Passing the torch? (For Bare)

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Passing the torch? (For Bare)

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Despite only joining LAW just a few months ago, Ryu was already looking to give back to the wrestling community what it gave to him. Being a successful wrestler outside of LAW, The Dragon 'Ryu Hiroshi' was interested in finding out what new and fresh talent that LAW was harboring. Always one to shine the spotlight on new talent whenever possible, today Ryu had something similar in mind. Having approached with the LAW management to push his idea of wanting to work with a young wrestler, LAW management acceded to his request and would set up a mini-event to show-case and promote the talent of one of LAW's brightest young stars. It was none other than Wisteria Khan, a very up and coming talent that was eager to prove that despite her young age she could hang with the best of the best.

Ryu and Wisteria had a slight disagreement in a accidental meeting backstage but that did not deter him from working with Wisteria. Backstage in his locker room, The Dragon was getting ready for his pre-match interview and face to face with his opponent. After taking a nice relaxing shower, The Dragon would slip into his blue wrestling briefs with fingerless gloves and black boots. Before he was ready to leave he would do some meditation exercises to clam himself down before heading out the door to the gym area where the interview was supposed to be conducted.
There were a couple of High Definition camera's set up with lots of wires set up nearby, there were professional lights set up and stage hands at the ready for what was going to be an interview session involving a veteran of the ring Ryu and an upcoming star. The cameramen were all in black T-shirts and pants, the only person wearing some bright colours in her attire was the very spunky and full of life interviewer. She had a mic in her hand while two other stage hands had mics in their hands as well, presumably for the interviewees for them they would arrive.

Ryu was first to arrive and the interviewer would call for his attention, calling him over. "Aye, welcome Ryu-san! Its so glad to have you. Now, its a great thing you've come up with to shine some spotlight on one of our young stars! So tell me the thought process behind this and why Wisteria?" she asked.

Ryu would take a deep breath and nod towards the interviewer. "Well of course. I'm always looking to give back to the wrestling world what it gave me. I think LAW has some great young wrestlers and I want to see what they can do in the ring. Now, as far as why I chose Wisteria? Well simply because I think she's one of the best young stars in LAW. However, despite her talent and ability, she still needs to learn a lesson in respect. I plan to teach her that today because today its no longer about just a moment for her to shine but....this is now a challenge that I am issuing to her personally. Wisteria, I challenge you to a sixty minute iron man match" Ryu said with his determined eyes, while the interviewer was shocked!
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Re: Passing the torch? (For Bare)

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Sheena stretched her arms above her head and took a deep breathe in preperation for what she was about to do. Apparently she had been chosen by a relative new comer to LAW, but long time wrestling veteran Ryu Hiroshi had picked her as an opponet for a ‘semi speacial event’ as kaw staff had described it to her. She didn’t mind that at all, she figured itd be a good way to get some exposure and potnetially go over a veteran. After all there was no gurantee this match would go one way over the other.

The only problem was when the two had met by accident only a few hours before. She had walked in hearing him expressing cocnern about her lasting in they’re match, and naturally Sheena took offense to such a statement. Who wouldn’t after all? She had spent hours upon hours working to sculpt her body into what it was, hundred of slams and submission holds she’d endured to learn them, she may have been young but she had her pride as a wrestler. Ryu had insulted that honor. Whether he knew it or not.

So naturally the two had gotten into a small argument backstage. Nothing particularly bad, but they were now going into thus match with a bit of heat built up. Doing a final double check on her gear to make sure it was ok. Satisfied with everything she nodded to herself before walking out onto the area set up for they’re pre match interview. Wearing her usual purple attire and black boots she almost looked like the ingersed version of her more hulking opponet as she walked out to where both he and the interviewer were.
”Ariagatou/Thank you, for the compliment Oji-San, however I’m not the one that needs a lesson in respect.” She said taking a seat across from the man and crossing both her arms and legs with a stoic expression on her face. The interviewer looked between them and immediately sensed drama that could be exploited. “Ah Ms.Khan perfect timing! Care to shed some light on the situation going on here?” He asked while holding the mic to Sheena’s direction.

Sighing she tucked some hair behind her ear and sat forward a bit. “It’s really nothing too scandalous. I merely overheard Ryu-San here underestimating my abilities and was naturally annoyed. But I should be more forgiving, after all I can’t blame one man for something so many do.” She said earning a few snickers and oohs from those in attendance. The interviewer meanwhile turned the mic back to Hiroshi. “Mr.Hiroshi! You’re response?” He asked hoping for something tbat could make this little interview extra juicy

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Re: Passing the torch? (For Bare)

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The match was simply supposed to be an exhibition match, one that show cased the wrestling ability of both wrestlers as a veteran and a new comer with great potential. However, the LAW management was unaware of the altercation that took place between the two wrestlers backstage which resulted in a bit of animosity between the two individuals involved in this contest. The result was that Ryu cut a rather passionate promo on his part before challenging his young opponent to a sixty minute ironman match instead. While he would also be complimentary towards his opponent, he did mention that she lacked respect and whilst he was giving his fiery speech, Wisteria would walk on by and hear what he had to say before giving a quick response to him.

"Tch" Ryu only offered a response in his rather annoyed tone when she refuted his claims about teaching her respect. Wisteria would walk away from where Ryu and the interviewer were standing, choosing to sit down across him. The young woman was calm, when asked a question she would brush some stray strands of hair behind her ear before giving a rather sharp response to him. Ryu was clearly offended by that, he was glaring at her with his teeth gritted.

Ryu shook his head when the interviewer would ask for his comment. "You see this is what I am talking about. She lacks respect, I am standing here with you and she goes over to sit. She doesn't even have enough respect to stand face to face to respond to me." Ryu said not happy with the situation at all. He didn't appreciate that she subtly labelled him for being misogynist either for he had appreciated her talents. Watashi to mukiai, watashi no chōsen ni kotaete kudasai, Wisteria-chan [face me and answer my challenge, Wisteria]" he said glaring at his young rival.

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Re: Passing the torch? (For Bare)

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As Sheena sat she raised a eyebrow at Ryu’s annoyed expression, but comtinued to sit all the same unbothered by his taking offense. The seats were set up for them after all, it wasn’t her fault he chose to stand along with the interviewer and she wouldn’t feel bad about it either. But as he laid out his problems with her she released her own ”Tsk.” of annoyance. Standing up she strutted forward with boundless confidence in each step until she was just a inch away from the older male.

“Like I said before Oji-San, respect is earned regardless of age and I’ll show you why.” She said as she stepped to him with a determined glare in her eyes as she looked up at the man’s eyes. “ Watashi wa anata ga rōjin ni chōsen shite iru koto o ukeiremasu, soshite watashi wa anata ga o shiridearu koto o keru tsumoridesu./I accept you're challenge old man and I'm going to kick you're ass.” She said with a steely tone while raising an arm up and flexing it as a show of strength to Ryu.

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Re: Passing the torch? (For Bare)

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The proud veteran was not shy on letting his feelings known to the world especially to his young opponent who would walk straight past them and took her seat. While it was true that the seats were meant for them but Ryu perhaps thought she would be courteous enough to stand next to them or at least in front of him while he gave his responses to the questions. What was worse, at first she did not even acknowledge his challenge either and would instead look to make it seemed Ryu was the one at fault here. Slightly annoyed by her attitude, Ryu would once again question her honour and remind her that she had not answered his challenge either. That did seem to irk the younger wrestler quite a bit who would get up from her chair and would walk towards the male and the interviewer.

She strutted her way towards them with all the confidence in the world, meanwhile Ryu would stare right back at her holding his ground. Once the two were face to face, the cameramen zoomed in on this intensity and would capture it. The two were staring each other down, inches away from each other. Wisteria would say what she had in her mind, which did not go down well with the male veteran. The flex of the arm was even more disrespect in his eyes.

"Anata ni wa meiyo ga arimasen [You have no honor]" he said to her while she flexed her arm. Ryu would grit his teeth in frustration before saying "Enough of this talking. You talk a big game Wisteria-chan but can you back it up? I'm not going to wait to find that out." he said walking past her, bumping his shoulder into hers lightly before walking towards one of the gym rings. Ryu would climb up on the ring apron before entering the ring, looking back towards his new rival.

"Get in this ring so we can wrestle. You and me, sixty minutes! Come on" he demanded, all fired up.

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Re: Passing the torch? (For Bare)

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Sheena stared Ryu down with zero reservations or fear. If there was any one thing she learned from any of her family, it was to never back down. Even if you’re opponet was bugger than you, stand tall and face them head on. That’s precisely what Sheena was doing. Despite the older and more experienced male towering over her she refused to bend in her stance, to do so would be to show weakeness, than she really wouldn’t have pride. ” Ringu ni kime sasete yarou to omoimasu/I guess we'll let the ring decide.” She fired right back to Ryu as he walked to the ring.

Not missing a beat she turned and walked forward, walking with a confident gait to the ring. Unbeknownst to her the camera would zoom in on her face, capturing the intensity of her gaze and steel like expression on her face. Reaching the ring she calmly walked up the steps and after tossing a stray strand of hair over her face she smoothly entered the ring and went to the corner opposite of Ryu. “Careful Oji-San. If you throw out your back halfway through I won’t let up.” Sheena said while rolling her shoulders, her lips quirking upwards slight in amusement at her taunt towards the man. None the less however Sheena was ready in every sense of the word for this battle, her body and mind tensed for when the bell would ring.

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Re: Passing the torch? (For Bare)

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No matter how tall or imposing Ryu was, it seemed his young opponent showed absolutely no signs of backing down. There was intensity in her beautiful eyes, she showed no signs of intimidation either when the two stared each other down. Speaking in their native language only seemed to fuel the fire even more. After the brief staredown and conversation between the two 'The Dragon' would head towards the ring, all fired up. He would call Wisteria into the ring and the young female wrestler would calmly oblige the veteran, walking up the steel steps and making her way into the ring.

She would brush her hair back over her face, settling in the corner opposite to her opponent. Ryu would glare at Wisteria, not taking his eye off her. He gritted his teeth in anger when once again she continued to taunt him. Shaking his head, he was not going to take this any longer. The Dragon would adjust his briefs before making his way to the middle of the ring.


"Kao o mukete, Wisteria-chan" [Face me, Wisteria-chan] he called out to her, raising his hands up to challenge her to a grapple battle. Ryu would take up a grappling stance and would challenge his opponent to lock up with him. The bell had rung and the official match timer had begun for this sixty minute match.

Ryu Hiroshi: 0
Wisteria Khan: 0

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Re: Passing the torch? (For Bare)

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Sheena cracked her neck as she looked aross the ring into Ryu’s eyes, unaffected by the passion and drive burning within them to crush her. This wasn’t the first time she had fought a opponet bigger and stronger than herself. Heck it wasn’t even the first time she had fought a man, if she let herself be intimidated now of all times... well lets just say she wouldn’t dare even think about facing her family if she did such a thing.

As she was invited to meet Ryu in the center of the ring she impassively strutted forward, confident and powerful with each stride. ”Whatever you say old man.” She said sarcaatically as she watched him raise his hands in the air, presumably for a test of strength. Some people might feel compelled by honor to engage, despite the serious disadvantage someone like Wisteria held against him. Others would recognize this disadvantage and instead opt for a cheap shot to get a quick advantage.

Sheena however, opted for a middle of the way route. With his hands raised up in the air Sheena raised her own up as if to accept his invitation to grapple. However rather than doing so she instead clamped both hands on Ryu’s left wrist, if successful Sheena would turn sharply and pull his arm over her shoudler, looking to use Ryu’s own weight against him to perform a judo style throw and knock the bigger man down right off the bat!

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Re: Passing the torch? (For Bare)

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It was frightening how cool and composed Sheena was despite being a young wrestler. Ryu glared into her eyes while the two were in their corners but she seemed completely unfazed about it while cracking her neck. Eventually the two would walk to the middle of the ring, going face to face in a staredown. After the bell rang, the match was officially underway and the Dragon would offer his opponent a chance to lock up with him in a test of strength to start off the match, Sheena would look up at his hands and then back down to his face.

Ryu patiently waited for the young female to accept his honorable offer to start the wrestling match and when her hand raised up to his hands it seemed she was about to do so. Ryu would ignore her comment about him being an 'old man', he would figure that he would show her by his wrestling ability than his words.

However, instead of accepting the lock up, Sheena would grab his left wrist and move her hips around to pull Ryu up off his feet and toss him onto the mat in a judo throw. "Uugghh!" the Japanese male wrestler grunted in pain as he was tossed onto his back. "You have no honour!" he cursed, clutching his back as he tried to get back up on his feet as quick as he could.

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Re: Passing the torch? (For Bare)

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As Sheena turned, throwing Ryu over her shoulder for a judo slam she unconciously channeled her eldest female cousin in her body language. Her facial expression, stance, the aura exhibited was all reminiscent of the belly queen and bringing out Sheena’s ‘edge’ in this match. Which was really to say she was annoyed and didn’t care what anyone said, she was just focused on kicking Ryu’s ass. Speaking of which...

As the man started to rise up, spouting how she had no honor, Sheena was quick to prove his point. Dropping down behind him while he attempted to rise up Sheena snapped her arms around his neck, pulling tightly to constrict her muscles around the man’s neck in a tight sleeper hold while he was rising up.

”Say whatever you will about me. I’m gonna win.” Sheena said in a soft, yet harsh, steely tone right into Ryu’s ear. As she did so she gave a tight squeeze of her arms around his neck tonadd emphasis to her words. Outside of the squeeze she draped her body over Ryu’s going dead weight while squeezing him, so that way Ryu would have to contend with both a increasing feeling of breathlessness as well as Sheena’s body weight to get free.

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