Aoki Natsumi vs Cyber Widow - Submission Match

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Re: Aoki Natsumi vs Cyber Widow - Submission Match

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One could say that Aoki still hadn’t got a proper payback from all Cyber had done. After all the pain she endured at ringside that still managed to linger through and through up until now, all she gave was a pounding with her heavy backside. Quite frankly, though, it was more than enough for her as a wicked grin embellished her face. Their failing attempt to get out was the epitome of her dominance. It was the diminuendo of their struggles in her smother that gets her every time.

She felt so over the top that she even forgot the stipulation of the match. The pin would have been just ceremonious anyway if there was any, she thought. Those were the only thoughts that crossed her mind until...

A sudden pain burned her backside like a raging flame! The hard chomp instantly managed to buck her off Cyber's face—a throne she had grown a liking already after just sitting on it for a while. An agonizing scream roared from her throat as she instinctively pulled away, trying to escape any chance of being bitten again. On all fours, she would then crash on the mat not afar from her foe with one hand tucked under her bust and the other on the bitten spot, heaving in pain.

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Re: Aoki Natsumi vs Cyber Widow - Submission Match

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Biting for everything she was worth wanting to make Aoki pay for trying to humiliate her like this. The nerve of this woman trying to face sit her like that to get a victory... Unheard of and something that she will make sure Aoki every bit of humiliation ten-fold... CyberWidow would make damn sure of that.

Letting out a loud gasp getting her wind back, slowly rolling over to her hands and knees. Giving the purple clad woman a death glare before getting to her feet stalking her fallen opponent like prey.

Placing her foot down on top of the woman rear end grinding her foot against it to keep the woman pinned down. "You made a foolishly mistake doing that you little twit." Before getting of and stomping on the back of the woman head with her foot. wanting to stun her and make it easy to finish her off.

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Re: Aoki Natsumi vs Cyber Widow - Submission Match

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The bite stung her plump backside hard, making her jerk away Widow's face like touching something scalding hot. Her eyes teary and clammed shut, chewing her upper lips as she winced. Facedown on the mat, hips prodded skyward; one hand tried to soothe the sore spot. She thought she had it, but reality soon struck—it's far from over.

But just as she was struggling to push herself back up, Cyber ruthlessly slammed her face-first to the mat with a stomp! The thump of skull clashing with the cold, unforgiving canvas met all ears. It made the crowd recoil at the sight. No sound came out of Aoki but a feeble groan when her face bounced back up. Her eyes were glassy; the Purple Empress seemingly unaware of her whereabouts as her head spun crazy. Soon, she'd fall into a lull, her head under the luscious cloak of her blue hair. Limbs sprawled over the mat, unmoving except writhes and twitches.

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Re: Aoki Natsumi vs Cyber Widow - Submission Match

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To be fair ... the bitch did give her a scare, especially with that rear of hers almost knocking her out just like that first time she got back into the ring for training... getting squeezed like that and going limp... nasty business but it made her able to handle things like this.

But now... it time for some payback and sweet revenge... and Widow is all about revenge at this point, yanking Aoki to her feet placing her against the ropes.

"Good try Jobber girl.." Irish whipping her into the ropes, and jumps up when she comes back. Going for her finisher "The Frankensteiner landing on Aoki shoulders and falls backwards, taking Aoki off her feet and slamming her head first into the mat.

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Re: Aoki Natsumi vs Cyber Widow - Submission Match

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Her face smacked the canvas before she even knew what was coming, stirred into nothingness by Cyber's boot. Even her response was late, taking the form of a faltering whimper as she descended into silence. At least, there was some semblance of mercy in it—cold, brutal but swift. Granted, the look on Aoki's face as her head recoiled told a different story. Ah, how hard it would be to paint. Yes, there's peace on it, but trails of suffering and frustration riddled it. Where did she go wrong? Even if her mind could register those thoughts, there'd be no answer; nothing.

Soon, Cyber took hold of her encumbered frame. Hefted up, her saggy limbs merely followed—like those of a marionette doll. Then, an Irish whip. The only thing that stopped her from stumbling downward was the momentum of the throw. She bounced off of the ropes and into her foe.

Cyber's meaty legs then ensnared her head. A flip, a snap. A second later and she was upside down as she crashed onto the mat. The cacophonous sound of the painful meeting of canvas and skull made the crowd shrink into their seats. The impact of the move made her heavyweight body bounce off the mat before unceremoniously flopping back to it. Her sprawled limbs motionless, cast upon by a lull spell. Her mind—cloaked by nothingness as dark as it could ever be.

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Re: Aoki Natsumi vs Cyber Widow - Submission Match

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The crowd once alive with cheers for Aoki as she was close to making the infamous CyberWidow pass out from a facesit, now are silenced as the loud thud of Widow stomping on the back of Aoki head stunning her. They quiet down even more seeing what Widow is about to to Aoki next as they see the dreaded Frankenstiner, they all flinch from hearing Aoki head spiking onto the canvas, some even posting about how Aoki neck might be broken from the infamous move.

Widow smiles hearing the thud , that sound of her opponent head spiking into the canvas and knowing that their out cold... or they can't defend themselves from what she wants to do. She can easily have the ref end the match but what the fun in that... Aoki deserves something very special and it only fitting Widow does the same.

Getting to her feet and dragging Aoki to her's as well, slapping the woman awake with a open palm slap. "I'm not finished with you yet... I still need to make you submit Aoki.,.. Now scream for me and tell me who better..", Widow taunts wrapping her arms around her opponent waist lifting her up for a bearhug. "I only accept your defeat if you scream your submission."

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Re: Aoki Natsumi vs Cyber Widow - Submission Match

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One could say Aoki's demise was her own upbringing. Confidence ran rampant in her mind as she laid siege on the castle of Widow's skull with her hindquarters. She had faith in her victory. It was evident by how she sat on her face frivolously like a throne, thinking that she had it. Even the crowd bore the same sentiment as the cloud of anticipation loomed above their heads. An inkling that the bell would sing in her favor. Alas, nothing of the sort came, and that confidence soon bit her down in her ass. The tide turned swift and mighty against the Purple Empress, swallowing her whole!

How long has it been since her dominance last reigned? A minute? Seconds or mere moments ago? Ah, it wouldn't matter. Aoki had become one with the mat with her limbs splayed all over. Facedown, her bum perked up, bouncing light off her tight outfit like perfect purple mountains. Her mind was blank like a canvas, fuzziness clouded everything. Two powerful moves were all it took. Two unhinging maneuvers sapped the strength out of her completely.

But still, only when the verbal surrender of one cemented the dominance of the other could put this match to an end. So, Cyber hefted her limp body up again. Her limbs seemed shackled by gravity as they continued to dip down to the canvas as she rose. Then, in the worst way to be woken up, Aoki slowly felt pain building upon her spine and ribs. Her upper body craned upward, looking at the ceiling; her lower body tensed and thrashed. "Gah! Ngahhhahh!" Still too groggy, Aoki could only voice out her suffering in a crescendo of her mewls.

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Re: Aoki Natsumi vs Cyber Widow - Submission Match

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Close.... Widow was close to losing in that humiliating fashion. She hasn't been humiliated like this since she showed up at that gym and trained with that woman who dominated her, even having the nerve to leave her stripped bare in the middle of the ring. Thank god there was no camera's or anything allowed so that footage would never been seen....Hopefully

So to save face and adding some humiliation of her own She has Aoki in her arms in the vice like bearhug, squeezing her opponent mid section as hard as she can just to hear Aoki submit to her. The sadist in Widow is coming out more, feeling Aoki losing her breath and seeing her sagging and waking up in pain from the hold. Enjoying the woman screams and mewls.

"Come on Aoki I know you can do better then that... Maybe if I do this.." Mocking and taunting her opponent now, even lifting Aoki off her feet starting to rock her from side to side focusing more on her lower back.

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Re: Aoki Natsumi vs Cyber Widow - Submission Match

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An interlude of silence engulfed the ring. Laid belly down was The Purple Empress, undone with a Frankensteiner. It was decided by then, even moreso when the bearhug clamped in. But Aoki was determined to continue. To fight on. To turn things around in the most explosive manner. She dare not lose again. Not after her dreary debut. She should have been the one dominating, living up to her name - The Empress. Use their body as the podium for her foot.

Those words filled the purple fighter's mind as her hands gripped their constrictor arms. She tried to pry it off with the last drops of her strength. No matter how weak her attempt was, how withered she was. She kept it, thinking that there's still hope to be had if she tried enough.

Alas, none of those hope ever appeared. Hefted up, the pain on her back grew tenfold. Her screams filled the arena with her anguish. Her face craned to the ceiling; eyes welled up in tears and mouth agape. The pain was overbearing as she tried to push their shoulder for a breathing space. Soon scratching it as an effort to alleviate the pain. Her back arched, pulling her further inside the hold; her lower body tensed and thrashed.

"Ngahhahhh! I submit! I submit!" Aoki pleaded, nodding her head to top off her words. It was just too much, and the Empress could take no more as she swore she heard something pop down her spine; ribs perked up right in the alley of her lungs constricting air.

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Re: Aoki Natsumi vs Cyber Widow - Submission Match

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As they say an eye for an eye when someone get's the drop on you, or just wanting to get back at the person who humiliated you in a big way. Widow is wanting to milk this for as long as she can right now, wanting Aoki to suffer for the humiliating face sitting smother that she had her in, or the other embarrassing things this woman did to her. Widow plans to return it ten-fold and she is going to enjoy every minute of it.

Seeing the look of agony and pain on her opponent face, sends a rush she hasn't felt in a long time since she injured her last big injury she done. But this is just like that again and she doesn't want it to end... At least not to earlier or to soon.

Hearing Aoki submit to the bearhug didn't bring any joy to her face... But she knows what will still squeezing the poor woman tighter in her embrace not letting go. But she brings Aoki close to her to whisper in her ear "I'm not done with you Aoki-Chan... Beside I'm not done humiliating you yet..."

Squeezing the hug just as tight not letting go even after the bell has rung. "Scream for me Aoki chan who my little bitch..?

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