Special Guest Referee! Alaina vs. Kerstin

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Special Guest Referee! Alaina vs. Kerstin

Unread post by Highfly »

(Continued from viewtopic.php?f=19&t=981&start=10)

Alaina heard Karen call for the bell and circled Kerstin, her arms up as she moved in. Alaina was shorter but she felt like she was more powerful. Time to prove it. The amazon lunged in and went for a lockup, wrapping up her foe. Alaina went low, widening her legs for a good powerful stance. Her well defined body tensed up and she gave the grapple everything she had, determined to force her opponent back as forcefully as she could!

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Re: Special Guest Referee! Alaina vs. Kerstin

Unread post by Devilish53 »

With the match under way, and of course, the power as it were firmly in Karen's hands, the buxom heavyweight could freely mock and ruin both hated heavyweights match, whilst nonetheless enjoying herself. Nigh literally prancing around the outside of the pushing duo, arms whirling as if she too was warming up, Karen assumed a mock-position to the side of the two; hands to her knees, bending forward as if thoroughly inspecting the two, much like a referee would.

Albeit, no standard referee would shoot the scowl she was giving, nor the words she loudly roared.

"Like a fucking hippo fighting a fossil..."

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Re: Special Guest Referee! Alaina vs. Kerstin

Unread post by Fairy Dragon »

Kerstin wanted to act fast and once the bell rang Kerstin moved in eager to start and see what she could do. Aliana being smaller meant she couldn't really maneuver past her in the grapple like she wanted without getting really low, which Aliana made harder by lowering herself even further as Kerstin tried to close in and grapple with the girl as she tried to push into her and overpower her opponent. Though brute force was never going to be her only tactic and she wanted to show the new heavyweight that if she wanted to make an impact she was going to have to show more then that.

Acting quick Kerstin tried to pull her hand back and throw an elbow into Kerstin's face and try to stun her as she moved her hands down and tried to lift her up for an atomic drop.

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Re: Special Guest Referee! Alaina vs. Kerstin

Unread post by Highfly »

Alaina was making progress when she felt the elbow shot nail her in the face! She groaned as she shook her head, feeling like Kerstin snuck a shot in on her.

Alaina was then grabbed from behind as she was lift up and brought crashing down on her tailbone! She moaned in pain as she fell down onto her stomach, getting up to her hands and knees as she tried to crawl, working her way back up to her feet.

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Re: Special Guest Referee! Alaina vs. Kerstin

Unread post by Fairy Dragon »

The move worked and sent Kerstin down to the floor in a heap though she was fast at recovering and was already making her way back to her feet before Kerstin could do much of anything, not that she expected one move to have Aliana flattened but she would have preferred some time to attack. Still no point in waiting around Kerstin moved in and wrapped her arms around her waist as she tried to get up to her feet.

"Let me help you with that." Kerstin lifted up and arched her back looking to plant Alaina right back down on the floor with a german suplex. Though she didn't let go of the hold instead looking to keep her grip on it and turn to try and maintain the hold for something else she had on her mind.

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Re: Special Guest Referee! Alaina vs. Kerstin

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Alaina felt herself her wrapped up from behind and lift up. She tried desperately to swing an elbow around to hit her foe in the side of the head! Unfortunately for Alaina it was too little too late.

The amazon crashed to the mat again in a heap after a loud, ring shaking landing! She groaned and squirmed trying to free herself from her opponents grip, flailing her legs and again trying to send an elbow shot or two back to connect with anything she could!

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Re: Special Guest Referee! Alaina vs. Kerstin

Unread post by Fairy Dragon »

Turning around and keeping her grip tight on the veterans waist as she tried to get back to her base and slowly walk the women up to her feet as she sought to drop her with another hard hitting suplex. Aliana was less keen on Kerstin's plan though, in fact she very much wanted no part of that idea as she started throwing elbows back at her while turning her body anywhich way to make it difficult on her to actually keep the hold, Causing Kerstin's grip to slacken and eventually for her to let go entirely as one shot caught her side.

"Tcch!" Pushing Aliana away as she let go of the hold, Kerstin got back to a good stance and rubbed her cheek after hard hit it took. Taking a second to glance at the ref to make sure she wasn't up to anything, her eyes went back to Aliana and she moved in to grapple with the veteran once more.

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Re: Special Guest Referee! Alaina vs. Kerstin

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Alaina saw her foe move on for a grapple and Alaina obliged! However she recalled that last time Kerstin landed a shot that Alaina didn't expect. This time wins was determined to take the initiative. As the women grappled Alaina swing her knee upward into Kerstins abdomen as hard as she could!

Alaina hoped she struck the woman hard enough to make her double over, and then a simple headlock and falling back would lead to the amazon hopefully planting her opponent to the mat with a DDT!

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Re: Special Guest Referee! Alaina vs. Kerstin

Unread post by Fairy Dragon »

Moving in to try and overpower the Amazon a second time and start putting her through the ringer more and more Kerstin didn't think that Aliana was going to be the one to fire back without proving a point first. Needless to say she pressed into her this time fully expecting it to be a test of there strength before Aliana tripped her up with the quick but abrupt knee to her belly.

"Mghhg!" Kerstin groaned folding up and pulling away as she tended to her wounded gut before Aliana reeled her back in for another move, grabbing her head and placing it under her armpit as she grabbed her and forced her down head first into the floor. Spiking her with a DDT. "Aggh!" Kerstin rolled to her side after the impact.

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Re: Special Guest Referee! Alaina vs. Kerstin

Unread post by Highfly »

Alaina took her opponent down and knew she had to work to establish hwraelf against someone quickly proving to be a very tough foe!

Alaina jumped up and extended her legs mid air, looking to come crashing down on top of Kerstin with a big leg drop! The amazon didn't plan on stopping there, trying to wrap her legs around Kerstins head after landing, putting her in a choking head scissor with her legs!

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