type of fight: mud fight with allowed hentai movements
victory method: opponent must be unconscious or surrender by tapping
It will be a small hole with mud that reaches the knees with ropes and corners, in the style of a classic ringvictory method: opponent must be unconscious or surrender by tapping
Rose and her partner Jenny would be talking in the dressing room about the fight, while Rose was putting on her clothes, and knowing that this fight would be one in mud, she would be very happy with Jenny for getting that fight, since it would be her first fight in that style, quickly hugging her and saying thank you very much Jenny, I promise that after this fight I will give you a reward in the gym! Jenny a little scared since her "rewards" are very mysterious, but she happy to see her attitude she would just tell her just don't lose this battle, now ....... it's show time! she would say before the announcer called her to enter the ring, coming out with her suit, ready for this fight, being accompanied by jenny with a box in her hands, then rose before entering the ring, she would take off her boots before stepping on the mud and entering the ring, feeling a warm sensation , then she would stand in the corner to wait for her opponent and jenny would co She would be crazy as if she were her partner in a tag match, but she knowing that if something happens, she won't be able to do anything until the fight is over.