A Crossing of Queens

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A Crossing of Queens

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Kyoko sat around her house lazily waiting for her guest to arrive, an actual guest not someone forced here or someone she had dragged into her house for whatever agenda on her mind. The newest member of the Queens Rose Gold and resident Lightweight champion was on her way here and they had a lot to discuss, mainly it was her trying to make sure she understood who this women was. She knew many faces in wrestling but Rose was odd to her and she was the only one she didnt have figured out in the stable. Worse she didnt want to wait until she fell out of favor with the others and someone decided to take her out, having an ally or two could help so why not start with the new girl especially the one she knew she wouldnt have any issues with title wise.
She remained relaxed waiting for her to show up like she said she would so they could talk and understand each other better. An odd sentiment to have for her but recent events made her realize that even if she wasnt going to go around being the biggest friend to everybody not having someone who thought you were an enemy could make things easier on her. If only a little.

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Re: A Crossing of Queens

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Rose Gold arrived at the address that had been provided to her. Akan, Kyoko had invited her to parley at her home. Rose Gold had searched for any reason to refuse the invitation. They had worked together for some time now, however, their deeds had been less than savory. The two women found themselves as serpents amongst a pit of vipers. Spiteful and bickering but powerful women. A group called the Queens, in which none of them recognized the sovereignty of another. A tacit alliance closer to a Cold War than a friendship. But perhaps today would change that.
Rose Gold had arrived dressed for a coffee date. She felt naked. Even in an overlarge hoodie and jeans. She hated it. This normal way of life. This world of false sincerity and fake smiles. Of rules and etiquette.

She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. She was a demure thing. No taller than five two and no heavier than a hundred and twenty pounds. She wasn't small for the lightweight division, but the lightweight division -was- small compared to all the others. Short and petite, the normal clothing and boring environment of the regular world made her feel even smaller.

She briefly pushed aside the chip on her shoulder in order to reach out and press a slender finger against the door bell. There was no going back. If this was a set up or an ambush, she was ready for it.

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Re: A Crossing of Queens

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She had actually started to doubt if Rose would even come, sure she agreed to but the women didnt seem to enthused, not that she could blame her. Part of the reason was because of the way this team was set up, lacking in cohesion that it left her unsure who could be trusted, all she did know was that she didnt want more enemies out of ego she was perfectly capable of making enemies through actual ring work. The doorbell rang and she knew only one other person who would actually use it, everyone else her girlfriend included had a key. Kyoko quickly opened the door to the sight of the smaller blonde in front of her. The Champion of the Lightweights herself looking far from confident like she was used to seeing when she was on screen.

"Well you showed up. Thats admittedly more then I expected." She said before she moved back and opened the door further. "Well come on in, no need to keep you out here any longer. You want anything to drink?" Casual stuff she had a bunch of remarks she wanted to make but stayed her hand until they were behind closed doors. There she would really pick at this womens brain and see what made Rose Gold tick.

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Re: A Crossing of Queens

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Rose began to turn away only a few seconds after ringing the doorbell. Kyoko hadn't answered yet. And that probably meant she wasn't coming. She'd fulfilled her obligations and now she was free to leave. Oh well.

It was at that exact moment that she heard the internal mechanisms of the door turn over. The door was pulled open. And there stood Kyoko Akan. Rose slowly rotated back towards Kyoko and offered the woman a wry grin.

"Is that so? I'd hoped by now that I might have convinced the world to expect the unexpected when it comes to me. Perhaps I'll have convinced you by the time our conversation is over, hm?" Her words and tone didn't match her demeanor. Something about the street clothes and eagerness to escape took the edge off of her attitude.

Rose watched as Kyoko opened the door wider and she observed the open space like a thief looking for security. Nothing seemed off. 'Fine' She conceded to herself as she slipped past the woman and into her home. She allowed Kyoko a view of her back for but a moment. It was long enough to see just how well those skinny jeans fit her lower half. Her butt was firm, athletic, and swelled against the denim.

"Water, please." Nobility must conduct themselves nobly.

"Kind of you to have me over. Though I must admit, I'm curious as to why? How many other women are hiding in this lovely home of yours?" The smirk remained as she turned to face Kyoko. Speaking as she followed wherever she might lead her.

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Re: A Crossing of Queens

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Kyoko was almost amused by the way she was looking around, expecting to get jumped, please if she wanted to beat her up she wouldnt trick her to going into her house, shed find her beat her up and drag her here. But that was far from the point, when she finally did come in Kyoko did notice her figure, like she noticed many others but didnt try to focus on it too much. This girl was already too cocky for her to see her staring, instead she went and got her water and would then go on to take a seat after she had handed it off to her.

"Well your welcome to try. I'm pretty good at surprising people who dont expect much from me so having someone who can do the same would be a nice change of pace." She admitted, though she also noticed things felt off. like Rose was saying things because she felt she had to say them but was having a hard time believing them. What was so different about here that she was uncomfortable? She tried to turn things around by asking her questions but Kyoko shrugged. "On good days just me and my girlfriend, another wrestler though not working at LAW. On average just me since again she works elsewhere." She said simply sitting back. "Why curious if you can stay longer?" She added somewhat amused.

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Re: A Crossing of Queens

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The edges of her smirk softened as Kyoko invited her to try to surprise her. The presence of a challenge made her feel a bit more comfortable. In truth, Rose Gold was not the bastion of confidence that she projected herself to be in the ring. She found it easy to be powerful on a world stage, under bright lights, and under the duress of an opponent. But it was far more difficult in the open world, where the rules were oddly less defined and her role as a woman was more tenuous.

In a wrestling ring she was the best in the world. In Tokyo, Japan... She was just a girl.

She sat where she was indicated. She removed her clutch and placed it upon the table next to her before taking up the glass of water she was offered. Her lips, plump and kissable, hugged the perimeter of the glass as she savored the cool water and let it chill her throat. She let out a soft appreciative moan. Then she placed the glass back down with a clink before looking towards Kyoko.

"Girlfriend?" She cocked an eyebrow. Ah, there it was. She worked elsewhere. "I see. Given the nature of our business I imagine it would be difficult to keep a partner. Unless she's into watching you make women other than her writhe. And you her, I would imagine. Or is she the clean sort?" Rose didn't have girlfriend, a partner. The closest was Lexy. And she was more like a toy.

She paused before answering her question. "I'm curious because our... Group?" She played with the word. She wasn't sure what to call them. "Really only seem to get together to errantly attack random women. I'm honestly not even sure what they've done. But then, everyone's done something to deserve a beating, haven't they?" She looked out the nearby window with a pensive smile.

"Is that what this is about? A new victim? I assumed it would be me. Given my recent success."

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Re: A Crossing of Queens

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It was almost like looking at two different faces, the women she was looking at now was clearly the same girl who had brutally beaten the previous champ to take her belt and humiliated others getting there but the expressions and her attitude seemed to be just barely there. Like looking at an actor who was just playing a role, it made her feel antsy and Kyoko stretched her back out briefly as if adjusting would make the feeling go away. It didnt, just made her stretch out in front of briefly as her body was on display, abs and chest pressing forward., and she only felt that awkwardness raise up as she pressed on about Fallon.

"Clean sort she is not...And she was worse before she met me...now she just tries to apply most of it solely to me. But yeah she tends to enjoy a good view when she sees one...she knows who I go home to talk about all the details." Kyoko spoke since it was the first time Rose seemed to be comfortable, given her match history she was no stranger to this kind of stuff and maybe she'd feel more comfortable this way. IT was worth a shot at least. "No not a new victim...as for what the group is about...well that is something I wanted to talk about. Eileen fancies us conquers, which I am at least. And..well you have the belt to show for it, but Lillian went rogue in getting her belt. Someone else was supposed to challenge Tina, so they dumped her and picked you up...The Queens want power but they want it to be shared properly go against it and...well you've seen what happens. As for you, well You didnt step on any toes of ours to get your belt, so far you can be trusted. Which is why your here." Kyoko admitted as she brought a glass of water to her own lips letting the cold liquids run down her throat. "You dont trust them...hell you dont trust me. I can see that much, and you have good reason since you know so little about us. I want to change that, at least between the two of us. Just because I dont currently like some like Sandy or Eileen doesnt mean I want to make an enemy of you." She admitted as she leaned in. "So lets start simple...you can ask me anything or tell me what you know about me. If you have seen me before you know I'm an open book."

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Re: A Crossing of Queens

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She listened to Kyoko talk about her personal relationship. "Kinky." She noted with an amused grin. Of course it was. As if there was anything in their lives that wasn't. Their profession revolved around competitively injuring or humiliating other women. They'd been nude in front of global audiences. They made money off of their athletic and sexual likenesses. They received residual payments for secondary sales of tapings that used -their- names and bodies to move product.

Rose Gold watched as Kyoko stretch, displaying her body. Nearly all members of the LAW roster were built like dieties. Kyoko was no different. Saavy and sex appeal. It was what made their world go round. "And she's okay with you being alone with another woman? Specifically another woman with my particular... Skillset?" She leaned forward now, pressing her palms into her knees, not being shy about where her eyes landed.

She was admittedly beginning to feel more comfortable. Finding her cadence. Being locked away from the outside world and within the confines of the Akan estate was a relief. It was just another stage, she told herself.

"Conquerors hm?" She considered the statement. "What a flowery word. It is in my opinion that it is only a matter of time before these conquerors become cannibals." She gestured as Kyoko mentioned Lillian.

"You're right. I don't trust them. And I don't trust you." She paused before adding. "I don't trust anyone I don't control." She added as a consolation.

"Anything is it?" She paused before folding her hands and resting them in her lap as she reclined once more. "Very well. Where do you hope to find your 'share' of the power? As you put it. What are your goals, and why follow the whims of a bunch of other spiteful cunts?" She spoke plainly.

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Re: A Crossing of Queens

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Now they seemed to be getting somewhere. Rose was getting comfortable despite admitting she still cant trust her which she expected and right now thats all she needed. "Completely, her trust in her Queen is unwavering. Besides Your hardly the first women ive brought here with your kind of skillset...I did have my share of fun with Eirina Makishima myself afterall.." Kyoko smirked watching Rose's eyes for any signs of a reaction on that. Eirina was the first name that came to mind because she was the only girl she knew who had a match with both of them, so she would know what she was talking about when she mentioned that particular tasty dish. Of course the conversation shifted again getting to the meat of the matter, how much longer could she trust the Queens to not take her piece of the pie if they got greedy. A fair statement and one Kyoko had asked herself many times.

"Well lucky for you I dont see anyone slimming down to come after you..." She stopped there though not finishing the thought. Fact is Rose was in the best position, whereas Kyoko knew that she was a risk to Helena, if either one of them wanted that middle or open belt..sparks would fly. But she didnt want her to think she only brought her here to make her an ally in that event, the focus had to be on building a lasting partnership. "Theres plenty of gold to go around for the lot of us. While there may be a bruised ego ahead if we keep our wits about us and dont try to cheat each other we will be fine. Lillian didnt understand that, You im sure aren't as dumb as her." She said taking another sip of water.

As expected she didnt trust her but again she felt no shame in hearing that. If she DID trust her Kyoko would have deemed her too trustworthy and naive. She came here cautious as a smart person should and Kyoko will continue to act as if she has brains. But the moment of truth was here and Kyoko shifted to lean on the couch as she spoke. "My share is simple. I want what was stolen from me by a rival. But beyond that I want the recognition my career deserves. Management and the fans pay to see me but they are content to let me stay off major headlines despite the fact I'm a confirmed money maker. I wasnt allowed to be in the middleweight tourney because random reasons, despite making my demands known te champ just ignored me because she could hide and fight her friends. She and management finally noticed me when I stopped playing there games and started playing mines with the Queens. They think Im easily controlled..so Ill take control, and if these bitches make it easier for me...all the better. Ill take the Gold Ive deserved, since they will never let me compete for it unless I break the door down myself." Kyoko said simply enough, her grin getting more shark like as she rested on the couch, an aura of confidence surrounding her.

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Re: A Crossing of Queens

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"Oh?" A flash of excitement crossed her eyes as she mentioned Eirina. The thought of the two tussling in the middle of her home in little to nothing snuck it's way into her subconscious. She felt her nipples harden beneath her sweater and her cheeks blush. Rose was a powerful combatant and a vicious opportunist. But she was also a helpless pervert. She licked her lips, her memory painting them with the taste of Eirina's sex. She'd made the woman run warm down her throat until she surrendered. "I am certain she enjoyed the show." She exhaled, moving on despite the dull ache in her belly.

"No, I don't imagine they will slim down. But if you think that my ambitions stop at 120 lbs, then you are mistaken. I'm leading the Lightweight Revolution. We've been looked at as jokes and gravure models." She balled her fist and let it rest against the arm of her chair. "No more." She slammed it. Not hard enough to break anything. But enough to make a point.

"I'm the Champion now, the representative of the whole division. I intend to use it to show the world that we're not to be fucked with. I've already won the Last Woman Standing tournament, of which I was one of only two lightweights to enter." She drew in a deep breath and relaxed. It was a sore spot, being looked down on for being small.

"No, I'm not as dumb as Lillian. But I'm three times as ambitious! Maybe I'll come for the Hentai Belt next, hm?" She smirked. A belt that would put all of the Queens in conflict.

"Though, hearing your story, I'm sure you know can see that in me, hm? Game recognizes game after all." She bowed her head and swept her arm towards Kyoko. "And you clearly sound ambitious. Threatening to take control." She smirked.

"That is precisely what I mean about these... Conquerors. Not a one of us wishes to follow. So how can we coordinate? It is a matter of time before we tear at eachothers throats." She looked down the line of Kyoko's body. "Or... Other parts."

"I wonder. How do we protect ourselves... From ourselves, hm?"

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