How to mess up a gym in less than three hours! (For Bare)

Spars, workouts, and other such gym rp's go here. There are many different LAW gyms stationed throughout Japan.
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How to mess up a gym in less than three hours! (For Bare)

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Can boredom make people angry? In Fernanda's case, yes it fuckin can! For starters, she wasn't a paragon of patience, and it had been since forever (for her perspective) that she had gotten any kind of match in the League. She had built up a good amount of frustration, and the only way she wanted to get rid of it was by punching a bag until it exploded, or her knuckles broke. Whatever happened first!
Not in a good mood.
The luchadora punched that poor bag with more wrath and passion than a person could handle. It would be quite intimidating to hear the chains that kept it in place sounding like they were begging for her to stop, and the view of that muscular (although still, very pretty) woman striking her fists repeatedly against that sack that trembled horribly with each hit, probably wanting to fly to the horizon if it wasn't for the aforementioned chain.

"HNNGHH! Motherffffuuu!!! Grah!!!" She was clearly in a sour mood, it looked like those emerald eyes just stared at the hole that her fists wanted to dig inside that old bag. The rest of the world might not even exist for all she cared at the moment. Poor unfortunate soul the next person that made themselves the next target of her violent onslaught!

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Re: How to mess up a gym in less than three hours! (For Bare)

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Alizeh whistled jauntily as she walked into the gym, a duffel over her shoulder as she did so, the greenetteike usual was in a good mood and eager to work out. Maybe even make a mew friend or find a solid sparring partner. But as she approached the gym she raised her eyebrow from several people hurryinf past her, followed by what sounded like a murder happening.

Raising a brow in confusion Alizeh strode forward and into the workout area. Looking to the side she saw a REALLY pissed off but attractive blonde absolutely whaling on a gym bag to the point even Alizeh felt bad for it. Curiosity piqued Alizeh strutted forward towards the woman, as opposed to those going in the opposite direction from her.

Stopping a few feet behind the girl Alizeh cleared her throat to get her attention. ”Ya know I’m pretty sure if you break it you gotta buy it. Old school policy ha know?” Alizeh sakd in a joking tome to the girl to break tbe ice but also tensimg herself up just in case
Dressed in a gray sports bra with orange accents, matching short and a pair of green and black tennis shoes Alizeh, with her jubilan grin and relaxed posture looked the exact opposite of the girl hitting the bag.

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Re: How to mess up a gym in less than three hours! (For Bare)

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There are moments in which you just don't expect some things, like a person coming in to talk to you. For Fer this happened when she was sharpening her punching skills. The moment she heard Alizeh speak to her, she froze in surprise, turning her head towards the voice she heard slowly. Upon looking at the normal, somewhat cute looking girl that was the origin of the disturbance, she was at a loss for words. She really wasn't used to people having the balls to disrupt her in the middle of training.

To be fair, the greenette seemed to be in her defensive, fair enough. Other than that, she didn't looked that stressed out. She actually looked like a pretty chill girl. Amicable enough to want to start a conversation with her. She just couldn't leave her hanging like that after the ice was broken, even if she was still in the mood to punch a hole through anyone.

"Well, if the bag's crappy enough to break after that weakass beating, then it's on them for putting it here in the first place. Don't ya think?" Fernanda had a very hot headed sense of humor, she wasn't easy to get along with unless one was able to keep up with her, that also didn't help with her situation in Japan, so finding an extrovert was a blessing for her as well.

"The name is Fernanda, friends call me Fer. And you are?"

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Re: How to mess up a gym in less than three hours! (For Bare)

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Alizeh retained her warm smile with hands on her hips as she watched the blonde girl turn from her inanimate victim to her. Eyes scanning her up and down, scrutinizing her, sizing her up, evaluating whether she was a threat or could be one in the ring. Not an uncommon thing in LAW. After all a cynical point of view would pain every girl out to climb over whoever they needed to to get to the top. Granted they weren’t neccessarily wrong, but Alizeh saw no reason she couldn’t at least try and be friendly with the people she’d inevitably have to leap over.

As the girl introduced herself, Alizeh smiled just a bit more to the point you could see the whites of her teeth. ”Fair point. Hi Fer, name’s Alizeh, no funny nickname though.” She said in a joking tone as she raised her arm and extended her hand for a handshake. “Nice to meet ya. Mind if I ask what has you so worker up?” She said while gesturing to the rather sad and lumpy bag that had suffered the brunt of Fernanda’s rage.

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Re: How to mess up a gym in less than three hours! (For Bare)

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Fernanda saw the way Alizeh looked at her, amicable, yes. But she could also tell that she had a cautious thing as well. The mexican girl could hardly blame her. She had been on the business for a big part of her teen years, and she knew first-hand that there could be quite a few nasty pieces of work. If anything, she was also being cautious, the friendly ones are sometimes the scariest persons out there. And that was a general rule.

"Stick with me for a while girl, I can find you a funny nickname in no time" But for the time being, she was just glad to be able to find someone who wasn't scared of her frown, or that wasn't a jerkass in general. For now at least. "Oh, that?" She asked, looking at the recently pummeled bag. "Nothing to worry about, just me getting some work done. That's how I roll, go strong, or go home. Y'know what I mean?"

Fernanda would laugh out loud, giving Alize a good smack in the back, one that resounded through the whole room they were in. Something told her that the girl was tough, so she probably could take it. "What about you Alizeh? I take it that you're here to pump it as well? Or are you here just to check out the boys and girls?" She questioned the grenette, asking indirectly if she was a wrestler as well.
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Re: How to mess up a gym in less than three hours! (For Bare)

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Alizeh chuckled a bit at Fernanda’s claim about finding her a nickname, something she didn’t mind one bit, after all she did it to others on occassion so she couldn’t judge. ”Hehe you can try. Just be more original than Ali.” she said with a chuckle to the girl as she walked around her to inspect the exact damage to the bag.

As Fernanda talked though and Alizeh really saw the damage of the bag, she got a small taste via a smack on the back. “Oof. Fair point hehe” She let out nearly stumbling forward but keeping her footing and saving face in the process with the back half of her statement. She was used to strong people not knowing their own strength but it was always a bit of a shock to the system.

None the less though she turned to chuckle at Fernanda and crossed her arms under her chest, pushing it up in the process. “A bit of both actually. Its a off day for me and I always spend them training. After all can’t be too tough now can you?” She asked rhetorically as she flexed her biceps, showing her own impressive muscles while smirking at Fernanda, answering indirectly that she too was a wrestler.

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Re: How to mess up a gym in less than three hours! (For Bare)

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This was probably the first time Fernanda found someone to talk to in the gym. Not awkward talk with someone who is obviously terrified of being in the same room as her, or some douche that talked to her just because they thought that they could get in her pants. No, for the first time in a lot of time, she just found someone who she could talk to naturally with other things being in her mind other than the discussion itself. Quite a nice thing that she missed dearly.

And if that last part wasn't enough to seal the deal, this Alizeh girl appeared to be in the same business as her from what she told Fer, if her muscle talk wasn't rusty that was, and her muscle talk was never rusty. Specially after she managed to get a good feel of the grenette's strong back with that slap "Cool stuff, mind to keep me company? You seem like you're solid, and It's still long before I head back for the day"

Normally, gym day was sacred for the mexican girl, a time for her to sharpen her weapon in the ring, her body. But as it was stated before, it has been a while now that she's had any sort of decent socialization. And she really wanted to see just what Alizeh was capable to do with those muscles. A sort of test that she wanted to run for her before actually getting her hopes up with this possible new best friend. "So, what do you say? It might also help me to know you better and find a screw up worthy of that nickname that you will end up hating"

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Re: How to mess up a gym in less than three hours! (For Bare)

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Alizeh smirked softly at Fernanda despite the still slight sting in her back from Fernanda’s backslap. The girl was definitely interesting, subtle, obviously a result of being some distrustful and careful arojnd a newcomer such as herself, which was understandable. But Alizeh also saw a glimmer of hope in the blonde’s emerald eyes. She wanted Alizeh to be trustworthy, and Alizeh prided herself on such character traits.

So when the taller blonde asked her to accompany her through ber workout, Alizeh just smiled a tiny bit wider as she rolled her neck. Hehe you can definitey try goldie, no gurantee you’ll find one I like though.” The greenette said with a wink towards Fernanda as she approached a but closer to her. “so what workout were you plannin on next?” Alizeh asked with a confident grin, hands on her hips as she met Fernanda’s eyes with a look full of competitive fire in her eyes.

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Re: How to mess up a gym in less than three hours! (For Bare)

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Fer's grin grew wide after Alizeh accepted her invitation to keep her company while they worked out. Frankly, this girl looked like she would be a guaranteed fun time! And pretty much like with lunch, hitting the gym was more pleasant with company. "My girl! That's the spirit! Better be able to keep up with me though!" She said before surrounding the tanned girl with her arm.

"Well, I'm thinking that after beating up that asshole over there..." She responded, comically pointing her thumb towards the bag that she was using before meeting Alizeh. "I wanna see if I can break my personal lifting record. What do you say? Wanna go lift something heavy with me?" Goldie asked enthusiastically as she practically was getting ready to drag her new friend towards the dumbells.

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Re: How to mess up a gym in less than three hours! (For Bare)

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Fer's grin grew wide after Alizeh accepted her invitation to keep her company while they worked out. Frankly, this girl looked like she would be a guaranteed fun time! And pretty much like with lunch, hitting the gym was more pleasant with company. "My girl! That's the spirit! Better be able to keep up with me though!" She said before surrounding the tanned girl with her arm.

"Well, I'm thinking that after beating up that asshole over there..." She responded, comically pointing her thumb towards the bag that she was using before meeting Alizeh. "I wanna see if I can break my personal lifting record. What do you say? Wanna go lift something heavy with me?" Goldie asked enthusiastically as she practically was getting ready to drag her new friend to the dumbells.

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