Match Type: Standard
Victory Conditions: Pinfall, Submission, KO, Count Out, DQ
"Match begins in five, be at the Gorillia Position."
"I know I know now get out before I bite you!"
A worker from L.A.W. was taken aback by the threat of the middleweight in the locker room but aligued as he closed the door and left the temperamental Hitomi to slip on her mask as she finished her last minute preparations. Hitomi had not been at L.A.W. much at all, but already a perception of "jobber" being tossed by some at her put her in a sour mood. A few bad breaks in a match and suddenly people will call you anything no matter how rash or clearly wrong they were.
Hitomi was not a jobber, a mantra she had repeated to herself constantly which did work as added motivation.
Her opponent today would be a new girl making her debut, which to Htiomi provided her a good opportunity to right this ship early against a new helpless figure at L.A.W. Much as she was taken advantage of in her debut not long ago. Yes this would be her chance to make someone else have a regrettable welcome as Hitomi would make any of those cynics in the crowd rue the day they dared to entertain the "jobber" label with her. Hitomi felt her mask tighten as she was suited up and felt the fire rock her bely as she stood tall and let out a not so metaphorical roar to herself which came off as a battle cry though likely came off as silly to anyone who heard it.
Thankfully nobody was around and Hitomi made her way to the entrance stage.
Hitomi's Theme
She moved up the steps as she made a special point to stomp with each step, as if to try and give herself a more intimidating step which it was good she wore a mask cause stomping on pure steel was not the best idea but her expression betrayed nothing as a result of her gear. She was able to suck up the sore toe and entered the ring, letting out a roar as the four corners shot flames into the air and before long her entrance was complete, pleased with that she moved to the corner and waited for her opponent to come.
Now she'd show everyone what a real jobber looked like.
Hitomi Ring Attire