Albert Pfeiffer vs Saya Tachibana

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Albert Pfeiffer vs Saya Tachibana

Unread post by arktriumph »

NHB Submission Match
Victory Obtained by Verbal Submission Only

A virtually permanent scowl was etched on Albert's face as he waited for his next match to begin. The Princeling detested this place and the disrespectful women that seemed to populate it, refusing to defer to his obvious superiority. Clad in his shamelessly tight blue briefs, elbow guards and boots, the male wrestler skulked back stage, preparing to stamp his authority on the foolish female he would be facing!
His music, Nicki Minaj - Starships burst through the air and the petulant princeling strode out into the light, head held high as he ignored the jeering fans and marched his way down towards the ring. Clambering between the ropes, he took up position on the far side of the ring, hands on hips and staring back towards the entrance as he awaited his opponent.

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Re: Albert Pfeiffer vs Saya Tachibana

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It would take a long time before his opponent would finally appear. Saya once again has forgotten the time and was sitting in the catering area chewing on some bubblegum and listening to music, while the staff was running around like carzy searching for her. As soon as they found her they grabbed her and dragged her towards the entrence area. Saya didn´t realize what was up at the moment and why there was this sudden hurry… but she soon caught on that it was her time to come out for her match.
The girl would be shoved out of the backstage area, wearing a blue outfit looking like a swimsuit as her ring attire. She would look around for a moment, emotionless as always. She would walk down the ramp slowly taking her time to enter the arena… When she was standing in front of her opponent she would look into his eyes, not showing any emotions herself. “good luck to you!” would she say before turning around and walking back to her corner.
She would wait for the bell to ring only to realize that the referee was standing right next to her demanding her headphones she was still wearing.

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Re: Albert Pfeiffer vs Saya Tachibana

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Albert waited impatiently for Saya to enter, tapping his foot and facing back and forth until the woman finally appeared, wandering down the ramp and into the ring, moving slowly as if none of it really mattered to her. Albert scowled as she dawdled her way in to face him, her headphones still on her head even with the referee trying to get her to remove them.

Angered by her total lack of reaction to his presence beyond a perfunctory "good luck", Albert advanced on her and reached out, trying to tear the headphones off her head and throw them away before she could remove them herself.

"Good luck?" he blustered. "You'll need more than luck. Maybe try and concentrate long enough for me to kick that delightful ass of yours up and down this ring!"

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Re: Albert Pfeiffer vs Saya Tachibana

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Saya would look after her headphone after they were ripped off her head by her opponent. She would not say a single word as her way taking them away, instead she would only turn around and grabbed her own butt squeezing it. “hm Delightful? I would rather classify it as average or slightly above average!” would she say. “it isn´t as big as other butts but I think it is nicely formed at least.” Would she state, before looking back up to him. “or why do you think it´s delightful and what are your criteria’s for a delightful ass?”
She would turn back around and step closer to the young man brining her bust to his chest and looking him into the eyes with a empty emotionless look on her face.

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Re: Albert Pfeiffer vs Saya Tachibana

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Albert was surprised by Saya's response to his rather rude intervention, the woman seeming to be interested by his choice of words. He found himself staring at her again as she squeezed her own rear before questioning him. He felt his cheeks redded, a stiffening in his crotch as the shapely woman approached, bringing her breasts against his chest as she looked him in the eye.

"I... that is not the point," he blurted, getting flustered already by her unusual response. He took a step back. "Just know that you'll ... you'll be submitting to me before this is over!" The threat came out a little awkwardly as he tried to refocus. Not wanting to be distracted any further, he nodded to the referee. "C'mon, let's just get this started!"

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Albert Pfeiffer vs Saya Tachibana

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Saya would simply shrug when she heard the respond of her opponent. “no shame of loving butts!” she would say walking out of the corner towards the centre of the ring. She would lean forwards and smirk at her foe for a second as she would wait for the bell to ring. When it finally was going, she would jump forwards and tried to rush her opponent down. The blue haired girl would speed forwards as fast as she could, grabbing a hold onto the shoulders of her opponent. She would push him backwards with all her might for a second. But as soon as she felt him pushing back against her, she changed her tactic and pulled him towards her. She would try to make him stumble forwards before spinning around and slamming her butt into his hip to make him flip forwards. She was trying to do some sort of changed hip throw.

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Re: Albert Pfeiffer vs Saya Tachibana

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Still feeling a little flustered, Albert tried to clear his head, trying not to get too distracted by his curvy opponent who he needed to defeat in this match. He took a deep breath, straightened his briefs and crouched in preparation as the bell rang.

Suddenly she was charging at him. Caught by surprise, Albert found himself shoved backwards quickly before he could find his footing. Then, when he did try to shove back to stop her advance, she immediately shifted into pulling him, using his own momentum quickly against him. Playing the princeling like a fiddle she brought him stumbling forward before spinning around, twisting her supple hips into his path.

"WAGGGHH!" Albert cried out as Saya's hip thumped into him, flipping the unsuspecting princeling head over heels until he crashed into the mats. Spluttering for breath, he tried to get to his feet before she could follow up, taken totally off guard by the sudden attack.

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Albert Pfeiffer vs Saya Tachibana

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Saya would look down to her opponent and put her hands onto her hips. She would give out a loud “HM!” showing that she was happy with her work and would nod. Then she saw ow her opponent would start to get back up again. She would just shake her head. “no no no your suppost to stay down and surrender!” would the blue haired woman scream out loudly. She would spin around and jump backwards towards her opponent trying to get back up to his feet.
Her rear end wuld be smashed right into the side of his face with as much force as she could bring up. She would try to hit him with the most soft part of her rear end but still bring enough force along to send him back down again. “stay down until I say to get up! Otherwise this is no fun!”
Last edited by xalex on Wed Jan 20, 2021 7:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Albert Pfeiffer vs Saya Tachibana

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Smarting from the rather embarrassing first hold, Albert tried to get back to his feet to face Saya, the shapely female having caught him off guard with her opening move, flustering the blue-haired princeling with her body. He scowled as he heard her words to him as he started to rise.

"Surrender? I'll never surrender to y-OGUHHHH!" His attempted retort was quickly shut down as Saya came flying at him, thumping her magnificent rear end squarely into Albert's face! The princeling cried out in surprise as the force knocked him flat, leaving the petulant male splayed out on the mats.

"How... dare you!" he gasped indignantly, once more trying to struggle to his feet, blushing after being knocked down by Saya's ass!

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Albert Pfeiffer vs Saya Tachibana

Unread post by xalex »

“Oh so your into getting beaten down…” would saya suddenly say laying her head to the side and looking back down to the boy trying toget up. “don´t worry I got you!” She would say slowly stepping over the back of her opponent. She would make sure to put her legs apart as good as she could before she suddenly dropped herself down. She would try to fall with her butt right into the back of the boy and smash him back down onto the mat making him land chest first
When he was back down she would sit on his back and just smile for a moment. “oh your good down there!” she would then reach forwards brining her hands under his chin and pulling his head backwards for a chinlock trying to bend him backwards with a custom camal clutch.

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