Good Deed Queen - (Open)

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Good Deed Queen - (Open)

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Kyoko was a in a good mood, she had finally gotten around some issues and was well on her way to settling all of her bad affairs. A sorely needed matter after the year she had, which was needless to say the worst year she had since she started wrestling. But now she had a free moment and was bringing her attention to of all things going to get some of her gear fixed up a the same place she always did, hell it was the same person who had been making hers and her families wrestling gear since her dad was wrestling. Suzuki Akiko the owner of the Macaque's Athletics had helped Kyoko in more ways then one and Kyoko was happy to make sure that she always got her business first if she ever wanted anything clothing related, she was certain it was the same for the rest of there family but for her especially it rang true. She couldnt imagine going anywhere else first but one thing was for certain every time she went there she was always in one of her happiest moods..Until today, just as she turned the corner she saw the store in the same place as usual...what she didnt want to see and what she didnt like was the sight of the sign that had been put next to the store. Relocating soon. Everything must go

Kyoko froze, Akiko always told her that she would quit if she ever had to relocate, which meant that this was basically the end of the store and Kyoko could not imagine that..Suddenly she was in a full on sprint towards the door kicking it down and screaming the loudest she had ever screamed in this place since she had first been here. "Akiko!! What the fuck is that sign doing there!??" Akiko was at the store front and actually jumped in surprise, she knew Kyoko was coming but she didnt expect her to act like this. "What do you mean? Kyoko I-" "You know exactly what I mean? Relocate! You live in this are we both know your not relocating. Your closing? Why. What could you possibly close this place down for?" "Kyo We can discuss this later, Im working someone might." "Anybody who comes to this store would agree with everything coming out of my mouth. Your a local business people love you here you cant really just back up." "Local businesses dont you get you much mileage nowadays..." "What?" Kyoko's anger was gone but she slowly approached when she noticed Akiko looked...tired. "Auntie whats going on?" Akiko just smiled but it wasnt very joyful. "I'm afraid I'm at my rope. Bigger companies open up all the time some near here and they've been trying to take my spot for years. I thought I could keep them out but they have more resources then me, they make places that market to everything I do and business has stalled. My sponsors are considering pulling out and without them I wont be able to pay for this place. I expect they will be back within a week and ill have to settle for a lower price but I'm trying to give people time to shop before its over, so I can keep the others paid, but I dont think I can go much longer." "But dont you make some profit off my merch? You make it afterall." "Your stuff sells but not enough Im afraid, if people bought it here then yes it would help more....but most buy it from LAW places and by contract they take a cut of the profit...a large cut." Kyoko was shocked, then furious, then just sad again. Akiko put up with bullshit all her life, hell she put up with her! That was enough for most lifetimes, the Belly Queen couldnt just let that go.

"No..." "Dont be like that Kyoko. I can still make your gear, most of the supplies aren't too hard to get if you pay me, just let me know." "NO! Fuck that, this isn't about where I'm going to get my fucking gear, this is about you! This store is your life its all you've got, you built it up from a shack to what it is now and its not going anywhere. How much do you need to sell Ill buy all of it." "And I wont accept it. Kyoko you cant keep doing that it would only keep them off my tail for a couple months at best. I would need repeat business." "Then...Then...Then Ill get you some, however much you need. I'm very good at advertising. And like you said my stuff sells." "That might get them in here but not everyone wants to drive all the way here to get your stuff." "That will get them in the door, once they see all you got they'll buy more I'm sure of it. And to make sure they come...Ill be here myself to give people a reason to show up!" Akiko raised an eyebrow she could tell this was all just Kyoko throwing anything to see what would stick and she wasnt sure it would work but she knew Kyoko wouldnt back down unless she tried. "Alright...but promise me if this doesnt work out you wont make this harder on me. Let the store die with dignity." Kyoko smiled and nodded her head she was about to say thanks before she was cut off. "And another thing if your going to work here dont antagonize anyone. We are running a business, so you will have to act by our standards." "What makes you think I wont behave?....Alright fair enough. You got it, me on my best behavior." She said under Akiko's very stern glare.
So here she was on her 27th birthday dressed in her own merch and having advertised her presence all over. She had put up posters at LAW or wherever she could legally do so in town, she knew she had fans and she knew people would like Akiko's store she just had to bring them. And she had to behave so she was standing in front of a mirror readying herself to do that. "HI HOW ARE YOU...That was way too loud...Hi! How are you? What can We do for you today....better but I sound too robotic, need its own flair. Greetings, youve made the right choice, and I think I know just what your looking for! Is that too arrogant, .we know just what your looking for' I'm no mind reader...tccchh. Whatever I'll make it up as I go I was never a planner.." Kyoko said standing up and giving herself a proper look over once more. Slowly she put on a smile and then made her way to the store floor...hopefully this was a good night.

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Re: Good Deed Queen - (Open)

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Alizeh whistled jauntily as she walked down the sidewalk to a particular store dressed in casual clothing one would expect of a wrestler not in the ring. Wearing a black, orange and blue shonen jump sleeveless shirt with a pair of grey skinny jeans, along with some low heeled black boots and a white leather jacket with some circle sunglasses she smiled happily upon reaching her destination. “Macaque's Athletics huh? This outta be interesting.” She said with a smile as she saw the various advertisements of a certain belly queen in the store.

Like anyone else in LAW she knew that Kyoko was here at this store trying to help them out for whatever reason. Alizeh didn’t know the specifics but she was always down for coming to niche places like this. On top of that she recently had a bit of a twitter beef with Kyoko, so she figured this was good a time as any to confront the belly queen, and maybe have some fun at her expense.

Opening the door and walking inside Alizeh grabb her sunglasses and pulled them over on top of her head to look around. As she did so and the saw the items for sale she whistled admittedly impressed at the quality and range of items for sale in the store. Looking over some racks of clothes she smiled seeing a certain belly queen. “Excuse me can I have some help?” She asked in her most innocent voice possible

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Re: Good Deed Queen - (Open)

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"Thank you have a nice day!" Kyoko said waving off a new customer that had come, not for her but she did seem to like what she saw, so hopefully she did come back. Business had been alright so far but for the most part the other staff had handled it up until now and she only had to deal with a handful of customers, and the ones she had dealt with were fans so dealing with them was pretty easy. Finally another customer coming up but one that looked vaguely familiar. Everyone was busy so she went to meet herself.

"Hello! Did you need something, Im happy to help." Kyoko said trying to sound as nice as possible. It was only as she got closer that she noticed the hair color which wasnt normal and it was clear that this was a wrestler, and one she had spoken too recently.

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Re: Good Deed Queen - (Open)

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As she waited by the tops for someone to come, Alizeh smiled eagerly seeing it was Kyoko that answered the call. It was... surreal to see the belly queen dressed in casual attire, a majority of which bearing her own trademark. Granted though Alizeh didn’t blame her. After all she wore her own merch to the gym, nothing wrong with a bit of self promotion in her book.

But probably most strange was the smile on her face, Kyoko was the person you expected to face bloody torture over smile voluntarily. For what its worth though it was a nice smile, even if it was clearly forced. And Alizeh was about to make it a lot harder to maintain as she smiled right back.

”Hiiiii.” She greeted the belly queen in a bubbly tone while shifting her hands to the various shirts on display. “So I’m trying to pick up this really cute girl, six feet tall, purple hair, kinda like yours actually, washboard abs. Mhm total package.” Alizeh said while trying to keep herself from bursting into giggles. She was obviously talking about Ayame, the cause of her and Kyoko’s little squabble and while Alizeh had no real interest in pursuing the gorgeus woman. It would be funny to use that to tease Kyoko.

“What would you recomend to really wow her cause you look like you’d know what a girl like that would like.” She said with a grin and a wink to the bombshell before her. Not just in terms of looks, there was no telling how the purple haired woman would react!

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Re: Good Deed Queen - (Open)

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Of course it would be too much to expect this to go smoothly. While she anticipated fans showing up the fact that some wrestlers were coming too was going to be a hard one to overcome, once she got close she knew exactly who the girl was and she knew exactly what she was doing making an attempt to ask her about Ayame's clothing store choices. Kyoko could feel her face nearly fall but while she was able to keep her smile, her eye had to be twitching something fierce as she tried to unclench her hands before she found them around Alizeh's throat. Right now she was really wishing she had one of Sheena's calming cards because was she going to need it with this one.

"Oh umm...haha well, thats very specific." Kyoko said as her brain started to come together with an idea. "Well I'm not sure cause at the end of the day it all comes down to personal tastes, but if we were looking for something that might attract a girl in your league. We can look over here." She said directing Alizeh towards a section of clothes that seemed to be around her size or a little bit bigger. "If you were looking for casual wear we have plenty of t-shirts and pants that might help catch the eye of a lucky lady or gentleman here. The trademarked ones are over there more typical ones you can find a little closer...will that be helpful. You fucking skank"

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Re: Good Deed Queen - (Open)

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Alizeh wouldn’t lie when she said that it was somewhat satisfying watching Kyoko try So hard not to react negstively to her. It was obvious to anyone looking, despite the smile on her face the rest of her body language was SCREAMING murderous intent towards the greenette. Even so Alizeh was just smiling the day away at the incensed belly queen.

”Ohhh I see yeah those will be great!” Alizeh chirped as she looked at various articles with actual attention. They were honestly pretty great, and she was legitimately interested in getting some stuff, messing with Kyoko was just the cherry on top.

But of course Alizeh also didn’t miss the whispered insult towards her ”Sorry what was that?“ She challenged with a knowing smirk on her face, looking like she was about to pull a Karen before shrugging. “Well I was also wondering what colors you’d recomend. Green is kind of a hard hair color to match with.” she said in not only a playful tone but also a more... genuine one. Like she was actually asking for Kyoko’s help and not just trying to mess with her.

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Re: Good Deed Queen - (Open)

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"Of course there great, everything in here is great." Kyoko boasted before realizing that was probably excessive, not that Alizeh seemed to care, but Kyoko knew Auntie was watching. Which is why her whispers were desperately low and why when called on she already had an answer ready. "I said the trademarked ones are a bit closer, and I'm happy to repeat myself if needed." though when she added her final statement Kyoko really looked at her strangely.

"Who told you that? Green's an easy color to match, simple whites are an easy one but if you want actual ones with actual color shades of purple or blue would work, like these ones over here." She said directing Alizeh along. Pointing out a few shirts that were of various colors of purple and blue with different designs and even different sizes.

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Re: Good Deed Queen - (Open)

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The grin spread slightly more on Alizeh’s face as Kyoko boasted about the store, besides the insult that was the most grnuine thing she had said. Literally Alizeh could feel the pride and respect Kyoko had for this place, it both made Alizeh curious on Kyoko’e relationship with this place and on Kyoko herself. ”Haha yeah I’ve never seen a place with such a good selection before. Most places I go to are so focused with particular colors its hard to find variety. But this place has a bit of everything.” Alizeh said genuinely impressed as she followed Kyoko along to the area with blue and purple clothing making Alizeh’s eyes glimmer.

“Really? I never would have thought blue or purple before. White has always been a go to for me but purple especially is something I hadn’t considered.” Alizeh said casually as she picked out a few things that stood out to her. “Say you’re really good at this Kyoko. I’ve always been kinda garbage at fashion stuff but you seem to have a good handle for it.” She said making genuine conversation with the belly queen and actually finding herself enjoying it.

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Re: Good Deed Queen - (Open)

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"Thats because Aunt-I mean the store owner caters to everyones needs despite being a local business, she understands that people of types will be coming here and never wants someone to feel left out since this is area is a foreigner hotspot." She adds trying to impress further, one thing people needed to keep coming back was to have the place feel important and that was something Kyoko felt she could manage easily enough, even if she didnt have the best manners.

"Well I have to know some form of fashion if I'm going to be going out public wrestling. Having an iconic gear i about having something that fits you. And makes people want to follow it. Besides this store will teach you alot." She added letting Alizeh pick what she wanted.

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Re: Good Deed Queen - (Open)

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‘Aunt? Is this place a family establishment?’ Alizeh thought to herself in mild surprise at Kyoko’s newr slip up. Alizeh was a pretty perceptive person, able to pick up on small things others would miss or disregard. And a chance to learn more about the infamous Kyoko Akan wasn’t something she’d pass on anytime soon. “Haha I see. I’ll have to keep this place on my radar than.” Alizeh said with a wink to Kyoko, after all that was clearly what the woman was trying to do, sell her, and likely everyone else on this place.

But that being said Kyoko didn’t need to sell it super hard, after all Alizeh knew a good place when she saw it. “Haha yeah trust me I know, I relied on my mom to make my outfit. But my creative strengths lie in... other areas.” She said with a bashful chuckle, admitting she wasn’t the best when it came to clothes across the board. But something Kyoko said had serioisly interested her. “Teach me? Do they do classes or custom work?” Alizeh asked interested as she leaned forward, more than a few selections under her arms. “Cause I’ve been meaning to upgrade my look for a while and I didn’t want to rely on ny mom again. Think this place can help me?” She asked with vested interest to the surprisingly business savvy Kyoko.

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