Alias: Nikki "Knockout"
Sex: Female
Age: 19
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brunette
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 101 lbs
Nationality: American
Alignment: Face
Entrance music: TBD
Wrestling Attire

Appearance: Nikki is a young cute girl with big bright eyes and a smile that makes your day just a little bit brighter. Although a little on the small side she makes up for it with boundless energy. She posses a lean body but still maintains some body fat, making her just a little softer in certain areas than others.
Last Day of School!

Don't blink

Combat Info
Fighting Style: Trained in both Kickboxing and Judo, Nikki combines quick effective strikes with painfully effective chokes, both of which will quickly have her opponent sleeping like a baby on the canvas. While may not looking like much Nikki is a genius when it comes to applying technical and immobilizing submission locks, ones that often incorporate a devastating choke. Once Nikki is locked in it is very hard to dislodge, and any who fail will more than likely be taking a nap before they even knew what happened.
Prefered Attacks: Chokes, scissorholds, kicks, punches, takedowns
Prefered Matches: Standard, Submission, Knockout, Bed
Physical Stats
General Stats
Endurance: ★ ★ ★ ★ (I'm never tired!)
Strength: ★ (One time my cat beat me in arm wrestling...)
Speed: ★ ★ ★ ★ (Float like a butterfly, sting like a another butterfly! Butterflies rule!)
Defense: ★ ★ ★ (You shall not pass!)
Technique: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ (They called me a genius or something? I don't know.)
Wrestling Stats
Strikes: ★ ★ ★ ★ (Bam! Biff! Pow!)
Submissions: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ (Nighty night!)
Powerhouse: ★ (I'm strong in other ways)
Aerials: ★ (Do jumping jacks count?)
Counters: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ (You'll be feeling it next!)
Finishing Move:Thigh Throne- Nikki will put her foe on the turnbuckle in a tree of woe position, step over them, and then shove their head between her legs in a standing front headscissor. She'll then simply lean back against her opponent's body, much like a throne, and wait for them to pass out between her thighs.
High Thigh Throne - A variation of the Thigh Throne when she feels her opponent is special, or simply too tall for the turnbuckles. She'll tie her opponent's feet up in the top ropes, and hang them upside down outside the ring. She'll then crawl up her opponent's body, and apply the front headscissor so she hung off the ground entirely on her opponent's throat. With so much pressure being applied to their head, this an almost guaranteed knockout in a manner of seconds.
History: Nikki grew up as a cheerful young lady in a normal home with a normal family in a normal town. Her cheery personality earned her many friends, so she was quite popular in her school days. While she was still in elementary school a friend suggested she join the self-defense class she was also taking, and Nikki heartily agreed. When she joined she quickly realized (as did her opponents) that she had a real knack for it. She was creative in her grapples, creating moves that surprised both her and her teachers. For years she nurtured this talent, swiftly rising to the top of her class as the most skilled fighter. Having near limitless energy Nikki picked up as many classes as she could handle in various disciplines. Her favorites were kickboxing and grappling and the reasons were obvious.
Over the years Nikki had shown a growing fondness for knocking out her opponents. Whether it was through a kick to the temple or slow drift off in a chokehold, Nikki sent her foe's off to dreamland in nearly every match she had. An innocent girl, Nikki couldn't explain the feeling she had watching her opponent's slump unmoving to the mats in a twitching heap but knew she couldn't get enough of it! In time, this adorable little girl started to grow a fearsome reputation as fighter who could KO any foe, no matter the size, with a variety of swift blows and lethal chokeholds. On time, she knocked her instructor unconscious with one kick to the jaw; while the rest of the class sat there slack jawed Nikki celebrated with an adorable celebration of jumping up and down.
Of course, Nikki was oblivious to to her growing legend. Her bright personality and can-do attitude never dimmed no matter how people in her classes started to treat her. She even came to love the nickname she had been dubbed: Nikki "Knockout"!
She joined LAW purely on the suggestion of a friend, who said she could be a real contender there. And so after saying goodbye to her friends and family she traveled to LAW to make the name Nikki 'Knockout' known worldwide...
Over the years Nikki had shown a growing fondness for knocking out her opponents. Whether it was through a kick to the temple or slow drift off in a chokehold, Nikki sent her foe's off to dreamland in nearly every match she had. An innocent girl, Nikki couldn't explain the feeling she had watching her opponent's slump unmoving to the mats in a twitching heap but knew she couldn't get enough of it! In time, this adorable little girl started to grow a fearsome reputation as fighter who could KO any foe, no matter the size, with a variety of swift blows and lethal chokeholds. On time, she knocked her instructor unconscious with one kick to the jaw; while the rest of the class sat there slack jawed Nikki celebrated with an adorable celebration of jumping up and down.
Of course, Nikki was oblivious to to her growing legend. Her bright personality and can-do attitude never dimmed no matter how people in her classes started to treat her. She even came to love the nickname she had been dubbed: Nikki "Knockout"!
She joined LAW purely on the suggestion of a friend, who said she could be a real contender there. And so after saying goodbye to her friends and family she traveled to LAW to make the name Nikki 'Knockout' known worldwide...
Personality: Nikki is a happy go lucky girl through and through. She somehow always manages to find a bright side to her life, so there's very little that can sour her ever present good mood. She's also quite fearless. Nikki could be facing the biggest and meanest opponent in the LAW and she'll just have the need to comment on how the weather must look up there. Some may call this ditzy but Nikki would call it Gummi Bears.......for reasons.
Fun facts
-Nikki's ring attire is her old high school uniform. She never bothered to come up with an actual outfit.
-Mischievous by nature, Nikki will use a marker to scribble on an unconscious opponent's face after a match. What she writes varies match to match.
-Occasionally, Nikki will don a pair of red boxing gloves to her matches.
-Knocking people out!
-Ice Cream!
-Her friends and family
-Her cat Jenifurr
-Needles. Brrrr!
-Mean people
L.A.W Record
Nikki 'Knockout' vs the Smother Twins (Double KO)