Sheila Chihara vs. Harmonia Edelstein - Bikini Match

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Re: Sheila Chihara vs. Harmonia Edelstein - Bikini Match

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Sheila's eye twitched and she bit at the corner of her lip, trying to keep her focus. She heard Harmonia's offer to surrender, and for a moment the prospect crossed her mind. Her leg was aching, and with all the punishment she'd taken, Sheila wasn't sure how well it would hold up for the rest of the match. But she soon shook that thought out of her head, looking back up at Harmonia in defiance. She still had a chance, and she couldn't back down!

Kicking out with her free leg, Sheila managed to knock Harmonia back, sending the blonde sprawling to the mat. She rolled up to her feet, panting to catch her breath. As she leaned forward, putting weight on her sore leg, Sheila's face tightened into a wince, and she gasped from the jolt of pain going through her. But she looked back up at Harmonia all the same. Even if she hurt, she couldn't let Harmonia win!

Sheila leaned closer, grabbing for Harmonia's head to pull her up off the canvas. If successful, she would hook her arm around her head and drag it against her armpit, sucking in a breath to steel herself before she dropped back to slam her head into the mat with a DDT!
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Re: Sheila Chihara vs. Harmonia Edelstein - Bikini Match

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Harmonia was impressed with her opponent who fought on even if the odds are against her.
Again,this was something she could appreciate very much.
But she knew that this iron will was Sheilas strength and she had to break it!
She twisted and turned the girls ankle as she kicked Harmonias ankle out of the blue,sending the blonde beauty to the mat.
"Verdammt...",she cursed in german and rubbed her aching ankle.

Meanwhile Sheila got up before her eyes and as Harmonia expected,she could'nt even stand on her right leg.
Harmonia had planned to spear the girl to the ground,applying another painful submission hold on her leg as she was grabbed by her hair rather rude ans put up.
And as Harmonia wanted to slap Sheilas hand away the canvas came near again as she felt victim to Sheilas perfect DDT,sending the blonde into the canvas,up into the air and flat down on the mat.
"Mhh",she moaned.

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Re: Sheila Chihara vs. Harmonia Edelstein - Bikini Match

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Now a grin was starting to spread across Sheila's face, her heart beating faster in her chest. She saw that in fighting back she was starting to turn the tide against Harmonia, and that only encouraged her further to keep up her efforts, knowing she was going somewhere with them! Before the blonde could act, Sheila hauled her to her feet, throwing her into the mat head-first to slam the former model's skull against the canvas!

As Harmonia struck the mat with a thud, a cheer rung out from the stands from Sheila's supporters, watching as she scored a blow against her opponent. The brunette rolled over to the side, getting on her knees and pumping her fist in the air with a proud grin. "Aaaall right!~ Woo!" she cheered, celebrating her victory. But she also saw that Harmonia had been left stunned by the collision, and that, she knew, was a position she could take advantage of!

Quickly throwing herself back into the action, Sheila rolled herself on top of Harmonia's back. She wrapped her fingers around her chin, pulling her head back as she arched her back off the mat to apply a camel clutch! Sheila's teeth clenched in focus as she fought to hold on the pressure!
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Re: Sheila Chihara vs. Harmonia Edelstein - Bikini Match

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To say that Harmonia was surprised was the understatement of the year as her face hit the canvas and she groaned,holding her hurting face.
"Scheiße...",she sweared in german and touched her nose to look if anything was bleeding.
Thankfully it was not but the DDT had surprised her.
Being a little stubborn and pigheaded this move made no difference in the match but it gave Sheila
needed time to start her own program on Harmonia.

"Aaaah,fuck!",she groaned at the sudden bending of her spine in the camelclutch.
And as Sheila was no weakling either it hurt like a bitch!
Harmonia groaned as her head and with that her spine was bent back.
All of that would'nt have been so bad if Sheila would hold herself back,but Harmonia soon felt that her opponent pulled with all her might and Harmonia gritted her teeth until the pain was too much and screamed at the top of her lungs.
"Oh gott,hör auf! Es tut so weh! Stoooop!"
Sheila would just understand the last word,maybe the first two but what Harmonia was screaming was perfectly clear.

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Re: Sheila Chihara vs. Harmonia Edelstein - Bikini Match

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By the sounds of it, Harmonia had been taken by surprise to find herself thrown headfirst into the ring courtesy of Sheila's DDT. The Australian girl smiled wider; the excitement took hold in her as she realized that she was doing something right, and that she had scored a blow against her opponent that was sure to slow her down. Now, she was feeling more assured than ever that she could win this match, and she was willing to ride that hope out to what she saw as its logical conclusion!

Soon getting into position, she rolled on top of Harmonia, wrapping her fingers around her chin and pulling back. Sheila grit her teeth, the muscles in her arms tensing and flexing to hold on tight as her legs grasped at the ex-model's sides to try and hold her in place. She knew she couldn't let go - and that determination grew even stronger as she heard Harmonia's cries, which stood as proof that whatever she was doing was working! Well, she might not have understood much of what she said, but the emotion in Harmonia's voice still came through!

"I don't know what you're saying...but it sounds like it hurts!" Sheila chimed in, giving another tug at her opponent's head. As she hauled Harmonia back further, the blonde's torso began to lift off the mat, to the cheers of many fans as her breasts were pushed outward beneath her. The referee, meanwhile, got into place by Harmonia's side, asking if she was done. "Do you give up?"
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Re: Sheila Chihara vs. Harmonia Edelstein - Bikini Match

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To say that this hurted like a bitch was and understatement and Harmonia gave an highpitched scream as she was lifted higher,her breasts in good view.
But giving up? Sheila just managed to get into the fight and Harmonia was far from done.
"Ngh...I said Kiss my already did...naughty girl...",she grunted and chuckled but got serious as the ref came.
"No! I can still go on!",she said stubbornly and as Sheila started to put up pressure she knew she had to do something and as they were there,Harmonia tried with pain beyond belief,to get one leg back so she would be on one knee...and she used every ounce of energy she had...

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Re: Sheila Chihara vs. Harmonia Edelstein - Bikini Match

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The crowd had begun to cheer and holler now, as Sheila tightened her grasp around her opponent, dragging her back off the mat. Some were cheering for Sheila's dominance, excited to see how she was taking control and standing up to the blonde. Some were just cheering at the sight of a beauty like Harmonia being bent in such compromising positions, but Sheila didn't care, or give much thought to the nuance of such things. As far as she was concerned, they were all cheering for her, and that left her with even more determination to fight on and prove her strength, as a wide grin crossed her face!

Despite Sheila's best efforts to haul back on Harmonia's chin, the fatigue in her arms from holding the position was starting to set in, and she was growing sore and tired. She groaned and grit her teeth as Harmonia began to get up, her posture shifting. Sheila twisted and turned in place, trying to hang on, but she couldn't keep up - and by the time Harmonia got one knee behind her, the Australian had no choice but to let go.

Her arms gave way, and she dropped off Harmonia. Rolling herself across the ring, Sheila got a safe distance away from her foe before she rose to her knees, panting for breath and rubbing at her shoulders to dull the ache. "Okay..." she muttered, "That was good..."
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Re: Sheila Chihara vs. Harmonia Edelstein - Bikini Match

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Harmonia was impressed and despite the pain the girl now inflicted on her she was happy about such a good challenge and damn that girl was strong!

Harmonias nice shaped bossom was about to pop out of its chains as she managed to get the aussiegirl of her.

As Sheila finally let go,Harmonia dropped to the floor,panting heavily,for the next minutes there was no thinking of fighting back as she rolled on her back.
"Right back at ya,Darling",she said and winked at her.
"This is a great match,don't ya think?",she said knowing that the next move will be Sheilas and maybe it was the last of the match but Harmonia still had energy and much suprises for her sweet and strong opponent.

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Re: Sheila Chihara vs. Harmonia Edelstein - Bikini Match

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Sheila was a stubborn girl who never took no for an answer, but she was beginning to see just how determined her opponent could be too. She was almost sure that Harmonia would have to submit to the camel clutch with how much force she was putting on her neck and back, but she would never have anticipated that the blonde would be able to push herself off the ground, wearing all of Sheila's weight like a backpack, as she forced herself to her feet!

Unable to hold on against the pressure, Sheila was forced to let go, rolling back toward the ropes. The fatigue of the match was catching up to her; even now, as she straightened herself to her feet, the Australian panted for breath, her shapely bikini-clad body glistening with beads of sweat. She leaned back against the ropes, her arm resting along the top to brace herself. But no matter how tired she grew, Sheila was always committed to fighting her hardest. She'd keep at it no matter the cost; to her, victory was always within reach as long as she was still conscious. She looked back out at Harmonia with a grin, keeping her pride about her.

She heard, too, that her toughness and endurance had won Harmonia's respect, as she praised the girl on her efforts. Sheila's smile spread a little wider as she nodded to her. "Yeah! For sure! But don't think I'm done yet..."

Indeed, Sheila still had a trick up her sleeve - while she was backed up against the ropes, she had an out. She had always excelled with high-flying moves, and that was something she could fall back on! She might have been tired and sore, but she still had the undying will to keep going, and she thought this could turn the tides in her favor. Sheila figured her time was running out, and she'd have to turn the match around while she still could - but she had just the idea as to how!

Sucking in a breath, the dark-haired girl grasped the ropes, using them to pull herself up to the top. She turned back toward Harmonia, and without another word, she let out a battle cry, hurling herself straight toward her as she moved to grab her head between her legs with a hurricanrana!
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Re: Sheila Chihara vs. Harmonia Edelstein - Bikini Match

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Harmonia smiled but even if she was'nt as sore as Sheila,she also felt the effects of the fight taking a toll on her.
The bodies of the two beauties glistened with sweat and Harmonia had to adjust her skimpy bathingsuit before an accident happened!

She really enjoyed Sheilas will to fight and as their eyes met,Harmonia noded with a serious look on her face before Sheila started her next move,and what a move that was as the Aussiegirl jumped the toprope and hurled herself into the air,coming down to perform a hurricanrana...but before her legs could touch Harmonias head,the blonde beauty opened her arms,catching her opponent
and tumbling back to the ropes.
With her last efforts she managed to get a hold of Sheila who was now upside down.
The crowd cheered at both womens attack and counter as Harmonia wasted no time and performed a tombston piledriver,driving Sheilas head into the mst and jerking her spine...
The Blonde immediatly let go of her as she fell on hwr hands,panting heavily.
Sheila just forced everything out of her and Harmonia crawled forward in a pinning attempt,falling on Sheila,her boobs pressing against Sheilas, creating a nice sight for the crowd and secured her bruised right leg,it was nowhere near a good and strong pin but Harmonia hoped that Sheila was to out of it and if that was'bt the case that she at least could'nt move her damaged leg.
Last edited by RedShinigami on Wed May 12, 2021 10:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

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