The Princess and The Rockstar - Madeline Kuretsky vs Melody White!

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Re: The Princess and The Rockstar - Madeline Kuretsky vs Melody White!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

With Melody completely unable to move underneath Maddie and her two bodyguards, the princess would continue to grind her crotch on Melody's face, making sure that she got the most intimate experience possible of facing Madeline! And Maddie wouldn't stop quickly, her process of grinding down Melody being slow and deliberate, really rubbing in her victory in the most literal sense, all while the rockstar fell in love with her while situated underneath her!

Maddie ignored the words of Melody, continuing to grind on her foe before suddenly easing off of her, just barely raising up off of Melody's face, looking down at her lovestruck opponent!

"Now, be a good little girl and tell everyone that I am a far better wrestler than you!" Maddie called down to Melody, looking down the length of her own body at the rockstar! Melody should be more than ready to give in now, and even if she did, Maddie had a bit more punishment in mind for the punk rock wrestler!

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Re: The Princess and The Rockstar - Madeline Kuretsky vs Melody White!

Unread post by RiotGrrl »

The smother was the most erotic thing that Melody had faced, previously she had fallen in love with Melody Jackson, but Maddie was a whole different level. Her head rocked back and forth in time and appreciation of Maddie's hips. Melody was red faced, humiliated and squished with a whole lot of dizzy coming fast.

At the brink of suffocation, her new Queen mercifully lifted.


The sound of air rushing fast into her lungs, but not enough, it could never be enough. The gap meant that her ears were uncovered from Maddie's generous thighs. Now the sound of the crowd baying for a KO filled her head. Through the humiliation came Maddie's words

"Ugh I cant admit..... "

She couldnt say it. The rocker still had a spark of rebellion.

"Everyone knows you are Queen... of having a fat ass!"

Melody almost wanted to take back the words, Maddie by all rights should snuff out the rocker into a soft slumber, but it was out in the open. Melody's mouth got her into trouble and this was no exception
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Re: The Princess and The Rockstar - Madeline Kuretsky vs Melody White!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

With three people seated atop Melody, it seemed that there was going to be no way out of this for the rockstar, as Maddie continued to grind in her dominance, quite literally in fact, as she smothered Melody into the canvas after her victory! Still, there was something that Maddie wanted from the rockstar, and as she ground her crotch on Melody's face in a humiliating display, she hoped that she would wear down her opponent into admitting that she was the better wrestler!

Maddie lifted up slightly to give her foe such an opportunity... before Melody threw it right back in her face, refusing to give in and continuing to insult the pampered lightweight!

"EXCUSE YOU?! Rrrgh... you're just a glutton for punishment!" Maddie hissed before grabbing Melody by the hair and yanking her face up into the prissy girl's crotch! With renewed vigor, Maddie would continue thrusting her hips into Melody's flushed features, physically and mentally dominating the rockstar, looking to leave no doubt who the superior woman was in Melody's mind, and if grinding her into the mat was how she was going to do it, then so be it!

"Fine then! If you don't want to admit that I'm the better wrestler... than maybe you can just join my club instead..." Maddie said with a smirk on her face, before giving a snap of her fingers, all three rising off of the downed Melody! But there was no mercy here, as Dolce and Gabbana would move to drag Melody over to a seated position in the corner, holding her steady as Maddie approached the rockstar, producing a stick of lipstick from within her outfit, moving closer to apply it to Melody!

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Re: The Princess and The Rockstar - Madeline Kuretsky vs Melody White!

Unread post by RiotGrrl »

Melody was asking for trouble. No, she was begging for it. Madeline was like a drug, and the rocker couldnt get enough. No matter the posh princess did, Melody would be her slave, addicted to the smothering.

Sure enough, her rivals dismounted and Melody found herself dragged to a corner. The two goons dumped her to her rear and pinned her. Feeling helpless she was too keen on the pair fucking her mouth, that may well just make her cum hard. However Madeline approached with the lipstick.

Melody squirmed, and protested.

"OK wait... Look youve sat on my face and... Umm..."

She didn't know what to do. Her boots drummed on the canvas and she tried to turn her head. Not least, between her thighs, she was soaked. Madeline had dominated her mind and if the rocker wasnt careful, she would beg Madeline to take her, collar her and use her.
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Re: The Princess and The Rockstar - Madeline Kuretsky vs Melody White!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Approaching her foe with the lipstick in hand, Madeline had a sinister smile as she leaned down to apply the makeup to her foe's lips, moving quickly and precisely, a motion that had gotten much practice doing, and something that those who saw her assault on Katherine Hart knew all too well! It meant that Madeline was ready to add Melody to an exclusive, yet at the same time, quite open to join club, the only requirement being to challenge Madeline Kuretsky in any fashion, with Melody being the next member!

As the rockstar tried to plead her case, Maddie paid her no mind, applying the lipstick to Melody quickly before placing the tube inside the chest of her outfit, before turning around and presenting her plump rear end to the defeated lightweight, who was held still by her bodyguards!

"I BELIEVE I already gave you your options! Either pucker up and join willingly, or... boys!" Maddie called out, with Dolce and Gabbana grabbing Melody and suddenly shoving her forwards! It seemed that whether she was ready or not, the two masked men would force her face up against Madeline's thick ass, pressing her lips against the soft, round cheek of the dominant lightweight, forcing Melody to give Maddie's rear end quite the intimate smooch!

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