Igniting The Cerulean Flame

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Igniting The Cerulean Flame

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What is it like to be at the top? The question both vexes and excites her. The very peak. That is where she yearns to venture. And so the question plagues her still. How does one reach those heights?

Ring! Ring! Ring!

The sound of the alarm clock took the robe of silence that cloaks her room. She had been wide awake hours before it already, contemplating the day she'll soon have. It will be her first time meeting a champion outside the ring. Where one need not feel cornered by their prowess. Her first experience with one was dreadful. Losing was never an option for her. So she couldn't bring herself to talk about its details. Let alone think about.

It took an hour for her to prepare. Wanting to look at her finest meeting someone like Astrid, she spent time even down the most minute details: her hair, her outfit, and everything else. Then, she took off for the LAW gym on her scooter with a gym bag across her shoulder.

Soon, she'd find herself walking down the very halls of the gym....one hour early. Crap! She was too thrilled about it that she didn't realize how early it still was. "What should I do? What should I do? Should I just use the treadmill? Ehhh. The bench press? Astrid might make me do that anyway." Back and forth, she walked around exuberantly down the lines of weights and training equipment. The eager clack of her footsteps echoed around the empty room. Oh, how slow time went by.
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Re: Igniting The Cerulean Flame

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Walking to the gym down her normal route, Astrid glanced down at her phone one last time, confirming she got the time right. Sure enough, she was right on time, finding herself heading into something she wasn't entirely sure what it was.

It hadn't been long ago that Astrid responded to a request put out by an anonymous user on LAW's official chatroom, asking for someone to help them train and improve their skills. As Heavyweight Champion, Astrid was perhaps many people's best-case scenario when it came to getting guidance from someone. She had the wrestling expertise to lift her to the top of her division, and her reign showed no signs of stopping any time soon. But although she valued her title, Astrid wasn't one to let fame get to her head. She was always happy to meet a fan and supporter, and if she could help lift them higher and give them a boost in their career, so much the better.

The fact was, though, that Astrid didn't know who this "MysteriousRei" was. All she knew was that someone would be at the gym at 9, and Astrid was confident that she would be recognizable enough for whoever was looking for her to recognize her. Of course, Astrid was here early enough to beat many gym-goers to the scene, and when she walked into the weight room, she found it empty. Empty except for one person - and the sight of that one person made the Norwegian stop in her tracks.

"Rei-san!? Is that really you?" Her eyes going wide with the sort of joy that looked more fitting of a giddy child than a wrestling champion, Astrid took a bow toward the smaller woman across from her. That was how she felt inside, for sure - she had watched enough wrestling growing up to recognize that the woman she saw was the unmistakable image of Asai Rei, who had competed against many of Astrid's childhood heroes. Astrid never thought she would ever get to meet her face to face, yet this woman looked no different than the one she had seen on the TV screen years ago. "I didn't realize you were still active, and you look great! Are you hoping to make a comeback?" Someone as experienced as Asai would never have needed Astrid's help, of course - but the user she had agreed to help out could wait. It wasn't every day you got to meet someone you'd been watching since you could barely walk.
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Re: Igniting The Cerulean Flame

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Seconds passed like eternities. Left to stew in her own thoughts while waiting for Astrid, excitement gave way to longing. Revisiting past fiascos of her losses in that time fed her yearning to become better. Her pace grew in speed as if urging time to go faster too until...

The silhouette of Astrid grazed her sights as she walked through the doorway. One that has such great strides and prestige, seating on the top unchallenged. Her aura speaks that of a champion. Her posture regal and knowing of her status.

Ichika's face lit up with a big smile and sparkling eyes as she approached her. But before she could utter a word, Astrid took the liberty to speak first. Fireworks of emotion filled her mind faster than she could analyze their words. Her arms rocked on her side to stop herself for Astrid to finish like a child in anticipation.

And when she did, Ichika's pent-up emotion burst in a high-pitched voice of greeting.

"Helloooo!! I'm so glad to meet you!! I'm SUCH a fan!" she said, giggling, leaning forward, standing at her tiptoes, and still craning her head upward to look at her straight. "I heard Cyber is coming for you for the belt! I'm so excited to see you break her. Good luck with that. I would be watching that, for sure!!"
Last edited by Violet on Tue Mar 16, 2021 9:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Igniting The Cerulean Flame

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"O-Oh-!" Hearing the blue-haired woman express her excitement was enough to make Astrid gasp. It was one thing that she was here, in front of a name she recognized from her youth and getting to meet her in person for the first time. But the thought that Asai Rei was a bona fide fan of hers made Astrid tremble with excitement she could barely contain. She hadn't had as long or as storied a career as she had, and she was already winning over the most famous veterans of the business? It seemed as though her fellow gym-goer was just as excited to see Astrid as Astrid was to see her. If that was the case, then Astrid had achieved even greater success than she had thought!

As the topic of conversation turned to Astrid's coming match with Cyber Widow, the champion grinned wider, holding a hand out for her companion to shake. "Why, thank you! Yes, she's no doubt going to be one of the greatest challenges I've faced yet, but I'm going to do my best - and I'll make sure to impress you if I know you're watching!" Astrid had remembered watching Asai's matches against Widow as a child, and if she had the support of someone who had gone up against Theresia in the past, she was sure she would have an edge. "Any advice you have on it? I've watched all of your matches, and I'm sure you'd know plenty about her!"
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Re: Igniting The Cerulean Flame

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The heavyweight champion was there right in front of her, in the flesh! Yes, Ichika did spend hours running through every potential scenario to prep herself earlier this morning, but not this! Not at all! It felt like straight from a dream. The greetings, the bow, the warmth of welcome left her beyond starstruck. Astrid was too humble for a champ, she thought.

Her hands were stretched behind her as she was on her tiptoes, listening attentively like a child. A light hue of pink painted across her cheeks as well as she watched them grin exuberantly. The only thing that ran through her head by that time was—to not do anything stupid; impress her. And it wasn't all that hard until.. the champ extended her hand to a handshake. Ichika grabbed it tightly with two hands. Perhaps, too tight?

"Oh, you don't have to impress me anymore. You're like the strongest I know already. I'm sure you could take on any challenge they throw at ya!" She shook her hand eagerly with a smile ear to ear.

"You mean me? Matches? M..me and h..her? Oh no, none for me of that, please. She looks too scary, i couldn't take her on yet. I'll let you handle her instead. Heh heh." Ichika shivered and gulped at the thought as she broke the handshake.
Last edited by Violet on Mon Mar 22, 2021 10:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Igniting The Cerulean Flame

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Although Astrid had no idea of what thoughts were running through Ichika's head, the exact same emotions were going through hers. As far as she was concerned, she was face to face with Asai Rei herself, the same woman who had been an inspiration to her ever since she was a child, and who proved to her that she could grow up to be as accomplished and as capable a wrestler as her father. The very fact that she was in the same room as her was an exhilarating thought, let alone that they were now shaking hands! Smiling wide, Astrid leaned in closer, nodding her head to the smaller bluenette as she returned the shake with a firm grasp.

But it amused Astrid to see - from her perspective, anyway - how modest Asai was being. Despite her success, it was as though she just wanted to be another person. Astrid found that admirable about her, and it wasn't unappreciated. She was even willing to joke about her career! Hearing the girl's response, Astrid threw back her head with a hearty laugh.

"Ahh, good one! Don't think you can pull one over on me, though. You think a fan of yours would forget that barbed wire match? That was incredible! I was blown away at the thought that was even possible!"
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Re: Igniting The Cerulean Flame

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The mood was so light that Ichika felt she's floating on a cloud.

She never felt this at ease with a high-profile name! It is not that difficult for a meetup with a champ to feel daunting! Which it was, at first, that she couldn't deny. But Astrid's nature made it all a lot easier! She was herself. Her hands weren't cold and shaking. And no worry plagued her mind.

It was easy, so much so that the horrifying prospect of her facing Widow didn't stay long inside her head. Well, the mood was partly to blame. The other, Astrid's laugh; it was contagious. When at first, it was a bit forced, stupefied, it turned to something genuine, laughing at the silly idea of her going toe to toe with a monster veteran that put down her mother so many times!

But as it turned out, that couldn't be further away than what Astrid thought when she laughed. Astrid mistook her for her mother. It was a common mistake - one of the problems of being the spitting image of such a legend. Only made worse by not being able to introduce oneself properly out of excitement! She analyzed her choices. Of how she'd break the news that she isn't what Astrid thought her to be. Of course, she wouldn’t want what special they had to turn gloomy and sad. So, she opted to steer away from her mother and her passing the best she could. With that, she took the brunt of remembering it, keeping it to herself and hiding it with forced laughter.

"Keh-heh. As I know how it would have been super cool for you if I were indeed Asai - unfortunately, I am not. I'm her daughter, Ichika." she cleared out.

"We do look the same a lot, though. And it's a common mistake, I tell you that. I almost encounter it every day." she said.

Lifting a foot a little bit, and standing on the toes of the other, arms stretched to the side, Ichika would twirl with a girlish giggle. Once she'd done a complete spin, she'd bring her feet to meet again with a click. "And oh, I'm MysteriousRei in the LAW's chatroom. Sorry, I forgot to tell you earlier."

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Re: Igniting The Cerulean Flame

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Ichika might have been eager to speak so casually to Astrid, but the Heavyweight Champion was feeling much the same way - the initial sense of being starstruck, seeing how close she was to such an established and storied name in the business and one she held in such esteem, and then the satisfacion of knowing how freely and easily the two could enjoy each others' company. Astrid never thought she'd get to meet Asai Rei up close, let alone to hold a friendly conversation with her. She couldn't help but get a bit light-headed at the thought, giggling to herself as though she was a little girl again - which she certainly felt like. But the blue-haired woman didn't seem to treat Astrid as beneath her, but as her peer. The very thought of being on the same level as Asai Rei gave Astrid goosebumps, but she was proud to take it in stride, considering it one of the highest honors she could ever receive. Perhaps, she thought, this was how it felt, being a champion, and having the company of so many others of her caliber around her!

Though, as Astrid would soon find out, all this time she wasn't talking to Asai Rei at all! As Ichika broke the news, for a moment Astrid stopped, staring back blankly at her. She was jolted by the surprise, not knowing what to make of it. A blush came to her cheeks as she thought about how she'd been holding this entire conversation under the impression she was talking to someone else. Still, Ichika seemed used to it, and she laughed it off. Astrid, too, shrugged her shoulders, facing the girl with a smile.

"Oh! I see! I suppose that explains why you look so young still, yeah?" Astrid laughed at her own joke. "In all seriousness, though. I didn't realize that Rei-san had a daughter! And I see you're carrying on her legacy..."

The Norwegian was about to ask about how Asai was doing now, but - perhaps for the best - Ichika soon cut her off with another revelation, that she was the one who Astrid had arranged to train with. "Oh-!" This time, Astrid's train of thought was diverted to something else entirely, as she was reminded why she'd come here in the first place. Straightening herself, she looked at Ichika with a smile. "I suppose that explains the Rei part! Well, we might as well get started, yeah?"
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Re: Igniting The Cerulean Flame

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It was her to blame. It was hard to believe, even though they were right in front of her. She was the one who wasn't able to introduce herself properly. Lost in the warmth of holding a casual chat with a real champion, she forgot! Recognizing a champ right away doesn't mean they'd recognize you just the same, after all. In this case, though, Astrid did. Mistakenly for her mother. Ichika should have seen it coming. It happens a lot! Silly Ichika!

But still, Ichika didn't seem to mind and quickly put it in the backburner. Maybe as something they could laugh about in the future. Who knows? But as of right now, all Ichika could think about was to get this thing going!

"Yeahhh! I guess so!" She giggled, and they were back to light and fun right away. "Well, yes, she had! The progeny of the one and only Asai Rei." Her hands bent by the elbow with her hand pointed to her waist, before then trailing down gracefully as she curtsied, chuckling. Only if she was wearing a dress and not a tight training gear right now.

"And yes, you're right! I try hard to. But LAW is something else. The wrestlers are great and getting better by the second. I feel I need to catch up!" Her love for the sport and the desire to improve was visible in her eyes. "I want to be like you! The very best!"

"And finally! I have been dying to train with you already all this time! I'm really glad to have this opportunity! And now we're all set, I guess yeahhh! it's a good time to start as any! Where do you think we should start first!" She looked around the otherwise empty and silent gym where Astrid might want to start their training session.

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Re: Igniting The Cerulean Flame

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Astrid was still giddy at the thought that she was seeing the next generation of wrestling right in front of her. She had never thought she'd meet anyone so close to one of the people she had grown up watching, and she could only imagine what stories Ichika could have told her. But they weren't here to talk about the past. Their minds were turned toward the future, in helping Ichika to go beyond and attain her true potential! As the conversation turned, Astrid was brought back down to reality, where she nodded toward the girl in agreement.

"Haha! Well, I'm truly flattered!" Astrid added with a smile, showing her approval as she held her hand out toward Ichika with a thumbs-up. "Don't worry, I'm sure I can help! I wouldn't get to where I am now if I didn't take my own training seriously, so I'm sure you could only benefit from my teaching."

Astrid stepped back, taking a look around the room. This early, they still had the room to themselves, which meant they wouldn't need to worry about what options were available to them. "Well, with any session, it's important to start by warming up your muscles," Astrid explained. "Why don't you make a couple of laps around the track? If you think it'd help, I can join you," Astrid added, coming closer to Ichika's side. "I could use a workout myself!"
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