Russian Pride Zangief

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Russian Pride Zangief

Unread post by Ultima »

Name: Zangief
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 6’5
Weight: 290
Entrance Music:
For Mother Russia
Physical Statistics
General Statistics
Endurance ★★★★★ - The cold winters of Mother Russia are like a warm blanket
Strength ★★★★★ - Zangief is the strongest there is
Speed ★ - Zangief's speed is easily his worst aspect
Defense ★★★ - Not really defense but just powering through it
Technique ★★- Aside from your basic holds, Zangief isn't winning in this department either

Combat Statistics
Strikes ★★★★ - With how Zangief is, asking if he can throw a punch is a dumb question
Submissions ★★ - Nothing to fancy aside from moves that require strength
Powerhouse ★★★★★ - Zangief would love a challenge
Aerials ★★ - Nothing special, she just isn't scared to fly
Counters ★ - Most Zangief does is catch a punch off his body

Signature Moves
Flying Power Bomb
Tundra Storm
Siberian Blizzard
Image Not all the flare Zangief just catches you and does the final part
Bolshoi Russian Suplex
Borscht Dynamite
Born and raised in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), Zangief is an incredibly patriotic character who has been motivated in some way to fight for his Russian motherland in every single game he has ever been in. He is immensely proud of his massive physique and is obsessed with muscle building. In battles, he constantly belittles his opponent's smaller muscular build and blaming their losses on their lack of muscular power. Telling his opponents to build more muscle. Despite his short temper, Zangief has shown himself to be rather gentle-natured with a good sense of humor, once entering a tournament partly to win the admiration of a group of school children.
Born and raised in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). Like most normal kids growing up Zangief would be training in the coldest blizzards and doing all he could to spread the gospel that was the greatness of his country. If you read that first part and believe it, then you were also raised like Zangief. In his family strength was key, everyone in the family was physically strong. Able to do insane feats of strengths, if you ask them most family members would say they are sane. But if you actually asked a sane person they would call Zangief’s family maniacs. Even with that said though Zangief still followed in the path laid out for his family. Wanting, no needing to be strong for mother Russia. Zangief day in and day out would be training his body and building his muscle to its upmost limits. Surpassing all in the family and being something they can be proud of. The final test of his strength would have to be against an apex predator namely a Kamchatka Brown Bear. If he could best this beast then Zangief would know prove to himself that his strength is real. In a pitched battle in which Zangief almost died on multiple exchanges, was able to best the bear. Zangief thought that the battle was in seclusion. But his family, having the upmost fate in him would tell the local villages to come and watch. People couldn’t fathom what they were watching. After winning Zangief would have to recover for days on end. While that happened unbeknownst to Zangief, his stories were being echoed all across mother Russia. Even reaching the ears of the president. Now being healed and healthy Zangief would take his talents to the squared circle. Confident only in his strength and knowing that victory was sure to be his. Becoming a hero in Russia, dubbing him The Red Cyclone. His history in the ring would be rather simple, Zangief would perform to the best of his abilities in most if not all of his matches. At a certain point, in any match Zangief was in HE was the show. It was like everyone in Russia knew Zangief and his famous exploits. The president seeing his popularity thought he could use this for his benefit. Inviting Zangief over to speak. For his family being able to speak to the most noble leader in the world was the highest honor. An honor that Zangief would not decline. Now talking to the president they spoke about many things be it on politics, the economy and namely the people. Then the president would talk about the country, asking Zangief his personal thoughts on it. Of course his answer was that it was and still is the greatest country in the world. Wanting more people to share the same sentiment as Zangief, the president would give him a mission. To go out into the world and show the greatness of his country. With no hesitation Zangief took on the mission. Now the world needed to prepare itself for the Red Cyclone had set it sights.

Attire 1
Attire 2
Attire 3
Attire 4
Hardcore matches
Last edited by Ultima on Sat Apr 17, 2021 10:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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