Ichika Uesugi vs Cassie Cage (Mix and Match Pudding Match)

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Ichika Uesugi vs Cassie Cage (Mix and Match Pudding Match)

Unread post by TheManVan »

Match Type: Pudding Wrestling
Victory Conditions: Hentai Pinfall or Submission
Ring: A pool filled with various types of pudding mixed together.

The crowd all had eyes on the center of the ring where the usual squared circle of wrestling was replaced with a large pool. Inside of it was a copious amount of pudding of numerous flavors; chocolate, vanilla, and cherry all swirled together in a delicious blend for the women of the match to roll around in with their goal of sexually dominating the other as the first competitor began to make her way out onto the stage.
A look of subtle disdain was seen in the corner of Ichika's lips, curling downward upon looking at the pool. Despite her attire would suggest and despite her not so hidden glee of sexually dominating women, she couldn't help but find a bit displeasure in fight in a large pool of pudding. But she shrugged it off, there was nothing that was going to be sweeter than having her opponent humiliated and beaten in the pool as she made her way towards the battlefield of sweet, the fans leering and cheering at her barely covered body as she kept her eyes focused on the pool. Once there, she would kick off her sandals before stepping over the edge of the pool with her long legs and stepped into the cold goop.

A shiver shot up Ichika's body, her foot sinking and disappearing through the mixture as she made her way towards the center, stopping right in the middle as she turned to face the entrance, waiting for her opponent to arrive!

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Re: Ichika Uesugi vs Cassie Cage (Mix and Match Pudding Match)

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Cassie was ready for her debut in LAW and this match may not have been the most traditional of fights but the blonde beauty was ready to make an impact and a name for herself around here. Cassie would be clad in a burgundy bra and bikini bottom that looked like a thong as she made her way toward the large pool mixed with chocolate, vanilla, and cherry pudding the Commando would look intrigued by what she was looking forward to was getting down and dirty with her opponent Ichika Uesugi. Cassie was giving up an inch and was 19 pounds less than her opponent. That wasn't mentioning Uesugi's prior experience in the ring. Cassie would step into the goop that was the pudding to enter the pool and she'd shiver a bit feeling the treat in between her toes as she'd start to move around looking to test out her mobility a bit before the blonde would say. "No hard feelings when I make you my bitch in this pool today." Cassie said with a confident smirk on her face looking to make a statement at her opponent's expense.


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Re: Ichika Uesugi vs Cassie Cage (Mix and Match Pudding Match)

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Standing in the center of the pudding mixture, Ichika swayed from side to side with her hands on her hips as she waited in anticipation to see who her victim was. Soon she saw it was a young blonde girl making her out to the ring. Her lips curled into a smile, the girl was good looking and she seemed like the perfect kind of girl for her to have her way with. Her tongue snuck out of her mouth, licking her lips as she began pacing back and forward, her excitement barely able to contain within her body as Cassie finally entered the pool.

Ichika soon found that Cassie had a mouth on her as her eyes narrowed and smile grew, "Oh, you think that's going to happen little girl?" she sneered as she walked right up to Cassie, shoving against her slightly shorter opponent and shoved her breasts right into their opposites. "I'm going to show everyone tonight how loud you scream."

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Re: Ichika Uesugi vs Cassie Cage (Mix and Match Pudding Match)

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Cassie would gasp as the taller and heavier Ichika shoved her tits into her pair making the blonde take a step back. Cassie would glare back at her opponent and Cassie would retort by saying. "You talk a lot, but I'll make you moan a lot in this fight. By the time I'm done we'll see who screams loudest." Cassie said before she'd bump her breasts into Ichika's pair to show she wasn't going to be intimidated before the referee would ring the bell to get things started. Cassie would get into a ready stance and would start with a Collar and Elbow Tie up before trying to immediately transition into a Side Headlock to squeeze Ichika's head in between her right bicep and ricep breast to get things started in this fight.

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Re: Ichika Uesugi vs Cassie Cage (Mix and Match Pudding Match)

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Ichika was trying to use her larger size in both departments to intimidate Cassie down but the blonde was having none of it, coming right back to Ichika and ramming her breasts back in. The sneer turned into a scowl as she dug her feet into the pool, sliding back in the goop as she shoved right back into Cassie, their breasts battling for the small space between their bodies as the referee had to physically insert herself between the two of them to get them to back off.

Growling, Ichika was more motivated than usual to dominate and humiliate as the bell rang. There was going to be no need to size up, Ichika wanted to go right at Cassie and her opponent did the same as they clashed in the center, locking arms into each other. Before Ichika could solidify her stance, Cassie quickly pulled her into a side head lock, mashing her cheek against the side boob!

"Nnnngh!" she growled, not intent on letting Cassie get control of the match as her hands shot right up, attempting to smack into Cassie's breasts and clamp down! "Not a chance! Your ass and tits are mine!"

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Re: Ichika Uesugi vs Cassie Cage (Mix and Match Pudding Match)

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Cassie would grit her teeth as she'd apply pressure squeezing down on Ichika's head. Cassie's toes would wiggle in the pudding mixture on the mat as she'd try to keep her hold in. "Not so tough now are you?" Cassie said trying to keep her grip in on the hold but then the blonde would feel a hard SMACK!!! "AUUUGGHHH!!!!" Cassie moaned in pain as her tits would get nailed by Ichika before her opponent would claim that the blonde's ass and tits were her's before Cassie would gasp as Ichika would clamp her hands onto the blonde's breasts. Cassie would grit her teeth as she'd raise her hands to try and pry Ichika's hands off of her pair but the blonde would only end up pushed back leaning against the edge of the pool in the early going as Ichika was taking the early advantage.

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Re: Ichika Uesugi vs Cassie Cage (Mix and Match Pudding Match)

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Ichika's lips curled into a cruel smile as she squeezed on Cassie's boobs, sinking her fingers into the covered tit flesh as the headlock was released, freeing Ichika's head of the pressure as she quickly stood up, standing behind Cassie as she pressed herself close against Cassie, her head over her shoulder. "Heh, look how quickly that big mouth of yours shuts up." she hissed into Cassie's ear, squeezing down on the young pair of breasts.

But Cassie wasn't going to just stand there and take it, grabbing onto Ichika's wrists as she began pushing back, shoving Ichika towards one of the walls! Ichika growled as she tried to plant her feet down, but the slippery surface of the pudding coated floor was difficult to stick down with as her feet slid in the goop until her back pressed against the pool's wall, forced to lean back over the inflatable pool, still clinging onto Cassie!

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Re: Ichika Uesugi vs Cassie Cage (Mix and Match Pudding Match)

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Cassie would feel Ichika groping her tits, and luckily for the blonde the slippery goop of the floor made it easier for her to not get overwhelmed early on. Ichika would keep a grip on the blonde's tits and Cassie would scoop up some pudding which was chocolate and cherry flavored mixed and she'd toss it aiming it for Ichika's eyes to try and blind her. If this worked Cassie would pry Ichika's hands off of her breasts before she'd try to slip behind Ichika, and would grab her boobs before trying to hoist her overhead for a German Suplex using Ichika's boobs as leverage.

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Re: Ichika Uesugi vs Cassie Cage (Mix and Match Pudding Match)

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The two struggled, Ichika trying her best to keep a hold of the perky tits of the younger girl, trying to stay standing straight to rob Cassie of any chance to leverage her way out of the hold. Cassie dipped low as Ichika was forced to follow, keeping her breasts planted to the back of Cassie, unaware of what the blonde was planning until it was too late, a glob of pudding came flying into her face! "Gah!" Ichika cried out, forced to release the boobs as she turned around, trying to wipe the sweetness off of her face.

In doing so, she may have cleared her vision but Cassie pounced on the opening as her arms wrapped around her, grabbing onto her much larger breasts in retaliation! Ichika's cheeks flared red as she tried to grab onto the wrists, but before she could she found herself being tossed up and over back towards the center of the pudding for a Boob-plex!

"Gaaaah!" she cried out, crashing back first into the pudding as the sweetness erupted out from underneath her!

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Re: Ichika Uesugi vs Cassie Cage (Mix and Match Pudding Match)

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Cassie would manage to get her tactics to work and the LAW crowd in attendance would pop as the blonde would hit an impressive Boob Plex to send Ichika splashing into the pudding in the center of the pool. Cassie would pop up a bit slowly with the pudding weighing her down a bit before heading toward her downed opponent before Cassie would place her bare pudding covered foot and stomped on the back of Ichika's head before grinding her sole to make her larger opponent's face grind against the mixture of pudding. "Doesn't taste too good, does it?" Cassie taunted before trying to jump up and Curb Stomp Ichika's face into the pudding even more.

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