Taming the Storm: Emiko Tanaka-Walker vs. Golden Storm

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Taming the Storm: Emiko Tanaka-Walker vs. Golden Storm

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Emiko Tanaka-Walker vs. Golden Storm
Match Type: Standard
Victory Conditions: Pin, Submission, KO or Count-Out

Emiko had been in the backstage area, doing some stretches as she prepared for her upcoming match as she seemed to be all smiles. She had not been at L.A.W. long but so far she seemed to have adapted to the competition well and had been doing soundly up to this point. However, each new opponent offered a new kind of challenge so Emiko was not one to take anything for granted as she soon enough got her cue and would make her way to the Gorilla Position ever eager to further make her mark here at L.A.W.
Emiko's Theme
As the theme of Emiko sounded, the energetic and youthful mother made her way to the stage and seemed to smile; she was by no means any big fan favorite or anything but given the cheers she had heard she seemed to be picking up some fans with each new match she entered. She was overjoyed at this and gave the fans a respectful bow before she made her way down the entrance ramp as she seemed to have a spark in her eyes; yes she'd be sure to give this match all she could and do her best to do herself and her family proud regardless of who this "Golden Storm" was. She made her way quickly to the steel steps and walked up them to the apron as she climbed through the middle rope and entered with a wave and a bit of a playful pose which some in the crowd seemed to eat up.

Emiko had done then what she always did and blew a kiss to the camera, a tradition as she passed that message of love to her husband and daughter watching before she moved to her corner and eagerly awaited her opponent to make her arrival to the ring.
Emiko's Attire
Last edited by godjacob on Mon Mar 22, 2021 1:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Taming the Storm: Emiko Tanaka-Walker vs. Golden Storm

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Storm is stomping her way down the hall to her spot backstage waiting to be called out for her match against some mother, so far Storm has been on a losing streak and wanting to change that as soon as possible if she could. Her opponent some woman called Emiko sounds like she be a good opponent to start off a winning streak.

Making her way on stage no music again for her entrance but that is fine with her... Just getting to fight is more then enough to prove herself to the company at this point, sliding into the ring and giving a big smile just enjoying the rush feeling she gets when getting into the ring for a match.

Facing her opponent Storm walks over and holds out her hand to the older woman. "Golden Storm let's have a good match alright." The bell rings for the match to begin.


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Re: Taming the Storm: Emiko Tanaka-Walker vs. Golden Storm

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Emiko watched as her opponent made her way to the ring, she had to like the color aesthetic and there seemed to be something earnest about this woman she could not describe. Something seemed confirmed as much when as Golden Strom entered she offered a hand and wished for a good match.

Emiko Tanaka-Walker. A pleasure, and indeed let's give them a show." Emiko smiled as she accepted Golden Storm's handshake and moved back when the bell rung as she smiled eager to get this match underway.

Emiko adopted a basic stance, knees slightly bent and arms ahead of her, as she worked to lightly circle Golden Storm. Opting for a defensive start, she'd invite Golden Storm into her space waiting for her to come to her rather than take the first step.

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Re: Taming the Storm: Emiko Tanaka-Walker vs. Golden Storm

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Storm didn't notice it at first but shaking Emiko hand at the time and feeling the firm strong grip the woman had.... A big smile appears on her face at the thought of a good match.

"Yea that the spirit a nice firm grip you have... Let's give them a good showing., Storm grins eager to start the match off the usual way, hit hard and hit often.

Rushing in at her opponent, Storm raises her arm going for a clothesline right out of the gate. Wanting to see how tough her opponent is and if she will have to use her full arsenal of moves to win the match.

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Re: Taming the Storm: Emiko Tanaka-Walker vs. Golden Storm

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Emiko smiled and as the bell rang, she prepared to assume a natural grapple's stance; knees slightly bent, hands ahead of her, the more defensive and cautious approach.

Her opponent however was eager to get off firing, as she charged with a clothesline which caused Emiko's eyes to widen but she quickly duked to avoid being taken down by the stiff lariat.

Emiko would turn and aimed to catch Golden Storm on the rebound, lifting up in a jump with the goal to take her off her feet with a dropkick.

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Re: Taming the Storm: Emiko Tanaka-Walker vs. Golden Storm

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"Dang I missed..." Storm would think to herself. Seeing her clothesline just barely miss Emiko head by a few inches, Storm let's out a annoyed growl as she bounces onto the ropes not able to stop herself at all.

"AUUUGHHHH" Not able to stop in time Storm is lifted off her feet, taking a drop kick to the chest that sends her slamming backwards into the canvas. Letting out a groan as she rolls over getting to her knees.

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Re: Taming the Storm: Emiko Tanaka-Walker vs. Golden Storm

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Emiko managed to take Golden Storm down with a textbook dropkick but she knew she could not let up here, with her opponent working her way to her knees Emiko would aim to move over her in haste.

Raising up she'd drop her full weight rear first onto Golden Storm's back, an aim to ground her opponent and keep her from getting back onto her feet in one swift strike.

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Re: Taming the Storm: Emiko Tanaka-Walker vs. Golden Storm

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"ARGGGGGHHH" Storm screams out being grounded by her opponent, her back throbbing in pain from taking a butt press to her back. Winching and grabbing her back as she is not able to defend herself in time or at all, right now she is just to slow to catch her opponent but she just need's one good hit to get back into the match.

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Re: Taming the Storm: Emiko Tanaka-Walker vs. Golden Storm

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Emiko knew she had to pile it on, momentum could flip in a match in a hurry and while she was in control she wanted to make sure she'd be firmly in the driver's seat as she'd aim to sit on Golden Storm's lower back. Her goal then would be to flip her arms over her knees, and if successful with this reach her hands to pull back on Golden Storm's chin to try and apply a camel clutch submission.

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Re: Taming the Storm: Emiko Tanaka-Walker vs. Golden Storm

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Storm is stuck not able to get to her hands and knees, due to Emiko sitting on her back keeping her pinned down. Letting out a grunt of pain to being placed in the camel clutch, not able to get going in the opening bit of the match. So far she has been beaten to the punch already by Emiko as she struggles to break free of the hold.

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