Standard Match Victory Obtained by Pinfall, Submission, Countout, DQ or Knockout Spoiler
The familiar music of the sensual former attorney sounded as already eyes became glued to the entrance stage and soon enough Naomi in her signature attire came out with a sly smirk on her face. This was a rare experience for Naomi, as it would be her first official rematch in LAW as she'd take on that "Prophet" Isaiah Brown. As she moved down the entrance ramp with a sway to her hips she could not help but feel a touch of excitement about the whole deal. Isaiah was a rather cute if not sheepish young man who made just for an adorable opponent as half the fun was getting flustered reactions out of him.
Though it seemed that this was seen as shameful from his view, as she was told he requested a rematch and had gladly accepted.
Naomi soon made her way to the steps as she climbed between the ropes, taking time to pause to wiggle her rear along the middle rope knowing just where that camera would focus on and giving a knowing wink which the fans seemed to eat up. Naomi had gotten quite comfortable with her character as she climbed in striking a pose right arm in the air left on her hip which both conveyed power & dominance with sultry seduction as she would move to her corner eagerly waiting for her familiar foe to make his arrival. Spoiler
Isaiah sighed deeply as he made his final preperations. On one hand, he was mad that he had to bring back...him...On the other hand, he knew the "he" was nessessary for this match. He had fought Naomi before, and he was never more humiliated in his life. He was a different man now, but, the way Naomi took advantage of him still burned in his mind down to his very soul. He smiled as he put the last touch on the Prophet: his signature mask. He breathed deeply to transform into the Prophet of Old. He eventually got the cue to enter. The light's grew dim and his Prophet music blared over the speakers, and out came the mysterious, and rather odd Prophet: Spoiler
The song, "Have Faith" by the Aviators, couldn't describe his life/career more perfectly if it tried. One verse in particular really stood out, especially in this particular match:
"Here on earth your own demons dwell
Like miracles but instead from hell
Now the enemy shows herself
But father where are you?
Through the darkness I've become lost
Searching for this to bear my cross
Now I'm ready to pay the cost
But will you be there too?"
The question in the song was answered in the chorus:
"You gotta have FAITH
To deliver from evil
You gotta have FAITH
In the shadow of death
You gotta keep pace
Looking over your shoulder
You gotta embrace
Your final breath
You gotta take up
Your sinner's burden
To wear it on trial
Like a crown of thorns
You need to hold tight
Like a man on a mission
You gotta cut off
These devil's horns"
By now, Isaiah had already gotten to the ring, and finally got a glimpse of this ghost of the past, who hadn't changed a bit. She looked perplexed at The Prophet, and almost seemed...scared. Isaiah went to his knees with a Bible in his right hand, opened to the Book of Isaiah, his arms oustretched, like an overzealus preacher. He got up, put the Bible aside and glared at the confused Naomi as the lights came back on...
Indeed there was this unexpected chill in the air as whatever Naomi had expected of her former "fun" opponent faded when he arrived. It seemed that Isaiah had developed a new look since they last clashed, one that was much more serious and dare one say it a bit intimidating as Naomi's casual demeanor faded in a hurry as she watched Isaiah or rather "The Prophet" made his entrance.
The chorus of his theme seemed to only add to the atmosphere, though Naomi had not yet considered wetting herself like the poor referee and stood tall in her corner even if the aura had this subconscious effect on her that for the life of her she could not explain. Once he entered the ring the theme came to a gradual stop as he seemed to come to a prayer before he glanced the way at her mask and all as she worked to find her voice before speaking at him.
"So...seems you've, updated your look..." Naomi commented, not quite sassy but projecting some casual confidence or least attempting to as she turned to her verbal words as a weapon as she opened up a convo.
"You certainly haven't..." Isaiah quipped as he beganthe long process of removing his entrance gear. Even though he hated this persona, he had to admit, it did what it was intended to do: throw off his opponents. Isaiah, though, knew that entrance alone wasn't going to win this match, and, even though Isaiah had hanged a lot since his last match with Naomi, there was a few things that remained, one, was his irrational fear of kissing, and two, he still found Naomi rather attractive. He finally took off his signature mask to reveal The Prophet's fatal flaw: Even after one of the more creepy entrances in LAW, he was still human, and more than a little boyish: Spoiler
Isaiah went to his corner and asked sarcastically, "Tell me, are you going to use the old tricks you used on me last time? Because I'm a lot more...grabby now..." Isaiah said with a smirk, Isaiah nodded to the ref to get this started.
As the atmosphere of the entrance worked to die down, Naomi had managed to mostly hold herself comparatively to fans in the crowd as the reality of this began to set in. This guy was not some larger than life figure, and even if he gained a new persona and confidence boost he was still a man the same man she had bested once before. Something which only seemed confirmed to her as he removed his mask and exposed his rather pretty face which caused Naomi to smirk back at him.
"I go with what works, so I suppose we'll have to find out~" Naomi said back with a wink as the referee checked both competitors over before the bell would sound and Naomi moved in a grapple position to the center.
It seemed to Isaiah that Naomi hadn't changed at all. In a way, he kind of pitied her, but, this was no time for pity parties. Naomi signaled for the match to begin, and so it shall. Naomi seemingly wanted a lockup, and, seeing as that's what he was going to do anyway, obliged. Isaiah and Naomi locked up, and, as it seemed at the moment, their strength was fairly equal, as Isaiah couldn't get a clear advantage, but, neither could Naomi...
Indeed, Naomi was the same an as such while she was playful and loved to tease she could be serious when fitting as shown with the lock up as she pushed against Isaiah and both seemed evenly matched. Naomi knew she needed to flip this as neither were going anywhere, so she'd attempt to pull Isaiah into a side headlock as she'd squeeze and try to establish leverage in her favor.
Isaiah was considering just breaking the hold and movingon to something else, but, Naomi beat him to it as a sudden shift in Naomi's stance ent him unbalanced him just enough for her to take advantage and put him into a side headlock. Isaiah's face turned slightly red as Naomi's breasts kept crashing into his face, "Nope, haven't changed at all. It's actually quite reassuring. However, I'm not afraid to get frisky either..." Isaiah said as he suddenly grabbed Naomi's butt, hoping the shock would make Naomi let him go...
Naomi squeezed and tightened on the hold, smirking a bit as this seemed to begin like their old match. Something Isaiah seemed to comment on, but he showed that he had changed in more ways than a new entrance attire as without warning he grasped at her ass which caused Naomi to soften her hold for a moment out of surprise. "Oh my, seems someone has become a more cultured mind~" Naomi said, as she tried to regrip on the hold and if she could would try to flip him over and drive him to the canvas in this side headlock to further drive the pressure on.
"Don't know why I thought that would work..." thought Isaiah as Naomi seemed amused by his "advances" Isaiah knew now that fighting fire with fire wasn't the way to go, so he decided on the old fashioned way, and simply out-play Naomi. It was clear that Naomi wanted to increase her leverage on him, and he had better act fast, With one mighty shove, Isaiah would attempt to get out of the headlock, and, if successful, continue with punch straight to Naomi's exposed gut, hoping to wear down his opponent.