls locked up, hand in hand as they pushed against each other. Claudia held her ground as she sunk her weight to hold back the pushing Danielle, her hands tightening on the soft hands of her opponent as she couldn't help but smile with how close Danielle's face was. She was almost tempted to sneak a kiss on those cute lips.

But showing a competitive wrestling match was more favorable for the whimsical Symbol of Love as she started to give ground slowly, her feet shifting backwards to give the impression that Danielle was forcing her back. She got the impression that Danielle was easily impressionable about herself, so by that dint she thought she could get away with her little plan.

Which now was the perfect time to spring it!

Claudia would quickly fall backwards, pulling on Danielle's hands to bring her along before Claudia brought her feet up, planting them on the hips and pushing Danielle upwards as she tried to monkey flip her over! If she was successful, Claudia would show off her athleticism by kicking off of the mat and flipping backwards, trying to mount Danielle right then and there!

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Re: Danielle Degardin vs. Claudia Augustina

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As soon as Danielle took hold of Claudia's hands, her brow narrowed into a glare, one she shot back up toward her foe. She clenched her teeth, leaning in closer to try and force Claudia backward, while she looked at her with a scowl that she felt would say enough when it came to what Dani thought of her. Despite those feelings, however, Claudia was proving harder to move than Danielle had given her credit for. While the Frenchwoman had gotten by in her career thus far based largely on her looks (and a bit of bribery behind the scenes), she didn't have the greatest command of wrestling. Claudia, on the other hand, was more than capable of holding her own in the ring - a fact Danielle would soon discover, as the blonde steered her back with ease!

Danielle bit her lip with growing anxiety as it became clear that Claudia wasn't going down as easily as she would've liked. "Hmph...beginner's luck," she muttered as she was forced to take a step back. But her strength was only the beginning. Suddenly, Claudia would strike, as she swung her feet onto the redhead's hips and flipped her back through the air, landing on top of her soon after! The crowd gasped and cheered at such a display of athletic prowess from Claudia right out of the gate - and Danielle was just as shocked, her eyes going wide as she looked up at her opponent. She never would have seen it coming, and she knew all too well she would have a hard time matching it!

Dani's eyes narrowed as she huffed under her breath. She wouldn't let this keep her down - in fact, Claudia's dominance over her was only making her that much more motivated to stand up to her and take her down a peg! Glaring at Claudia, she raised a fist, attempting to swing it her way!
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Re: Danielle Degardin vs. Claudia Augustina

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Hearing the crowd cheer as she sat on Danielle's stomach, Claudia couldn't help but bask in their cheers as she brought up her arms and gave a flex for them, blowing kisses at them and show a clear lack of urgency against Danielle. She soon turned her attention to Danielle and saw the look on her face, "You see? Beauty and skill I have!" She cockily replied as she flexed her arms again, just to prove her point.

But Danielle was not in the mood for games as she took a swing at Claudia. The Symbol of Love wasn't intent on getting her looks smacked as she pulled her head back, rolling off of Danielle as she rolled off of her to put some distance between them. Smiling all the while as she got up to a knee.

"Ooooooh, the prim and proper girl has some dukes on her!" she cooed as she popped up to her feet and began to circle the ring again, planning her next method of attack.

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