The Silent against The Cat: Nomi Aoki vs Nadia fortune

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Re: The Silent against The Cat: Nomi Aoki vs Nadia fortune

Unread post by Void-Effect »

Seeing Nadia had fall unconscious, it would automatically make her a winner as the she stand there and look down at her, making Nomi the winner of the match as she remain in silent, seeing how much that Nadia want to see her face while she would run her fingers along the cracks on her mask, she would stand there before grab her broken mask and take it off, showing her purple eyes as she look down at her "...Not bad" She simply said before place the mask next to her as she would lift her right arms to cover her face before anyone would take a pic of her face as she stand back up and start leaving

Discord: Void Effect#1624

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Re: The Silent against The Cat: Nomi Aoki vs Nadia fortune

Unread post by Lederface »

Nadia could hear how the bell sounded indicating that the fight was over, so she would then feel like, how she finally managed to talk to Nadia and seeing how she took off her mask and left her, she would be able to see a small part of her. face, staying on the ground even as she was leaving the place.

Rose, seeing how the girl left, would quickly run to help Nadia, feeling some guilt because her wives had condemned Nadia, but even so, she would cover her with a blanket since her body was naked.

then Nadia would look at the mask with fractures and knowing very well that this cannot stay that way, she would just yell at him:one day we'll meet again and I promise I'll beat you!

before not if he disappeared and nadia and rose also left that ring, hoping that one day ....... fulfill his dream

winner: Nomi Aoki for orgasmic knockout

It will be a pleasure to see you elsewhere!


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