Metal Doll vs Queen of the Damned

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Metal Doll vs Queen of the Damned

Unread post by Void-Effect »

Standard Match

May can be seen putting on a new custom for the match as she would have a smile on her face as she would ready herself, which is simply tight body suit as she would stretch, ready for the new match, she would make her way out of the locker room as she wave at her fans while her theme plays, she would make her way into the ring as she climb on and slip into the ropes, with a smirk on her face as she wave at her fans and audience as she walk around
Last edited by Void-Effect on Fri Apr 09, 2021 1:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Metal Doll vs Queen of the Damned

Unread post by TheGirlWithTreasure »

Charli was relaxing in the back smiling to herself as she finally had a little time to herself, she would slowly look at the tv, she would then realize that her match is right now causing her to let out a sigh, as she quickly runs out to the ring, the crowd cheering, she than rolled into the ring.

The Queen Of The Damned would roll in the ring glaring at May.

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Re: Metal Doll vs Queen of the Damned

Unread post by Void-Effect »

Saw the so call Queen is glaring at her, she would glare back as she stand there, watching her as she would smile have a small smirk on her face as she walk toward her, obviously taller as she look down at her "heh, how cute, a Short stack want pick a fight" May would attempt to taunt the so called Queen with a smile on her face

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Re: Metal Doll vs Queen of the Damned

Unread post by TheGirlWithTreasure »

Charli would simply scoff at what the taller girl would say to her as she steps up towards her, gazing in her eyes before she would smile at her.
"I might be short but I'm going to make you bow down to me"

Charli would attempt to pat May on the head attempting to anger her.

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Re: Metal Doll vs Queen of the Damned

Unread post by Void-Effect »

She May would simply had a smug smirk, they would hear the bell ring as the match start, cause her to simply give her belly a hard punch, attempt to push her to backaway and into a corner as she would have a smile on her face

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Re: Metal Doll vs Queen of the Damned

Unread post by TheGirlWithTreasure »

Charli would hear the bell ring but wasn't anticipating the attack from the start of the match as she doubles over in pain, getting pushed into the corner from the attack, Charli could only think of one thing to do and that was to put her hands up to block.

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Re: Metal Doll vs Queen of the Damned

Unread post by Void-Effect »

May would smile as she forced Charli into a defensive position as she would keep on pushing and attempt to kick a yakuza kick toward her belly and push her backward before she would charge and bring up her right arms, attempt to give her a clothesline

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Re: Metal Doll vs Queen of the Damned

Unread post by TheGirlWithTreasure »

Charli would quickly use her momentum to duck under May's arm, wrapping both of her arms around the other girls stomach, attempting to roll her on the mat to confused the Metal Doll but instead rolls to her feet, attempting a deadlift German Suplex.

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Re: Metal Doll vs Queen of the Damned

Unread post by Void-Effect »

May would saw Charli dodged as she felt herself being wrapped from behind before she was lifted into a suplex, cause her to hit the mat with a grunt as she hold her back, slowly pulling herself back up, she would attempt to give her a drop kick to the chest

Discord: Void Effect#1624

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