Nuo newbi vs Nadia fortune

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Nuo newbi vs Nadia fortune

Unread post by Lederface »

Fight type: standard
Victory method: pin, surrender, disqualification or knockout

Nadia is happy to accept a fight to continue training and to be able to take revenge on nomi, but this time she wanted to have a little fun, put aside what would be that she was taking these days
So when she discovered that her opponent already had a history with Jenny, she could make a good friendship with the girl, so with great joy, she would go out with emotion, getting into the ring and greeting the audience, she would gladly wait to meet her opponent in person

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Re: Nuo newbi vs Nadia fortune

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Nuo's losing streak continues to expand from submissions to knock outs, from a punch to being used as a cushion from someone's knee at a distance. When she heard about facing someone called "The Fortunate Cat" she already knew the outcome if she's facing someone that sounds lucky. Though she was confused about the cat part since it's just cute name or either she has a reflex of cat. She didn't had time to think however when she has a match that was starting as she immediately rushed out.
Entrance Music
The masked wrestler made her way to the ring, casually walking down the ramp as she waved at the crowd and smiling. She rolled under the bottom rope and jumped back on her feet where she leaned her back on the ropes. Of course she was nervous and a bit jumpy since it's another one of those times she face a random person and get along with them after the match.

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Re: Nuo newbi vs Nadia fortune

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Nadia would see to her opponent, who looked very pretty, although even for her that suit she was wearing seemed very daring, but then when her opponent stepped into the ring, she would remember that long ago Jenny was I had faced this girl so when she approached to offer a handshake she would tell him:Hi! I am Nadia fortune, it is an honor to be able to face someone who has already fought with my teacher! I hope and it's a good fight

So Nadia would gladly hope that her opponent had a good attitude.

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Re: Nuo newbi vs Nadia fortune

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Nuo looked confuse, she did remember who Jenny since she was the first she had a match with and lost. She decided the go along with it as she accepted the handshake and smiled at Nadia before taking a step back. "Huang Nuo... I didn't think she'll have a... Student..? Nuo nodded, assuming that Jenny had a student.

The match hasn't started yet and they were just talking in the middle of the ring as Nuo looked at Nadia's attire. The masked wrestler thought Nadia's outfit looked nice and possibly better than what she's wearing considering it looked a bit much out of everyone she fought. "So are you just lucky or?" She asked.

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Re: Nuo newbi vs Nadia fortune

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Nadia upon hearing Nuo's words, she would throw a small smile and she would ask: how long has it been since you two fought? I am still her apprentice, but she has already gotten many new companions, and by the way, I'm not just luck, so don't confess if you don't want to fall back to someone who has to do with jenny!
so to move to his corner and wait for the match to start

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Re: Nuo newbi vs Nadia fortune

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Nuo was confused about Nadia's approach but when she saw her opponent made her way to a corner she thought she should too. Both of them now at their respecting corners as the masked wrestler watched Nadia from afar and confused about something about a confession. She assumed that the fortunate cat was trying to confuse her victims so there's something she needs to watch out for.


The bell rang and Nuo made her way towards the middle, waiting for Nadia to do the same as she clenched her fist. Once she got to the middle, she lowered herself down a bit as she stands her ground with her knees bent forward a bit. Her plan was to try and lure the cat out by attempting to throw a simple chop on her opponent's chest.

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Re: Nuo newbi vs Nadia fortune

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no one when seeing that her opponent did not understand what he said, no one would think of something
As she slowly approached the center of the ring she would tell her opponent
what do you think if we make a small bet?
If you win this fight, I will be your punching bag for a workout, helping you and things like that, but if I win, you will be my boxing sparring partner, plus ......... I'll take off your mask, so tell me what you thin-- uhg!
before she could finish speaking, she would be surprised by a direct attack to her chest, backing up a bit and thus she trying to return the aggression with a blow to the belly

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Re: Nuo newbi vs Nadia fortune

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Nuo was successful, only because Nadia was just making an offer which she interrupted. Of course it was a cheap shot but how would she know that she wasn't gonna do anything considering the match started. But she did hear out about the offer and getting quite nervous about since her mask was on the line. After the first strike, the fortunate cat return the favor by going for the stomach as she clenched it in pain.

"S-Sorry... I like that offer..." Nuo nodded slowly, holding onto her stomach for a while. She then charged at Nadia, wrapping her arms around the fortunate cat's waist and attempted to get into a bearhug. She tried to lift her opponent in the air when she tries getting her in a bearhug, hoping to trap Nadia.

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Re: Nuo newbi vs Nadia fortune

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Nadia would manage to hit Nuo's body with her fist, but she would be surprised when her opponent charged her to try to make a bear hug, Nadia would keep her firm stance and try to hold her too, but when the girl managed picking her up, she would begin to feel the stronger grip, so she would move aggressively in the movement to try to free herself, she was annoyed at how she had started the fight, but hearing that she had accepted the offer had been more than enough to let the anger go

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Re: Nuo newbi vs Nadia fortune

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Already the match seemed to be winning Nuo's favor, Nadia was trapped and now lifted in the air where the now unfortunate cat struggles. Of course her opponent would retaliate but moving quite aggressive than any opponents she'd face when in a bearhug. "If you keep doing that then say please..." Nuo huffed.

The offer sound nice, however that's not what Nuo meant about offering to free Nadia. She waited for the cat girl's response before she could do some real damage. With Nadia struggling in the air, she'd attempt to throw her down on the mat back first to cause some damage at the start of the match.

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