Taking her first of many steps upon the floor of the LAW gym, Viviana Accera was pumped, to say the least. Not only was today to be her first in-ring encounter in LAW, but it was against a figure she had somewhat grown familiar with if purely by watching her matches. Mostly because of who Alaina was herself facing at the time, but it was by no means to lessen the weight Viviana's sparring partner carried with her this evening. For a first fight, this if anything, was perhaps unwise.
With towel round her neck and knuckles cracked in either hand, Viviana would pace curiously upon the gym canvas. Keeping an eye out for her sparring partner for the evening, Viviana opted to wait patiently as opposed to kill time upon the nearby equipment. She had little intention of being rude to a figure she somewhat admired after all. And whilst it was to be the first meeting between Viv and the aforementioned Alaina, the buxom Italian would by no means struggle to recognise when the Amazon appeared. Likewise could of been said of Alaina herself, given all she would have had to do was look out for Diana, given the fierce resemblance!