Kyoko froze, Akiko always told her that she would quit if she ever had to relocate, which meant that this was basically the end of the store and Kyoko could not imagine that..Suddenly she was in a full on sprint towards the door kicking it down and screaming the loudest she had ever screamed in this place since she had first been here. "Akiko!! What the fuck is that sign doing there!??" Akiko was at the store front and actually jumped in surprise, she knew Kyoko was coming but she didnt expect her to act like this. "What do you mean? Kyoko I-" "You know exactly what I mean? Relocate! You live in this are we both know your not relocating. Your closing? Why. What could you possibly close this place down for?" "Kyo We can discuss this later, Im working someone might." "Anybody who comes to this store would agree with everything coming out of my mouth. Your a local business people love you here you cant really just back up." "Local businesses dont you get you much mileage nowadays..." "What?" Kyoko's anger was gone but she slowly approached when she noticed Akiko looked...tired. "Auntie whats going on?" Akiko just smiled but it wasnt very joyful. "I'm afraid I'm at my rope. Bigger companies open up all the time some near here and they've been trying to take my spot for years. I thought I could keep them out but they have more resources then me, they make places that market to everything I do and business has stalled. My sponsors are considering pulling out and without them I wont be able to pay for this place. I expect they will be back within a week and ill have to settle for a lower price but I'm trying to give people time to shop before its over, so I can keep the others paid, but I dont think I can go much longer." "But dont you make some profit off my merch? You make it afterall." "Your stuff sells but not enough Im afraid, if people bought it here then yes it would help more....but most buy it from LAW places and by contract they take a cut of the profit...a large cut." Kyoko was shocked, then furious, then just sad again. Akiko put up with bullshit all her life, hell she put up with her! That was enough for most lifetimes, the Belly Queen couldnt just let that go.
"No..." "Dont be like that Kyoko. I can still make your gear, most of the supplies aren't too hard to get if you pay me, just let me know." "NO! Fuck that, this isn't about where I'm going to get my fucking gear, this is about you! This store is your life its all you've got, you built it up from a shack to what it is now and its not going anywhere. How much do you need to sell Ill buy all of it." "And I wont accept it. Kyoko you cant keep doing that it would only keep them off my tail for a couple months at best. I would need repeat business." "Then...Then...Then Ill get you some, however much you need. I'm very good at advertising. And like you said my stuff sells." "That might get them in here but not everyone wants to drive all the way here to get your stuff." "That will get them in the door, once they see all you got they'll buy more I'm sure of it. And to make sure they come...Ill be here myself to give people a reason to show up!" Akiko raised an eyebrow she could tell this was all just Kyoko throwing anything to see what would stick and she wasnt sure it would work but she knew Kyoko wouldnt back down unless she tried. "Alright...but promise me if this doesnt work out you wont make this harder on me. Let the store die with dignity." Kyoko smiled and nodded her head she was about to say thanks before she was cut off. "And another thing if your going to work here dont antagonize anyone. We are running a business, so you will have to act by our standards." "What makes you think I wont behave?....Alright fair enough. You got it, me on my best behavior." She said under Akiko's very stern glare.