Meeting of Two Gils - Angela Gil vs. Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

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Meeting of Two Gils - Angela Gil vs. Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

Unread post by Arista »

Match Type: Submission
Rules: Victory by Verbal Submission or tap out

Gil found herself entering another match, this time against someone of the same name, she knew little of her opponent, but was beyond excited to find out more about her, hardly able to contain her excitement before being called out for her entrance!

"Tonight's match will be a submission match between, Angela Gil, and "Arma-Gil-O"! A battle of Gils..." The announcer chuckled to himself a bit before continuing.

"First, on her way out, is the 5'7, 131 pound American, "Arma-Gil-O"!"
Gil skipped out onto the ramp, down to the ring, waving along the way to all those in the crowd! She slipped under the bottom rope, shooting up to her feet with her hands in the air, dancing around the ring in joyous fashion!
Last edited by Arista on Sat Apr 24, 2021 8:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Meeting of Two Gils - Angela Gil vs. Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

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"Next, we have Angela Gil, weight at 145 pound, From England" The announcer said as Angela make her way down the ramp, waving her her fans and audience, had a smug smile on her face as she make her way toward the ring with...well...SMUG look before she would climb into the ring and goes into her own corner

Discord: Void Effect#1624

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Re: Meeting of Two Gils - Angela Gil vs. Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

Unread post by Arista »

Gil would step forward with a bright and cheery smile on her face to greet her opponent. "Hey! It's nice to meet you, I hope we an both have some fun!" She reached out her hand, resting her other on her hip, waiting for a handshake.
Last edited by Arista on Sun Apr 25, 2021 3:01 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Meeting of Two Gils - Angela Gil vs. Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

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Gil would simply smirk as she accept the handshake before she would decide to taunt a bit "Ready to lose?" She ask with her with a smug smirk on her face while look at her in the eyes

Discord: Void Effect#1624

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Re: Meeting of Two Gils - Angela Gil vs. Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

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Gil, or the other Gil? Would not lose her own smile as she replied. "Not really...! I plan on winning!" She giggled, loosening her grip and letting go of the shake. Gil clasped her hands together tightly. "Submissions, in a way, are my specialty...!" She backed up a few feet, "submissions" was used as a synoumn for smothers, in that context!

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Re: Meeting of Two Gils - Angela Gil vs. Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

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She would simply had a smirk on her face as she look at her "Ho? Is that so? We'll see alright" She said with a smug smirk as she face the other gil while Angela would stand there with her arms folded, and have a look of confident on her face as she would remain in silent while she would look at her eyes to eyes as she would smile

Discord: Void Effect#1624

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Re: Meeting of Two Gils - Angela Gil vs. Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

Unread post by Arista »

Without any warning, the bell rang out, cutting off the exchanging of words!


Gil would take a few steps back, putting her hands up in what could only be described as a defensive effort, though, from the look of things, there was very little she could do to defend herself in that regard. Keeping the smile on her face, she was practically inviting the other Gil to make a move!

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Re: Meeting of Two Gils - Angela Gil vs. Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

Unread post by Void-Effect »

Angela would smirk as she make her way toward Gil...the other gil as she would bring up her arms, challenge her into a test of strength as she would challenge her, if the other Gil would accept it, they would push against each other as Angela would attempt to over power the other Gil and push her into a corner

Discord: Void Effect#1624

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Re: Meeting of Two Gils - Angela Gil vs. Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

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Gil would not take her up on her offer of a test of strength, knowing all too well that is was a severe weak spot of hers! Not taking her up on the offer left her a bit open though, just back herself up a bit further towards the corner.

Gil knew little about the other Gil's own strengths and weaknesses. Her guess was that she might not be too strong, at least in comparison to herself, she had the size advantage, being nearly a foot taller than British Gil, even still, gambling on her arms was not something American Gil was willing to do, rather, she tried to lure her opponent to her as she backed herself closer to the corner, she may not have trusted her strength, but she definitely trusted her speed!

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Re: Meeting of Two Gils - Angela Gil vs. Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

Unread post by Void-Effect »

She would saw she forced the other gil into a corner with a smug smirk on her face before she would proceed to push her back by bring her right leg up and attempt to give her a yakuza kick and push her away and into the corner, if worked, she would attempt to give her a spin kick to the face if she is able to do it

Discord: Void Effect#1624

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