"One, two! One, two! One, two!" Daisy chanted, as she made her way back to LAW. In a display of self-discipline, The Princess of Flowers had jogged her way all the way there, starting all the way from her home nation: Kingdom Chrysanthemum. All on foot. No being driven around by her servants. The monarch was testing her endurance levels, ensuring she was always full to the brim with undying energy. That way, she could outlast strong opponents in the ring. And smother them under her plump backside for good measure.
After the long jog, Princess Petals finally made her way through the doors of LAW. Somehow still having plenty of energy to spare, Daisy went straight to the gym. As usual, it was time to workout her booty. She grabbed a heavy barbell, held it on her back, and started to do her squat reps. Daisy kept her protein shake in a bottle, that she had placed on a counter next to her. The monarch continue her glute growing exercises, working out diligently with the other LAW gym goers.