Are me?

Spars, workouts, and other such gym rp's go here. There are many different LAW gyms stationed throughout Japan.
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Are me?

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Sailor Theta, whose real name was Joe Yamashita, entered the LAW gym and looked around, there were a few other wrestlers there, but, none of them seemed to even notice him, of course, he was barely in the door. He was dressed in his full ring regalia, and as he began to approach one of the mats to do a few sit-ups, he noticed a few stares. Dressed as he was, he did kind of expect this, but, didn't lt it bother him:

He had created this character a long ago, and it had recently taken a foothold in LAW, it certainly wasn't the weirdest character in LAW history, as some bird faced religious nut held that title. Still, with the quiet confidence that had helped him thus far, continued his workout like he was all alone...

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Re: Are me?

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Normally, Daichi Kurozu wouldn't like to spend his weekend in a gym. But then again, the few times that he has come here, he had made some some interesting friendships. So the place became a sort of place for him to search for things to do, as well as improve his skills for the next time he entered the ring.
Gym clothes!
For the year that he has become a part of LAW's roster, his victories weren't plentiful. More scarce than anything, so he needed to put some work unless he wanted to become one of those jobbers that knew nothing but defeat and humiliation. He shook off those negative thoughts, searching for something to keep himself busy with.

It didn't took him long to find a good place that wasn't painfully occupied, so he directed himself there. Once he was close enough, he noted another person close by. A female? No, he had a special way to see genders at first sight, especially when it came to androgynous people. He already knew how annoying it was for others to confuse your gender, so he really didn't wanted to make that same mistake.

He got close to the pretty boy that was doing sit ups, mostly because he didn't wanted to be alone at there, he didn't seemed specially unapproachable, and that still was the less crowded space in the gym. So, Daichi sat next to the sailor clothed femboy and began doing some sit ups of his own. "Uhm... you don't mind me here, right? Mr?" He asked, still, for all his good intentions, social awkwardness was still an issue.

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Re: Are me?

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Theta was in his own little world when some girl walked in, at least he thought so at first quick glance. As he was busy with his own workout, he didn't think much of it. Suddenly, the girl asked him to sit by him, Theta paused for a minute, something was off about this one, but, decided to let it go, "Yeah, go ahead." he said as he continued to do sit ups, the way she called him "mr" intrigued him, most of the time in the ring, it took a few minutes for his opponents to realize he was, in fact a male. Something was different about this one, he had the pieces, he just couldn't put them together at the moment...

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Re: Are me?

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At first, Daichi couldn't really blame Theta for looking at him all weirded out. Mostly because he did came out of nowhere and sat besides him to begin doing the same exercise as he was. But at least he had the courtesy of letting him do so besides him. So the androgynous pair remained doing sit-ups for some time. It didn't took that long, because Daichi would be the first one to get tired and stand up once again, and the sailor boy remained exercising. Look at him go! That's prolly some marathon stuff The teen thought to himself as he looked at him in silence for a second.

The brunette femboy drank from his bottle of water after ending that particular set, already looking for the next thing to do. Pretty close to his and Theta's location, he found some dumbbells lying around. This being a gym for wrestlers, the whole thing, packed with all weight it was capable to hold weighted around 50 lbs. "This will do" And instead of taking some weight out of it, Daichi picked it up with apparent ease and began doing warm up lifting with it. This time his back turned to the other gym goer.
Last edited by Scourger X on Tue Apr 20, 2021 10:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Are me?

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Theta silently continued to do sit ups when the girl left, but, something caught his eyes when she got up, when she got up, he got a glimpse at her crotch, not that he meant to, and he noticed a slight hint of what appeared to be male genitalia in his/her workout shorts. As the whatever it was turned his/her back, he couldn't confirm his suspicions about this person. So, in order to confirm or deny this, he would stop his workout and go get his gym bag on the other side and try and get a glimpse at his impromptu workout partner...

As he proceeded to get a water bottle, he glimpsed at him lifting some dumbbell, and, sure enough, his suspicions were confirmed as the girl he thought was, in fact, a man. Theta smiled, he honestly thought he was the only one like that. Theta would sit on the bench next to him, and get close enough so only they would hear the conversation, as to not embarrass the poor boy, "Are me?"

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Re: Are me?

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While Daichi did his warm ups, he wasn't really hoping to chat with anyone besides small talk. Perhaps that is the main reason as to why he approached Theta, he looked like the less judgy person in there. So he simply went with him and said hi, he wasn't expecting that much of a reply. That being said, once the sailor boy sat next to him, the brunette teen would look at him, somewhat nervous of the possibility of being yelled at or something. The usual.

And once again, his expectations were subverted once he was asked by Theta if he was "like him". That might mean a lot of things for other people, but for Daichi (and anyone who got a look at them really) the answer was pretty obvious. The feminine boy smiled at the question, and then he put his hand under his chin while giving his try at a "manly" expression before answering: "What? Adorably handsome? You bet!" He said, giggling at his own antics before rising his fist for Theta to bump with his own. "I'm Daichi, by the way. What's your name?"
Last edited by Scourger X on Thu Apr 22, 2021 4:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Are me?

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If anime sweat drops were an actual thing, Theta would flood the gym with the one falling from his head when he heard the fellow femboy's answer to his question. It kind of answered it, though, and Theta returned his fist with bump of his own, "I'm Joe, Joe Yamashita, my ring name is Sailor Theta, hence the outfit" Theta would say somewhat awkwardly. Although he wasn't the weirdest person in LAW, quite a few would beat him in that regard, including a holy colleague. It comforted him to know that, at least in this regard, he wasn't alone...

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Re: Are me?

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After looking that his new acquaintance (and possibly friend) made his best attempt to not cringe at his lame jokes, Daichi thought that so that proved that he was good... Probably... "Gotcha, Joe-san, I think that Sailors are cute!" He said cheerfully and honestly. "Uhmm... are you okay about me calling it cute? I'm sorry if I already said something insensitive" He said nervously, he should know how annoying it was to be called cute like that.

Even if he didn't meant it, Daichi already had known how condescending some people were about it. The whole femboy thing, sometimes was too much for him, and he didn't wanted to make someone he just met feel like that. "Heh, well, I don't have much of an alias in the ring, so I guess that I'm me in and out of there. See? You're already so much cooler than me!" He said with a slight chuckle of self deprecation, as if that somehow was a compliment for the sailor wrestler.
Last edited by Scourger X on Fri Apr 23, 2021 3:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Are me?

Unread post by SimplePride »

Sailor Theta normally hated being called cute, bt he could tell that Daichi wasn't the best at social interactions, so he simply said, "You don't think I already know that?" with a teasing smile before smacking himself in the butt.

It was plainly clear that Daichi wasn't nearly as "out" as Joe was, and he wasn't sure about himself yet, "You don't have to have any kind of gimmick, sometimes it's best to just be yourself. Hell, this is just me cranked up to eleven..." he said as he wrapped a comforting arm around Daichi.

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Re: Are me?

Unread post by Scourger X »

Indeed, the brunette boy was a bit of a scatterbrained individual. specially when interacting other people. It could be mostly noted by how he tried to avoid eye contact, although this time he did that in an attempt to hide the blush that appeared on his cheeks after seeing how Theta spanked himself. He really didn't wanted to be awkward around someone he just met and had already made a good first impression to him. It really didn't helped Daichi's flusteredness that his fellow femboy surrounded him with his arm.

"Well, that's easy for you, Joe-san, you seem like you' can stay afloat easily. Heh, no pun intended" Daichi began to get honest with this other young man that he just met. He looked down to the floor to his shoes while he talked about his "ring persona" "I just don't think that there's anything interesting about me, even if I tried to act more like myself, I'm still just a weird guy, and that's all I have going for me..."

The androgynous teen wasn't talking in a particularly sad tone, nor was his sight lost looking at the floor, he was looking at his feet while he lifted them playfully one at a time giving little kicks to the air, just like a kid sitting at the park would do. It didn't appeared that he was sad about the comments he himself made at his own expense, as if he believed every part of it to be true.
Last edited by Scourger X on Sat Apr 24, 2021 8:45 am, edited 2 times in total.

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