Return of the Liger: Newbie Nuo vs Berserk Liger

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Return of the Liger: Newbie Nuo vs Berserk Liger

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No DQ Match
Win by Pinfall or Submission

Looking at herself posing and styling waiting to get the call to go out on stage, Liger has been waiting for these moment's after being out for so long and training with her mother she feels she at a level where she can make a serious contender for a title. Well after tonight and beating some opponent called Nuo and Liger will be ready to start planning bigger things, like her revenge for one.

Getting her cue as her music plays over the loud speakers as she makes her way to the stage followed by her half sister who will be in her corner tonight for the match, as both women strike a pose to a loud chant of jeers and boos before they brush them off while making their way down to the ring. Sliding into the ring and fixing her little ears on the top f her head, Liger blows a few mocking kisses at her former fan club before flipping them off ready to see who her opponent is going to show up.

outside the ring

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Re: Return of the Liger: Newbie Nuo vs Berserk Liger

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Things aren't looking great for Nuo it seems, match after match has seem to be getting risky from one to another. Instead of facing one opponent, it feels like she'll be facing two since it's a first to see someone in the match with her partner. Not to mention the team have the same outfit which she can't really judge since it looked cool and her outfit is a bit appealing. It was a No DQ Match as well, which leaves the her opponent having the upper hand with her partner assisting her in some way.
Entrance Music
Nuo couldn't have time to think since her theme began to play which forced her to make her appearance. She ran out on the stage, waving at the crowd as she walked down to the ramp while raising a fist in the air. She later climbed on the ring, lowering herself to go between the middle and bottom ropes. The masked wrestler smiled as she saw the two sisters while giving them a wave till she makes her way to her respecting corner that is the opposite of Liger's for them to face each other.

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Re: Return of the Liger: Newbie Nuo vs Berserk Liger

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Liger begins to laugh seeing the outfit her opponent is wearing, licking her lips slowly at what she plans to do to the woman before getting told to behave by Princess. Strutting forward to Nuo and looking down at the woman she leans forward giving the masked woman a deep kiss, and even adds tongue with it as well before pulling away.

"mmmmm you taste wonderful... I cant wait to beat you and humiliate you during this match Nuo." in a cocky tone before walking back to wait for the ref to ring the bell, her hips swaying from side to side in front of everyone view. Ana is shaking her head at her half sister display before slapping the ring apron to get her focused. "Liger stop playing around end that nobody as soon as possible.."

The bell rings and Liger lunges forward her right leg raised up going for a big boot to the masked wrestler face, wanting to show off her power at the start of the match.

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Re: Return of the Liger: Newbie Nuo vs Berserk Liger

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"I-I can't wait to beat you too..." Nuo nodded slowly, she wasn't able to respond it directly since she was getting mix reactions from the kiss and the cocky tone Liger was gave. She touched her lips a bit, distracted by the kiss her opponent gave but with a tongue as well was making it worse. She made her way to the middle of the ring, trying to show off her figure as well when Liger was doing the same by placing her hands on her hips.


As soon as the bell rang, Liger immediately went for a big boot against Nuo's face. The masked wrestler was ready for some sort of bait or a lock up but wasn't prepared for the Berserk Liger's first strike. She covered her face behind her arms, trying to block the attack before her opponent's attack. If not, she'd still end up be stumbling back and get back to the corner she was on.

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Re: Return of the Liger: Newbie Nuo vs Berserk Liger

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Liger boot slams into Nuo arms that she was able to put up before the move connected, letting out a tssk like sound annoyed at that but seeing the woman stumbling back into her corner makes up for it. IF this was the Face Liger she would have been on a much slower pace and more defensive style of wrestling to see what her opponent would do and such.

Wanting to keep the pressure and more aggressive style, Liger keeps rushing forward wanting to keep Nuo in the corner so that she can't use her speed and quickness in the match. Lunging to slam her shoulder into the woman mid-section to keep her there, before planning on slamming her shoulder back into her stomach a few more times.

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Re: Return of the Liger: Newbie Nuo vs Berserk Liger

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Liger seems to be showing no mercy, not giving Nuo any time to rest as she successfully slam her shoulder against the masked wrestler's stomach. Nuo groaned, trapped in the corner as a punching bag for the Berserk Liger as her stomach was taking a beating. Her legs began to tremble as she tried to stand up while resting her arms on the top ropes around her to help her stand.

Nuo was having trouble standing, with the Berserk Liger continue to slam her shoulder against her few more times. Her legs gave up, feeling like she needs some time to catch her breath which she's not gonna get. She needed to act fast, planning to kick Liger back as she grabbed onto the top ropes and attempt to use her knee and hope for it to land on Liger's stomach.

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Re: Return of the Liger: Newbie Nuo vs Berserk Liger

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The pace of the match is starting off fast much to Liger enjoyment, plus the added feeling of the other woman body against hers. Which is why Liger plans to beat Nuo by breaking her piece by piece, before putting her opponent down for the count and enjoying much more after the match has ended instead she is countered.

Liger didn't think that Nuo would quickly try and counter her this early, as she lunged into to ram her opponent again but the only thing she got was Nuo boots to her stomach. The kick forces Liger to stagger backwards clutching her chest with a angry look on her face, as if Nuo had the nerve to strike her like this... "So You have he nerve to touch me like that you little brute... And here I was going to be nice and such but it seems I'm going to have to beat you senseless.."

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Re: Return of the Liger: Newbie Nuo vs Berserk Liger

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With Liger staggered back, Nuo clutched on her stomach as she triec catching her breath while Liger did the same. Nuo was confused about why the Berserk Liger was angry since she only just kicked her back. "I-I like to see you try..." She huffed, standing on her feet to try and look confident for both Liger and the crowd to see.

Nuo began her attack, finally able to return the favor Liger did to her by rushing at her with everything she got. Hoping to get behind the Berserk Liger who was still clutching her chest from the kick, she tried not wasting time. Attempting to wrap her arms around Liger's neck and attempt to trap her in a sleeper hold.

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Re: Return of the Liger: Newbie Nuo vs Berserk Liger

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Still clutching her stomach from the kick, and glaring hearing Nuo speaking and such makes Liger see nothing but red as if she can see Nuo as more of herself when she first joined LAW. But that in the past and she is the future and hero of this company and she not going to allow some wanna be masked wrestler beat her.

ACCCKKKK" she gurgles out from her opponent getting behind her and wrapping her arm around her neck, stumbling around from the sleeper hold as her hands grab at Nuo arms to loosen the grip. But starts to move backwards to her corner so that Princess is able to grab the other woman foot to pull and yank on it.

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Re: Return of the Liger: Newbie Nuo vs Berserk Liger

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Nuo had Liger for a moment, applying pressure to the neck as she was moved back to the opposite corner where Princess was standing outside of the ring. She felt someone grabbing her foot where she loosen her grip while trying to stay balance for Liger to be able to escape. "Y-you're not going anywhere..." Nuo grunted, falling down and stood on her knee while the other being pulled back.

The masked wrestler glared, already at a disadvantage with Liger's partner helping her escape from Nuo's grasp. Flailing her leg around to try and get herself loose from Princess before Liger could continue her attack. Trying to kick her arm away as she tried standing up with Liger who already been standing on her feet.

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