The Apex of Weeaboos: Katrina Kelley (D) vs. Hitomi Nakamura

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The Apex of Weeaboos: Katrina Kelley (D) vs. Hitomi Nakamura

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Katrina Kelley (D) vs. Hitomi Nakamura
Match Type: Standard
Victory Conditions: Pinfall, Submission, KO, Count Out, DQ

"Match begins in five, be at the Gorillia Position."

"I know I know now get out before I bite you!"

A worker from L.A.W. was taken aback by the threat of the middleweight in the locker room but aligued as he closed the door and left the temperamental Hitomi to slip on her mask as she finished her last minute preparations. Hitomi had not been at L.A.W. much at all, but already a perception of "jobber" being tossed by some at her put her in a sour mood. A few bad breaks in a match and suddenly people will call you anything no matter how rash or clearly wrong they were.

Hitomi was not a jobber, a mantra she had repeated to herself constantly which did work as added motivation.

Her opponent today would be a new girl making her debut, which to Htiomi provided her a good opportunity to right this ship early against a new helpless figure at L.A.W. Much as she was taken advantage of in her debut not long ago. Yes this would be her chance to make someone else have a regrettable welcome as Hitomi would make any of those cynics in the crowd rue the day they dared to entertain the "jobber" label with her. Hitomi felt her mask tighten as she was suited up and felt the fire rock her bely as she stood tall and let out a not so metaphorical roar to herself which came off as a battle cry though likely came off as silly to anyone who heard it.

Thankfully nobody was around and Hitomi made her way to the entrance stage.
Hitomi's Theme
As that march played, Hitomi made her way to the stage as green and red lights shinned around her, if nothing else the technical aspects of Hitomi's entrance improved as the masked "Apex Predator" had the theme of a beast with her, and while the display of actual fire on the stage behind her as she struck a pose worked to help sell the image her initial debut did little to help convey what she wanted people to see in her. Can't really be a monster if you lack a win, and she had a very small sample size which worked to her favor here. She walked down to the ring with a scorn for the crowd as she cared little for what they thought of her, what mattered was he came here to win an dominate and there'd be no doubt who she was when this was over.

She moved up the steps as she made a special point to stomp with each step, as if to try and give herself a more intimidating step which it was good she wore a mask cause stomping on pure steel was not the best idea but her expression betrayed nothing as a result of her gear. She was able to suck up the sore toe and entered the ring, letting out a roar as the four corners shot flames into the air and before long her entrance was complete, pleased with that she moved to the corner and waited for her opponent to come.

Now she'd show everyone what a real jobber looked like.
Hitomi Ring Attire
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Re: The Apex of Weeaboos: Katrina Kelley (D) vs. Hitomi Nakamura

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Katrina took a few deep breaths, trying to call her nerves down. It was her debut, going into a sport that she loved watching with her big sister and enjoyed the fact that her sister made it into this League before she did, still, the world was watching her and she suspected her sister was as well, and she didn't want to disappoint. She suddenly smacked her cheeks with both of her hands vigorously as she then stared forward in determination. "Yosh!"
Katrina''s Theme -
Her music then hit and she stepped out and onto the ramp. She looked out at the crowd and then towards the ring looking at her opponent. She then did a few ninja hand seal motions with her hands and brought her clenched fists with her index and thumb extended and pressed together. As if on cue the wind machines activated and Katrina's black and white kunoichi outfit, blue hoodie tied around her waist and her blue ponytail and bangs with a single white streak also for bangs flowed with the breeze as cherry blossom petals began to rain down as the announcer introduced her. She then went into a dash towards the ring, her arms trailing behind her as she ran ninja style towards the ring before leaping up onto the edge of the ring and running towards the outer edge of the corner turnbuckle. She gracefully stepped up the ropes until she was standing on the top rope without once needing to grasp the ropes. She then stood there in a straighten ninja pose with her legs and feet pressed together. She then hopped off the top rope, landing into a immediate roll into a three point stance as she looked up at the audience before standing up.

She looked over to her opponent and bowed at her while keeping her eyes focused on her opponent, heel or not as she stepped back to her corner, rotating her wrists and hopping in place, warming herself up for the match against her opponent as she waited for the bell to ring.
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Mon Mar 22, 2021 12:41 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: The Apex of Weeaboos: Katrina Kelley (D) vs. Hitomi Nakamura

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Hitomi had no way to know the kind of enemy she'd be up against, but if she had taken inspiration in her gimmick off classic Kaiju flicks of the East side it seemed her opponent mirrored the appreciation though chose the route of the anime ninja instead. This begrudging respect would be all that she'd extend to this new girl named Katrina.

Katrina had a rather energetic nature to her, even if her expression betrayed nothing and those dazzling moves to enter the ring which were objectively cool Hitomi tried to scoff at. Inwardly jealous as she could not mask the bitterness over her opponent frankly one upping her entrance though she aimed to use this resentment as fuel for this match as she faced Katrina with a glare behind her mask and attempted to impose a "scary" warning to the ninja girl.

"I hope whatever ninja academy you "claim" to be frame taught you the art of an ass kicking, cause that is what you are getting from THE Apex Predator today!" Hitomi declared, and soon enough the bell sounded as she'd move forward to the center as if to invite Katrina to meet her face to face.

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Re: The Apex of Weeaboos: Katrina Kelley (D) vs. Hitomi Nakamura

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"Um, if you're hoping it taught me that, then you would be unable to to do that as The Apex Predator wouldn't you?" Katrina said raising an eyebrow in confusion. She moved towards the center of the ring, looking like she was going to attempt to lock up with Hitomi, however she rolled to Hitomi's side at the last second as she stood up and tried to plant a kick to Hitomi's leg and tried to hop back away from her, playing a game of stick and move, figuring Hitomi looked like the type she wanted to try to avoid being grappled by.

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Re: The Apex of Weeaboos: Katrina Kelley (D) vs. Hitomi Nakamura

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"Just shut up and wrestle!" Hitomi cursed out as Katrina pointed out some questionable word choice with her taunt as the self-professed Apex Predator as Hitomi looked for a lockup. Given Katrina seemed the striker type, getting her grounded would be key in establishing control though she seemed to underestimate Katrina's speed as she was given a quick kick as she cursed and moved a step back.

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Re: The Apex of Weeaboos: Katrina Kelley (D) vs. Hitomi Nakamura

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Katrina noticed Hitomi stagger back and tried to take advantage. Now she quickly stepped towards her as she went for a lock up, but not collar and elbow tie up style. She instead went to grab both of her wrists with her hands and then jerked forward, to counter her staggering back as she brought her body back and downward twisting at the last second in an attempt to pull Hitomi to flip over her onto her back in a modified hip toss.

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Re: The Apex of Weeaboos: Katrina Kelley (D) vs. Hitomi Nakamura

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Hitomi worked to recover quickly enough from the early blow, but it seemed her opponent was a step quicker than her as Katrina got inside her space and looked to lock up with her once more. This time for a hip toss, and with a cry Hitomi was launched as she landed on her side with a groan and rolled by a corner taken off her feet properly for the first time.

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Re: The Apex of Weeaboos: Katrina Kelley (D) vs. Hitomi Nakamura

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Katrina gave a satisfied smirk as she rose back up from tossing Hitomi. Seeing her go to the corner, she kept on the offensive as she rushed over to grab Hitomi by the wrist and pressed her body into Hiromi's. She then stepped back and pulled in an attempt to whip Hitomi towards the opposite corner turnbuckles.
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Tue Mar 30, 2021 6:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Apex of Weeaboos: Katrina Kelley (D) vs. Hitomi Nakamura

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Hitomi knew she was in deep trouble, as Katrina worked to press on her she would suddenly find herself being tossed as her eyes widened at the corner which Katrina aimed to toss her into. Hitomi attempted to flip the momentum, planting her feet and pulling to a stop, aiming to reverse the Irish Whip and send Katrina to the corner instead!

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Re: The Apex of Weeaboos: Katrina Kelley (D) vs. Hitomi Nakamura

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Katrina's eyes widened as the whip got reversed. She went running full speed towards the turnbuckle, her back slamming into it with a loud crashing sound as Katrina gripped the top ropes at her sides, screaming out in pain as her upper body arched back a little from the impact.

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