Rose Gold arrived at the address that had been provided to her. Akan, Kyoko had invited her to parley at her home. Rose Gold had searched for any reason to refuse the invitation. They had worked together for some time now, however, their deeds had been less than savory. The two women found themselves as serpents amongst a pit of vipers. Spiteful and bickering but powerful women. A group called the Queens, in which none of them recognized the sovereignty of another. A tacit alliance closer to a Cold War than a friendship. But perhaps today would change that.
Rose Gold had arrived dressed for a coffee date. She felt naked. Even in an overlarge hoodie and jeans. She hated it. This normal way of life. This world of false sincerity and fake smiles. Of rules and etiquette.
She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. She was a demure thing. No taller than five two and no heavier than a hundred and twenty pounds. She wasn't small for the lightweight division, but the lightweight division -was- small compared to all the others. Short and petite, the normal clothing and boring environment of the regular world made her feel even smaller.
She briefly pushed aside the chip on her shoulder in order to reach out and press a slender finger against the door bell. There was no going back. If this was a set up or an ambush, she was ready for it.