Gil had never been to a L.A.W gym, or a gym at all, she did most of her exercise at home and by going on runs. Along with her hockey and softball practice. This left her with very little time to ever show up to a fancy gym like this, but she thought it was worth checking out!
Gil really had no need to show up to any gyms, but because the idea was fun to her, she would make the time! Her plan for today was simple, she would stretch, and hit the treadmills for some cardio, then leave!
Coming through the doors, Gil couldn't help but feel like she was heading to a match, just being surrounded by other wrestlers was enough to give her the feeling. It was a short walk before she took a turn into the room where most of the equipment was kept.
Gil looked to her left, seeing rows and rows of various machines for different purposes, most of which she had no idea how to operate, it was mildly intermediating, Gil came from a family that was well off enough, but this was just fancy, way beyond anything she had seen before Looking the other way, she saw the only other person in the room, turned away from her, she could see her lifting, and then letting down her legs, donkey kicks! Gil was familiar with those, exercising her lower body brought her great benefit from the other sports she played, where skating back and fourth, and base running, were common place!
Gil must have been caught in though, she found herself staring at the girl, she suddenly turned her head the other way, her face turning a light pink from blush, she ignored it and started to stretch, she would great the other girl only once she noticed her, she didn't want to startle her, after all!