Ryu and Wisteria had a slight disagreement in a accidental meeting backstage but that did not deter him from working with Wisteria. Backstage in his locker room, The Dragon was getting ready for his pre-match interview and face to face with his opponent. After taking a nice relaxing shower, The Dragon would slip into his blue wrestling briefs with fingerless gloves and black boots. Before he was ready to leave he would do some meditation exercises to clam himself down before heading out the door to the gym area where the interview was supposed to be conducted.

Ryu was first to arrive and the interviewer would call for his attention, calling him over. "Aye, welcome Ryu-san! Its so glad to have you. Now, its a great thing you've come up with to shine some spotlight on one of our young stars! So tell me the thought process behind this and why Wisteria?" she asked.
Ryu would take a deep breath and nod towards the interviewer. "Well of course. I'm always looking to give back to the wrestling world what it gave me. I think LAW has some great young wrestlers and I want to see what they can do in the ring. Now, as far as why I chose Wisteria? Well simply because I think she's one of the best young stars in LAW. However, despite her talent and ability, she still needs to learn a lesson in respect. I plan to teach her that today because today its no longer about just a moment for her to shine but....this is now a challenge that I am issuing to her personally. Wisteria, I challenge you to a sixty minute iron man match" Ryu said with his determined eyes, while the interviewer was shocked!