Rules: Victory by submission, pinfall, or knockout
She'd heard that she'd be facing off against Lily Sniper, a name she recalled as a famous one in the world of wrestling. That got Kyoko even more excited! Not only that she'd get to meet someone so prominent in person, someone she considered an inspiration to her career (if she was thinking of the right person, anyway), but that she'd get to beat her as well! The Heartbreakers could only attain more fame - and notoriety - if they could prove themselves superior to a former tag team champion - and Kyoko was determined to ensure that would happen!
"The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Coming first to the ring, from Tokyo, Japan, at 5'6 and 125 pounds, representing the Heartbreakers, KYOKO KOBASHI!"

"What, this?" Kyoko asked. "That's just for the entrance, it's fine!" The ref girl was less than convinced, but let out a sigh as she backed away to the center of the ring. That left Kyoko to climb into the ring after leaving the bat leaning against the ring apron, sliding underneath the ropes before climbing to her feet and stretching herself out.